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Posts posted by katyusha

  1. Well you sure are a real Bitch, Bitch  :o

    I'm more woman than you'll ever get and more man than you'll ever be, Dorknight.

    Learn to live with it.

    The US got simply what is was asking for for a long time. Talk about ignorance....

    Sure that thought didn't enter you limited brain yet  :D

    So according to you it was OK for a bunch of raghead psychos to murder 3000+ innocent civilians because it was "what the US was asking for for a long time" ?

    You disgust me, you worthless piece of trash!

    I hope Homeland Security reads your crap and sends someone to twep you!

  2. The world is increasingly a complex place, and there are no clearcut categories of villans or heros, righteous or evil.  I tend to agree with Guran, Stroll, and Jem Jem, but at the same time I understand why Katyusha may have his anger. 

    I'm a "her".

    I can sympathize with what might possibly be pain talking.  Anger is really nothing more than pain turned inside out. 

    What do you know about pain Kat ?

    Have you ever held a 10 year old boy in your arms, trying to keep his face turned away from where his arm and shoulder used to be, while lying through your teeth and telling him he wasn't going to die ?

    Have you ever had a 5 year old girl you loved more than your own life step on a mine and bleed to death before anyone could reach her ?

    If I let pain control my anger I would destroy everything in my path.

    However, no thinking person should resort to calling Arabs or Muslims "raghead", because this is racist. 

    In Afghanistan and Iraq we called everyday Muslims "citizens" or "civvies" and terrorist combatants "ragheads" or "sand niggers". It wasn't racist then, and it's not racist now.

    Under no circumstances should restrained persons under arrest be stacked in worse conditions than cattle for slaughter.  As this was the case, then we can only conclude that they were slaughtered, and this is inexcusable for any "professional" armed force.

    If the arrested rioters had been stacked 10 deep in the trucks for the express purpose of suffocating a few then I would condemn it as "slaughter", but they weren't. Shit happens. If they hadn't been rioting they'd still be alive today.

  3. Hi fellow ladies. Does that make sense?  :o  I love this ladies section and I've cruised through all of the topics.  I'm curious about what type of work you do.  I'm here teaching English - surprise surprise.  I look forward to your replies.  Thanks.

    I'm not your average girl. I've been a soldier for 10 years, and re-upped for another 5. :D

  4. Katyusha (a.k.a. rod kalashnikov)...

    You are an EXTREMELY stupid little man, JumJum.

    if you think you can argue rationally, counter the serious stuff that I wrote in my last post...not just pick one line or paragraph and call me names.

    If the "humanist" crap you espouse was worthy of comment then I would comment.

    It's not, so I won't.

    When it's someone else's son or daughter I'm a "right wing paramilitary type" and "full of hate", but if it was your son or daughter being threatened with decapitation by raghead terrorists you would be down on your miserable knees begging me or someone just like me to do whatever it takes to rescue him or her, up to and including nuking Iraq.

    Go and have one of your faces amputated you stupid little man.

  5. No planes flown into buildings in Thailand yet.

    But a few bomb attacks and killings by Muslims in the South, often shortly after one of the "unfortunate accidents" which seem to happen when Thai police perform their duty.

    Ah, I see it all clearly now sTROLL. You're saying the murders of Buddhist monks in the south of Thailand are justified paybacks for raghead grievances over police brutality.

  6. Has Thailand Lost Its Conscience?

    In a predominantly Buddhist country that ascribes to itself such noble attributes as compassion, respect for the sanctity of life and tolerance, the silence of the voice of conscience is deafening.

    Maybe the people of this predominantly Buddhist country have run out of compassion, respect for the sanctity of life, and tolerance, and no longer care about the fate of those who belong to the same faith as the raghead lunatics who crash planes into buildings and bomb nightclubs and embassies and hack the heads off screaming hostages on TV and murder Buddhist monks and policemen in their own back yard.

