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Posts posted by katyusha

  1. PS  Kat, by the way don't dare me into some debate with you.  I will make you lose face in two seconds.

    Really ?

    At the moment, all you are is a big mouth, so bring it on and put your wordskills where your flapping gums are!

    If you have anything worthwhile to say then I'll compliment you, as I complimented Ravisher.

    If you turn out to be just another pretend Buddhist or closet paedophile or useless wannabe member of the fomum's intelligentsia then I'll just consign your words to the scrapheap with theirs.

    Let's dance!

  2. What Dorkmght is really saying is; "When I tried to be a smart-arse with Katyusha she spanked my soft little bottom, so I'd like you all to back me up in my campaign to have her banned."

    Dry your tears Dorkie. I'll be gone overseas in a few days, ban or not. Maybe we can meet in Thailand in a month or so and you can insult me to my face. PM me your address. :o

  3. That's very profound, and I don't really know what to say in response. If you're not Buddhist, you should be. You're certainly closer to the Universal Thinker than some of the trashy minds professing to be Buddhist on this forum.

    It's actually the same what i say, but you're so blinded by your rage and racist mindset that you can not even acknowledge it.

    Don't even think about comparing the mindless crap you write with what Ravisher said, you pompous poltroon.

    You won't live long enough to be fit to kiss his boots!

  4. [i tried for months to adopt a little Afgfhan girl to give her a better life, and if she was still alive I would still be trying.

    Luckily for her you failed in that attempt Kate , as you well know there are reasons why your government does not allow people like you to adopt.

    Only a filthy scum paedophile would even think such thoughts about my intentions.

    Seek psychiatric counselling, PERVERT.

  5. [Yet you rejects the post i make. The post about the girl is to get MS Katyusha to think.


    It was a low despicable post to denigrate me and make yourself look like a big man to your fellow pogues on this forum, you pathetic mewling punk.

    If you don't carry a gun, you can't shoot.

    If you don't belong to a country, you can't fight for it.

    if you don't belong to a race, you can't be racist.

    If you don't belong to a religion, you can't condem others.

    If you don't side with something, there's no OTHER side.

    If you don't have a pair, you can call yourself "Darknight".

  6. When it's someone else's son or daughter I'm a "right wing paramilitary type" and "full of hate", but if it was your son or daughter being threatened with decapitation by raghead terrorists you would be down on your miserable knees begging me or someone just like me to do whatever it takes to rescue him or her, up to and including nuking Iraq.

    In order to understand the above, one must first understand the human condition. Yes, I would nuke Iraq... or any other country to save one of my kids from such a fate.

    An honest man!

    I salute you!

    Men who speak from the heart are a rarity on this forum!

    But there are people who would not, or could not. It takes all kinds of minds to make up a world.

    I know such people exist, but I find it hard to undrstand those who would not or could not kill to save their own child. In nature, nothing is stronger than the love of a mother for her young. I don't regard myself as the bloodthirsty stone killer some people on this forum try to portray me, but I would kill to save anyone's child.

    What happened in southern Thailand is nobody's fault, nobody to blame. It came about through a set of circumstances and the human condition. We are all 'conditioned', brainwashed by our environments. The terrorists have the same brain that the rest of us have... the same intelligence we have on average. Can we blame them for thier conditioning? They, as we, are 'victims' of the various environments we were all born into. There is no blame, not for the Iraq war, the First World War or any war, or the incident in southern Thailand. Soldiers do what they do... terrorists do what they do... we on this forum do what we do... side with one or the other... judge... give opinions... ALL is a direct result of the human condition. No blame, no fault, no right or wrong... just doing what we do.

    That's very profound, and I don't really know what to say in response. If you're not Buddhist, you should be. You're certainly closer to the Universal Thinker than some of the trashy minds professing to be Buddhist on this forum.

    Like the good man said, "Let him without guilt throw the first stone." We are ALL guilty of being human.

    Yes, and sooner or later we must all pay the ferryman.

    Thank you for your thoughts.

  7. maybe this Was one of the "raghead" Girls you were talking about Katyusha???

    Darknight, you are without doubt the most despicable piece of shit on this forum!

    I tried for months to adopt a little Afgfhan girl to give her a better life, and if she was still alive I would still be trying. What have YOU ever done to help anyone except yourself in your entire miserable life ?

    I would shoot anyone who deliberately killed a child in my presence on the spot, without hesitation. ANYONE!

    You can be PROUD you're a Soldier ....

    I am.

    I walk with my head held high.

    You should walk with yours hanging in shame for being such an evil-minded little prick!

    You disgust me!

  8. According to Channel 5 news last night, the government in an admission of guilt, has made an offer of compensation to appease the family members for the death of their loved ones. They will receive the princely amount of B10,000 (US$243.75) per casualty.

    That's $1.62 a pound for an average 150 pound Thai. What's the supermarket price of hamburger in the States these days?

    Certainly lends credence to the comments that they were treated like animals.

    I would have expected an avid terrorist sympathizer like you to tithe 50% of your weekly wage to help out.

  9. Certainly, there should be a probe, and those police who mistreated should be punished,

    Punished only if the mistreatment was deliberate SoCal.

    I don't think it WAS deliberate.

    If just one soldier thought an arrestee was in danger of being suffocated due to the mode of transport, I'm sure he would have spoken up.

    Whether or not you consider a few kicks and a clouts with rifle butts "mistreatment" or not is another matter altogether.

