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Posts posted by jm91

  1. 7 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:

    California has a lot going for it.....high taxes, ever increasing government 'involvement' in individual and business, giving away tax payer dollars to those who don't 'contribute'.  I could go on but I'll just leave it there....

    I agree California is giving away tax dollars to those who don't contribute - giving more money to companies like Tesla is a waste. 

    Glad you see that as well. 

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Crazy Alex said:

    Yes, I vividly recall all the conservatives siding with Obama when he signed electric vehicle subsidies into law. ????????




    I am fine with funding education. But I expect RESULTS. Throwing money at a problem isn't a solution.

    What is your point? 

    Seriously what is your point? Do you believe the education system in the US is bad? If so then be clear about what you are saying. It is not the difficult to be clear. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    Come on man, listen to what you are saying. You're are arguing that all of the contact precautions have been selectively reducing covid virus but excluding the influenza virus. You are saying all of the covid measures to reduce the virus only work for covid. You can't really be serious with this assertion?

    I just checked the USA CDC website. The USA is experiencing a low flu season with lower deaths. The lockdown is working. Up next I predict another false assertion based on faulty reasoning backed by fox entertainment facts. Or some other suspect source. 

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    Come on man, listen to what you are saying. You're are arguing that all of the contact precautions have been selectively reducing covid virus but excluding the influenza virus. You are saying all of the covid measures to reduce the virus only work for covid. You can't really be serious with this assertion?

    You create a strawman argument. The us Cdc has not released2019 2020  flu season  deaths. If they are lower then lockdown is working. Please try and think things through. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Tounge Thaied said:

    Estimates, ok. Let's consider your assertion, based on speculation? Or are these the so called A.I. modeling that has gotten all of the predicted numbers wrong thus far. The fact remains right now, Influenza world wide still remains the largest killer. Even with the lockdown procedures in place. Even with lockdown, head to head, flu is still outpacing covid. Keep in mind, this is with a flu vaccine. And we have not and will not in the future, lockdown the planet for influenza. So why are we doing it for covid2? If covid is 250 times more lethal, where are the numbers? Where are the official numbers showing 250 times more deaths than influenza? It's not happening. So... why are we shutting down the planet for one new strain of covid that isn't even more deadly than influenza?

    The number of people infected with Covid 19 is much lower than the numbers infected with influenza because of the precautions implemented by governments around the world. 

    Data clearly shows much higher than normal death rates. 

    So the lock down makes sense. 

    The 250 times more lethal is a calculation of the CONSERVATIVE estimated death rates. Do the math yourself. The American CDC estimates are 2 in 100,000 deaths from influenza and 

    from the Italian data, University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory data scientists estimate that the fatality rate in New York City and Santa Clara County in California can be no less than 0.5%, or one of every 200 people infected.

    Science is messy and time consuming but good people are making efforts to make people safe. 

    I here some people claiming this is some plot to enslave people or some other nutter talk - Oh well I guess the nutters will always talk. 


  6. 31 minutes ago, candide said:


    According to the study I linked in my post, there is around twice more excess death than those attributed to Covid-19. So it's very unlikely that numbers are inflated. It's likely to be the opposite situation.

    I read from the American Center for Disease Control website the Flu is fatal in about 2 in 100,000 people. I have seen ESTIMATES that Covid 19 kills about 1 in 200 people. Covid19 then is about 250 times more lethal than the Flu. The 1 in 200 mortality rate may be high or low but given what you posted that there are many uncounted deaths associated with Covid19 the 1 in 200 might be correct. If Covid19 is about 250 times more lethal than the Flu efforts to contain the virus seem reasonable. The anti science anti thinking crown are welcome to comment.  

  7. On 4/28/2020 at 11:24 PM, bendejo said:

    Kind of peculiar that those in US government who were so bent out of shape about 4 Americans who died in Libya they spent millions of $$ and years of investigation are not responding to claims by the likes of Fox News that "these people were going to die anyway."

    If, at their mother's funeral, someone said "she was going to die anyway," how would they take it?  Sick-minded reasoning.  And what for?



    I like your comment. It shows the pure hypocrisy of the modern conservative. Modern conservatives are not about ideas but about holding onto power by any means necessary. Create a false crisis to  rile up their Fox entertainment base and then ignore a real crisis that is killing 10s of thousands. Pure hypocrisy. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 4/28/2020 at 11:24 PM, bendejo said:

    Kind of peculiar that those in US government who were so bent out of shape about 4 Americans who died in Libya they spent millions of $$ and years of investigation are not responding to claims by the likes of Fox News that "these people were going to die anyway."

    If, at their mother's funeral, someone said "she was going to die anyway," how would they take it?  Sick-minded reasoning.  And what for?



    I like your comment. It shows the pure hypocrisy of the modern conservative. Modern conservatives are not about ideas but about holding onto power by any means necessary. Create a false crisis to  rile up their Fox entertainment base and then ignore a real crisis that is killing 10s of thousands. Pure hypocrisy. 

  9. 13 hours ago, Kelsall said:

    All indications are it will be a Biden/Hillary ticket with an agreement that Biden be euthanized immediately after his inauguration.

    And the republican ticked will be trump and pence. Once they loose in November  trump admits to early dementia, which made him engage in repeated criminal act, trump resigns pence pardons him and pence then begs the country for a new election. Pence then threatens to declare a national emergency because god told him he was the chosen one. 

    • Confused 1
  10. "Sounds like an excellent plan. It is easy to be impressed by Mike Pence, his cool and calm demeanor, and close relationship with Trump inspires much confidence. With this virus emergency looming large it is reassuring that Trump and Pence are in charge, more so after seeing the utter chaos, depravity and gutter politics at the democrat debates - it does hammer the point home. The world is lucky to have these 2 at the helm during this storm. Good luck to all of us in overcoming the corona challenge." Here is a quote from one of the cult member on this board. 



    IMHO - Even the most diehard trump cultists are posting fewer mindless posts blindly following their cult leader. I suspect they are still cult member but just maybe have a small bit of realization that their dear leader is a fool..even though they fully support him. 


    I see that as a good sign..but maybe not. The cult members remind me of stories about the soviet union under Stalin - If there was some failure - a factory not meeting quota for example the factory manager was at fault  the system and their dear leader Stalin were perfect so everything else had to be at blame. Pure cult of personality.   

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