  7. You may not like me or what I do for a living sTROLL, but while you're tucked up safe and warm in your bed,

    People like you who i would call brainwashed soldiers.... fight for the country..... save the US honour ... bla bla bla

    Are probably the reason why we DON'T sleep safe in our beds anymore :o

    No war has ever been won, only lost on all sides.....

    Are you a consciencious objector, or just a coward ?

  8. To demand that people are held responsible for their actions is not the same as crucifying them for all the wrongs in the world.

    So who do you suggest we hold responsible ? The soldiers who lost it and let prisoners die because they were too inexperienced to consider the possible consequences of their actions ? The Thai army for not having a combat veteran to put in charge to hold it all together ? The army psychologists who didn't predict emotional breakdown in troops who felt their lives were under threat ? Yourself for not bravely standing between the soldiers and the rioters waving a white flag and brokering a peace treaty ?

  9. I'm a highly trained professional soldier. I've been in Timor, Afghanistan (twice), and Iraq, and patrolled the Thai/Burma border.

    I doubt it. Or your tour of duty against "unruly mob of ragheads waving clubs and machetes" has impaired your judgement.

    You're definitely better at defending your AIDS spreading paedophile countrymen than you are at spreading the raghead gospel sTROLL.

    As more information comes to light it becomes clear that a number of those "unarmed demonstrators" were carrying AK-47s and pistols, and a couple of the cheeky buggers even brought M-16s stolen from the Thai military last month to the party, so perhaps "terrorists" isn't so far off the mark.

    Can you provide a link to this 'information', or is it based on your 'professional judgement' to regard rioting youth as 'terrorists', deserving to die?

    Don't believe everything you read on Al Jazeera sTROLL.

    Perhaps I get my information from better sources than you, but I imagine all will be revealed in the fullness of time.

    The rioters were found in possession of or discarded at the scene;

    21 assorted pistols

    5 AK-47s

    2 M-16s

    3 hand grenades

    A pile of assorted clubs and knives

    Remember, you read it here first!

    Oh, by the way, put some THOUGHT into your responses in future, or piss off and annoy someone else. You're starting to bore me with your stupidity.

  10. I've just watched the video of the incedent,

    i don't back these people at all but the way they died was tragic

    It was.

    It should not have happened.

    If the soldiers had been more experienced, it probably would not have happened.

    Where do we go from here ? Should we crucify the soldiers because their emotions were in a mess and they were not thinking clearly enough to prevent this tragedy, or should we just crucify Thaksin Shinawatra for this and everything else that's wrong with Thailand ?

  11. A soldier! Ultimately trained to kill, and follow orders whether they are right or wrong!

    I said this in another post a few minutes ago; "A soldier must obey any direct order except one which is clearly criminal or is in clear violation of the rules of engagement, in which case he or she is obliged to refuse to obey that order."

    You obviously have never seved in the military and have no idea what it's all about.

    People with your mentality threw blood at my father when he returned from Vietnam. He walked away.

    Let me know if you would like to throw blood at me next time I'm in Thailand. I won't walk away.

  12. contained and restrained prisoners do not constitute a threat and should have been treated with some human respect and dignity.

    A soldier must obey any direct order except one which is clearly criminal or is in clear violation of the rules of engagement, in which case he or she is obliged to refuse to obey that order.

    If I'd ordered my team to seek out and shoot any Pattani rioter who was carrying a weapon then they would have obeyed me without question, but if I'd ordered them to stack prisoners 10 deep in the backs of trucks then I'm sure they would have realized that prisoners on lower levels could be injured or killed and would have faced me down. I can confidently say this because my guys are well trained and combat experienced. They would have remained calm, and would have been thinking clearly.

    From what I saw on TV, some Thai soldiers seemed to have lost control of their anger. This was probably "rubber band rage", which can follow intense fear. When the tide of battle turns, fear can give way to relief, which can give way to rage and the all-consuming desire to lash out and kill someone. Then you've lost it. Then you become a wild animal. Those same soldiers may have been afraid for their lives only a few minutes earlier.

