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  1. Sensitive much? Is making a personal observation trolling? I cannot recall the last time I stumbled on a Canadian or American asking for funds, especially within my acquaintance. I do, however, know a great many British folks and have seen several gofundme campaigns from that sector lately.
  2. brits seem to have glommed on to gofundme with much more aplomb than the rest of the world.
  3. Yes, and when I came to Thailand nearly 30 years ago, I was in contact with home weekly. If I had neglected contact for 2 weeks my folks would have been right to be concerned. They very likely would have done nothing for w a while longer, but relationships differ.
  4. i personally could not care less. I have had access to weed here for decades. the cat is not going back in the bag no matter what they do. the morons had a perfect chance to generate endless tax revenue and they <deleted> it up. now the trade will just go underground again
  5. During the Covid period, I bought an older house and land in Phuket for 4 million baht (100 talangwah). I then renovated it for another 2 million baht. Just last month, I sold it to an expat for 12 million baht – and that's without a desirable view like the sea! That just shows the state of the market these days. I reckon it's a good idea to buy property when the Thai economy seems a bit gloomy. I certainly didn't expect prices to be this high now. 10 to 15 million seems to be the sweet spot and has been for a number of years. Iys pretty hard to flog a property that goes into the 20's unless it beyond spectacluar
  6. indeed, everyone should be as smug, sober and unlikeable as you.
  7. I don't understand why people buy these things from developers. I have a property on one of the islands. I found the land, and built the house. I know everything is legal and well built AND I have a few rai for privacy. living in an obviously sketchy development someone else built is my idea of hell.
  8. Why not just read the translation in the article itself?
  9. Why did nobody post video of the homeless Thai man taking a <deleted> in the middle of Sukhumvit soi 3 the other day? or the taxi drivers that drink whisky on soi 11 and piss on our wall, forcing my neighbor to brick up a window to get the smell of piss out of their kitchen? <deleted> hypocites
  10. because everyone knows the athletes should be wearing easily recognizable sponsored athleisure brands
  11. my only question is that a very robust female agent or a secret service dude in a man bun?
  12. More like cue the realists or anyone that has actually flown Thai
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