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Posts posted by OttoPollmann

  1. Taking off your turban in a place where the opposite sex can see you is against the Quran.

    She should of been searched in a private room by a female officer.

    Please read again.

    The she is a he and nothing is written in the Quran that he has to cover his face.

    Even for women is it not explicit mentioned that they have to wear a burkha.

    You could find this in the Quran Sure 33:59

    O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments.

    That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.

    Anyway! She is still a He.

    And to ascertain that He didn't hide anything under his turban they have the right to check this.

    Otherwise this will set a precendent and we'll get something like this.

    Boom!!! Hundreds of death innocents!!

  2. What is the frequency of collection in Bangkok?

    Every other day in my area.

    Came home about 03:00 the other night and the truck was at my condo block and the guys on the back of the truck were frantically ripping the bags open to see what they could salvage for themselves.

    I don't know what they thought when they came accross my cat poo bag.

    Better than U.K. where i believe you have to separate your rubbish into different bins (and are fined if you do it wrongly) and they are collected every two weeks or so!

    They are looking for goods to sell.

    Plastic/glass bottles, paper/cardboard and metal tins.

    So this poor guys could make some additional income.

  3. Which of thailands nieghbours grows rice a lot better ?


    Even they so much hated Cambodian, Burmese and Laotian growing more rice t/ha then this lazy Thais.


    Those statistics are not the news, until 2010, but you could see a clear stagnation in the last years of it.

    - Indonesia 5.02t/ha

    - Laos 3.59t/ha

    - Cambodia 2.97t/ha

    - Myanmar 4.12t/ha

    - Malaysia 3.64t/ha

    - and now The Pride of Mankind Thailand 2.88t/ha

    Any more questions, ask first Mr. Google..........

  4. No warning light at the truck.

    No warning triangle 100 meter behind the truck on the road.

    No head light on the motorbike.

    No helmet for the motorbike driver.

    Instead some leaves one meter behind the truck on the road.

    And of course some good luck amulet around the neck of the motorbike driver.

    So, for God's sake! Why the hell could this accident happen? After his recovery of the accident, this guy has to talk to his monk.

  5. So, this Economic and Business University has also a statistic that shows how many percent of these workers really care about the future and how to handle with their real incoming?

    It is fact; Thais don't have a common sense of money value.

    Give them an incoming of 100K and on the middle of the month everything is spent.

    That's the way they`re living. Nobody cares what will happen tomorrow. The answer is every time the same “May I'll die so for what I`ve to save some money”.

    I can see this in the rural village I live. The purest of the pure driving the newest pickup truck. Every time I ask myself, how they could finance this with one crop of rice per year.

    It is easy! They`re running with their land to Kasikorn Bank to lend some money! Without any plan how to pay back the loan plus interest. After a year the Bank will get the refund. Now they`ve to go to some lender and the big mess will start. On the end the pickup and the land is gone just for one week fame in the village.

  6. "Witnesses, including one of his Police colleagues saw a Black Mitsubishi Pajero rear-end the officer’s motorbike. The SUV ran over the officer and then fled the scene. The victim died instantly from a catastrophic life-ending head injury."

    If you have a look on these pictures from "PATTAYA ONE NEWS", I am in doubt of this eye witness.

    I cannot see any impact of an over running either on the motorbike or on the police officer.

    If you have seen some rear end accidents with motorbikes/cars then you know all the parts of the motorbike and body are spread around.

    What I can see is that he didn't used his helmet. Normally these BIB don't take their helmets off. But maybe, that's the new safety rules for a investigation you have to use your helmet but for driving a motorbike is it not required.

  7. I normally dislike those "xx deaths per xx population" statistics, because they are sometimes misleading. You can get a much more accurate picture of the real road carnage if you look at the total population of a country.

    For example, Namibia has a population of just 2.1 million. Applying the statistical figure of 45 deaths per 100,000 people to this, we get an overall road toll of 945 people per year.

    Thailand, on the other hand, has a population of roughly 65 million, translating into 28,600 road deaths per year.

    Iran has 78 million, which considering they have "only" 38 road fatalities per 100,000, calculates as a total of 29,640 road deaths per year.

    Suddenly, Namibia doesn't look so bad anymore, does it? But Thailand can certainly shake hands with Iran. They're in the same league.

    Eh? So if a country has a population of 10 and 5 get wiped out in an accident, that's better? Maybe you dislike this kind of statistic because you don't understand them.

    What are you talking about??? Are you sure YOU understand statistics?

