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About sfbandung

  • Birthday 05/12/1964

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  1. So, how long are you going to Thailand for? About 25 years ...
  2. Dear oh dear. How does one wind up in this pitiful situation? As above, USD300 for your reputation to be trashed. He wasn't aware of the CCTV and a regular so guaranteed to be identified? Not the sharpest knife in the drawer that's for sure.
  3. Her charge is entirely political. Negligence? Jesus, almost every politician in the world would be in jail.
  4. He will have a slightly longer holiday than he had anticipated. What a drip.
  5. The waiter probably walked over and said, "So, how are you going to pay?"
  6. Silly to get angry about this. Both are very poor countries with ladies who want out of their current predicament. For either country to look down on the other is just silly. In my experience about 50% of mixed marriages fail, mostly due to unrealistic expectations as a result of the cultural divide, and often large age differences. I have lots of friends married to Thais and Filipinas and the relationships that have survived the early years are very successful.
  7. He is completely in the wrong. The signage is obvious and fair in a food preparation and sale area. Arrogant douche bag.
  8. Things must be pretty grim for the old digger. I feel for him.
  9. Listen to the faux outrage. She is having a bit of fun. Yeah, its a little naughty but she is doing no harm.
  10. Most boats with toilets will discharge immediately or later into the sea anyway. The macerator will shred it first but the result is the same. The ocean is a giant hong nam.
  11. It doesn't matter, there will be a trumped up charge made and she will be the next Shinawatra fugitive. Then there will be another coup because the military will insist on keeping control. Round and round it goes.
  12. What an absolute disgrace. Don't these fools know they won the election?
  13. Beauty queen? Se has that awful manufactured look that comes with having had too much work done. The prima donna act? Who is surprised?
  14. I have always gone with the missus in the Thai Passports section. Last time she used the automatic gate and I went to a manned one. Suvarnabhumi was busy but we were through security and immigration in 15 minutes. It has improved out of sight. Credit where it is due. The following morning we landed in Sydney and it was an absolute nightmare. Like it always is there.
  15. It makes perfect sense that they will all close on April Fool's Day. You cannot put the genie back in the bong ...
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