  10. I for one would like to see responsibility taken on both sides, and honest talks held,

    It won't happen.

    The rioters will claim they had a right to throw rocks at police and soldiers and spit in their faces because they were infidel Buddhists, and they will never accept the fact that if they hadn't been rioting in the first place then none of them would have been arrested and none of them would have subsequently been suffocated under a pile of their fellow rioters.

    The police and military will claim they had the right to defend themselves against attack by the rioters and the obligation to protect non-rioting civilians and their property. A few <deleted> might be kicked, but no heads will roll.

  11. You're up very early sTROLL.

    Did you have to take your trainees on a 20km run at 0500, or did you piss the bed ?

    Do you think all of the 1300 arrested protesters and 86 dead were 'terrorists' who do not deserve to be transported in a way any live creature would deserve?

    You and the other armchair generals on this forum seem to have the notion firmly implanted in your tiny minds that the 1300 arrestees were stacked 10 deep in the trucks for the express purpose of suffocating a few.

    I suppose being so godlike and infallible yourself makes it hard for you to believe that the soldiers you regard as brainwashed zombie killing machines may have made mistakes and that those deaths were not the result of deliberate mistreatment.

  12. The "little girl walking a dog' scenario is an impossible question to answer unless you've been there and are talking about experience - any armchair answer is pure BS. I feel very sorry for anyone having to make the decision between the lives of men/women that have entrusted their lives to them and an innocent bystander. Unfortunatly, war is war and morality sometimes has to be broken in the effort to survive and keep those important to you alive.

    The model pacifist answer would have been withdraw I suppose, but that is often far easier said than done. Hitting her would cause noise; to knock her unconscious would mean a great blow and this could be a noisy messy death too. Noise calls the enermy and the dog would bark too. She may also be an armed combatant too - in a war zone where the enermy gives guns to children, and in an enermy compund, maybe one has to play the odds.

    Anyway you look at it, its a nasty situation. This is why Katy posed it I guess. It is also why governments train people like Katy, her colleagues and superiors to make these decisions. For most, the public are happy with the decisions as long as they don't get to hear about it!

    I have to agree within reason with both camps.

    I do believe this was an almighty balls up and at least an investigation should ensue. From this incompetant or corrupt officials that might have had hand in it should be sacked (or prosecuted, investigation pending) and hopefully recommendations as to how to deal with this better in the future should also come to light.

    I also beleave that the Govt and the millitary command, at least, did not order the slaying of these people. Indeed, it seems to me that they actively tried to restrict the possibility of death by arresting rather than shooting. As Katy implied, it was incompetance that lead to them being stacked into trucks that lead to their deaths. Better trained/experienced troops/police, better logistics and greater resources would have seen the prisoners safe. The deaths were from negligence rather than premeditation - man slaughter at worse, rather than murder.

    Of course, if they were not rioting in an area of continual armed insurgence and armed attacks against the legal establishment, then they would not have been stacked into the trucks in the first place; death by misadventure?

    I have no disagreement with anything you said.

    Yours is a voice of sanity and reason amid a cacophony of mindless stupidity.

  13. You make too many assumptions about people.  I do not get my information from newspapers or the Thai goverment or border patrol for that matter.  I have done extensive professional research on the political situation in Burma, and have worked with Burmese refugees and migrants for over 2 years.

    But have yoiu ever BEEN up there ?

    I think you are confused in your statements, because the KNU and the Karen are different than the Shan;

    I'm not even slightly confused. I said "IN the Shan".

    I think you may be confusing the KNU with United Wa State Army

    I know the difference between UWSA and KNU.

    Christian Karens are treated by suspicion by ill-informed people who discriminate on the basis of religion and other issues.

    I discriminate on the basis of "If you have an AK-47 and you point it in my general direction then I will shoot you first and figure out who you were later."

    If you are getting your information from Thai Border Patrol, then this explains your warped and inaccurate understanding of the KNU and Christian Karens in Thailand.

    OK. Your extensive professional research on the political situation in Burma makes you the on the ground warfare expert. No skin off my nose.

  14. So according to you it was OK for a bunch of raghead psychos to murder 3000+ innocent civilians because it was "what the US was asking for for a long time" ?

    I didn't say that, but i mean you get what you sow.

    Earlier this year a little girl I loved stepped on a mine left behind by the Russians 15 years ago.

    By your reasoning I should be permitted to crash planes into the Kremlin and the Hermitage and the GUM department store and kill a few thousand innocent civilians ?

    How many innocent civilians have you killed?

    I'll answer that question with another which should be easy for an armchair warfare expert like you to answer, Dorknight;

    You're leading a four man team, hunkered down behind the rocks about 120 metres from a village hosting fifteen Taliban fighters.

    You have all the Taliban tagged and placed. You plan to hit them in five minutes, during the next Salaah. With surprise on your side you can take them all out easily as they kneel to pray.

    A little girl with a puppy on a leash approaches your position. A couple of metres away she spots you, and freezes.

    Do you let her raise the alarm, resulting in certain capture and maybe death for you and your team, or do you ignore the military code of honor and the rules of engagement and slit her throat, then hit the village before she's missed ?

    It just shows how brainwashed you are, always knew that soldiers were thought not to think....

    Now you're sounding almost as stupid as JimJam.

    My time is limited, and I have none to waste on insignificant nobodies with nothing of consequence to say.

    Lift your game, or I'll have to put you on my "Ignore" list.

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