    The way "rubber band rage" sodiers would have seen it, they'd won against overwhelming odds and the ragheads were on the run. In their euphoric state of mind they wouldn't have given the possibility that prisoners buried 10 deep under the bodies of other prisoners might suffer injury or death a second thought.

    Those 78 deaths are a tragedy that should never have happened, but shit does happen, and "murder", "the wilful and deliberate and premeditated unlawful taking of human life", is an inaccurate term for this particular shit.

  13. I think they acted with remarkable restraint. I would have expected the dath and injury toll to be much higher under the circumstances.

    I suggest they were not "massively outnumbered by armed Muslim fanatics", but facing an angry crowd of people, which leads me to say they were not restrained enough. Don't police undergo training on how to operate without being overwhelmed by feelings of fear or rage?

    Training is one thing. Combat is another. I'm a highly trained professional soldier. I've been in Timor, Afghanistan (twice), and Iraq, and patrolled the Thai/Burma border. Very few Thai soldiers have seen combat.

    What qualifies you to pass judgement on the feelings of inexperienced soldiers who find themselves outnumbered 10:1 by a shouting unruly mob of ragheads waving clubs and machetes and firing shots in the air ?

    I also like to point out how this discussion has moved to labelling unarmed demonstrators as terrorists, thus desguising one's own hatered and satisfaction derived from their deaths and the way they died.

    As more information comes to light it becomes clear that a number of those "unarmed demonstrators" were carrying AK-47s and pistols, and a couple of the cheeky buggers even brought M-16s stolen from the Thai military last month to the party, so perhaps "terrorists" isn't so far off the mark.

    I derive no satisfaction from their deaths and the way they died, but I can understand how and why it happened. You may not like me or what I do for a living sTROLL, but while you're tucked up safe and warm in your bed, remember that people like me are the reason people like you CAN'T understand how and why it happened.

  14. Surely you're not so naive that you think foreign news teams would have been allowed to leave the area alive if Thaksin was serious about keeping the lid on ?

    An incident of that nature (the murder of an international news team) would result in the complete collapse of this government very quickly.


    You live in a dream world.

    The news team would have been killed with the same weapons used by Muslim terrorists, not with Thai military or police issue weapons.

    Their vehicle would have been taken out with an RPG-7, and any survivors would have been finished off with AK-47s.

    PULO would have claimed responsibility on the Al Jazeera website. "The blood of the infidel reporters was shed on the holy soil of Pattani in the name of Allah."

  15. 78 less terrorists in the world

       Why complain?

    Because by doing so in this manner, it only creates hundreds more that might not have otherwise become terrorists. The population of the Deep South is over 3 million. Do we really want that many terrorists?

    I'm not dancing in the street over the way the arrestees died or the clubbings and kickings that preceded some of those deaths, but hey, shit happens. Unless you've been confronted by an angry mob which included professional agitators reported by intelligence as being armed with assault rifles and pistols, how do you know what your own reaction would be ?

    Muslim agitators in Afghanistan and Iraq often fired AK-47s into the air to turn demonstrators into an unruly mob, thereby provoking the desired response from police and soldiers for the ever present Al Jazeera TV cameras. TV news coverage of the Pattani riot carries the sound of single shots plus several sustained bursts of of automatic fire, but media reports say only 6 rioters suffered gunshot wounds. Where did the hundreds of other bullets go ?

    I'm not a government sponsored thug or a uniformed homicidal maniac. I'm a soldier. I've faced situations in which we've been massively outnumbered by armed Muslim fanatics, so I have some idea what was going through the minds of those policemen and soldiers. With my view of the event limited to what I've seen on TV, I think they acted with remarkable restraint. I would have expected the dath and injury toll to be much higher under the circumstances.

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