    For a country with an assumed population of 10 people (which one?) to have half of its population wiped out in traffic accidents over the course of one year would mean it'd need to have a statistical road fatality rate of either 50,000 people per 100,000 population (if we stick to the deaths/100,000 parameter) or, alternatively, a road death toll of 50 % of the total population per year. Both are ludicrous figures.

    The smallest sovereign country on Earth currently is Vatican City with a total population of 839 people (2012 figure). It's actual road fatality rate is 0 people per 100,000.

    But even if we assume that 2 persons out of those 839 potentially would fall victim to a traffic accident in the Vatican gardens (perhaps by crashing the Papal vehicle against a tree?), the statistical road toll STILL would be 0 per 100,000 - or if you want to be pedantically accurate, it would actually be 0.01678 people per 100,000. On the other hand, saying that 2 people of those 839 died in a road accident simply would give a clearer picture about the true situation. That was all I intended to convey in my post.


    May I have missed something.

    But in case, if it would really happen that at Vatican City 2 people died in a road accident.

    In this kind of statistic, it would be mentioned as 238 out of 100000.

    This is a easy calculation method called rule of porportion.

    Just try it agian, at the your second paragraph you've started with the right calculation.

    The reason why this kind of statistic is not in procentage of the population, it would be a ludicrous low number.

    This would not bring the attention to the point of death on the road.

  8. Look at that doof "Rescue Worker".blink.png

    A real compassionate professional.

    Should have been fired on the spot.

    A real SFBrains...wai2.gifwai.gif


    Because, he‘s laughing?

    You are able to assess somebody's skills on his facial expression?

    I think, to do this rescue service on Thailand roads you must be tough and take it sometimes with some humor.

    And maybe, he did not have seen a long time some moron like this. Fall asleep on a motorbike.

    I am just wondering that not all are finger pointing to an invisible accident.

  9. Why not simply raise taxes on the fags? Tripling the price should encourage people to smoke less.

    1st) They're less than 30 baht a pack in Cambodia. How difficult do you think it would be for someone to cross the border with them illegally and sell them here in Thailand as another TV member posted.

    2nd) There's the liberty question. Why should the government interfere in any individual person's business? If someone wants to smoke why shouldn't they be allowed to smoke? Why should someone be taxed out of the right and/or ability to smoke? What if they taxed alcohol so high nobody could afford it? what then? salt? soda? refined sugar? red meat? To give a government the ability to tax something so high that nobody can afford it is dangerous and slippery slope.

    The reason you should be taxed is to cover the cost of medical care for smoking related diseases and illnesses. Why should non smokers pay for the health care of smokers when everyone knows that smoking is dangerous to your health.

    Perhaps, that’s applicable at your country but not in Thailand.

    What kind of health care system they have? If you go to a government hospital, whatever sickness you have, you just get Paracetamol.

  10. Duh... this is why they became politicians in the first place, at time forking out millions in bribery

    just to be elect to live the life that now they being asked to refrain from...

    Exactly. A huge problem is the "bribes" people pay to get elected. I'm not talking about the 500B at the polling station, I'm talking about all the back room deals with the regions hi-so's.

    I visited a very small town not long ago. Driving down the main road was this huge "mansion". It was massive. Guess who owned it? Right.

    I don't know?

    The local police chief?

    The mayor?

    Or the local drug dealer?

  11. “The army arrested them and found guns, hand grenades, knives — things you’re not allowed to have without permission,” said Winyat.

    “But they said other people asked them to keep them,” he added.


    How stupid you can be, to keep someones weapons on your property.

    They're really thinking, with this common thai excuse to get away from indictment of terrorism.

    Just for this answer, they have to serve 5 years more.

    • Like 2
  12. we are living not fare from Surin.

    3 years ago, someone has tried to burgle in our property.

    At this time I've had only a 4 meters high wall around the house and my dog, at this time 12 years old, didn't gave any signed. I've detected this at the time I was cutting the grass around my area and saw some foot prints on the wall. My wife has told me, at this time also a lot of villager go burgled too.

    However, from this time I've now on the top of the wall some barbwire and a camera system around the area.

    Last year, I've got 3 K-9 dogs from her uncle, after my old one dies. Also I've installed a electric pasture wire, that I've brought along from Germany. I've tried to touch it one time, it gave me a stroke that I'll not forget.

    In the village they just say, Ei Ba Falang, living in the Bangkok Hilton crazy.gif but more impotent is, nobody has tried to burgle again.

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