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Posts posted by OttoPollmann

  1. Nothing unusual for this time of the year.

    Just caught in the garden. My dogs gone crazy, first we didn’t saw any sign of a snake but you could smell it. This python stinks like hell.

    They all looking for a quiet place for oviposition and that is now on the rice patty not possible too many people out there who till the fields.


  2. If fish feeding falls under the DMCR article 17 to protect marine life, what about all the littering of the beaches across Thailand and the overfishing of the sea?

    Maybe, because the enforcement of this law applies only to foreigner and it is just a new way to print money?

  3. The guy must be worldfamous, he scored 15!! thumbsup.gif goals against Buriram United...How come we didn't read that on this forum?

    Dear Sir, please read again.

    He is a Left Back player, a defender.

    In his 6 years for Buriram United he has scored 15 goals.

    Compare with your world-famous Left Back players, however you call them, Ashley Cole, Jordi Alba, Philipp Lahm etc. 15 goals are not so bad.

    Whatsoever, it is just Soccer, a gentleman's game played by hooligans.

  4. Now I know why the village got a new power transformer. I have ask my wife if she is aware about any meeting of the villagers but she didn´t heared anything about some money from the government.

    Anyway, this transformer will not cost more than 150k so the rest goes in the pocket of the village headman.

    He just got elected, now he could get his money back of his bribery.

    The village probably got a new transformer because it was needed.

    Power companies are not stupid, they understand electrical reticulation, that's what keeps them in business.

    Unlike many TV posters

    That’s your opinion.

    I’ve worked with MEA/PEA and I can tell you that is not like they works in this country.

    Thailand is not Europe were you’ve hundreds of providers were you could choose from which you’ll buy your electricity.

    Here you have only 2, which are MEA for Bangkok and PEA for the rest of the country. They are government companies and

    they give a f*** whether or not you have electricity, a little bit or you sit a few days in the darkness.

    However, unlike many TV posters attempt the same standard they have at home and then call others stupid.

    I just refer to Forrest.................. Good on yer, mate!

  5. Now I know why the village got a new power transformer. I have ask my wife if she is aware about any meeting of the villagers but she didn´t heared anything about some money from the government.

    Anyway, this transformer will not cost more than 150k so the rest goes in the pocket of the village headman.

    He just got elected, now he could get his money back of his bribery.

  6. always after the fact, when are the authorities going to actually get ahead of the game and these tourist deaths, unfortunately Thailand doesn't understand the word regulation and standards unless they are forced to from outside e.g. Fishing industry - Air safety

    In the west you might hear of a fatal bus accident maybe once a year - here it is at least once a week

    So, what you want that the Thai-authorities do?

    Teaching this mainland Chinese how to swim?

    With a little bit of common sense, if you are know you have never seen or touched water exept for washing your body.

    Would you jump in the deep blue sea?

  7. If you don`t know how brutal and horrific the attack was, this is the video.

    Warning, it`s very upsetting.

    You are right, that's shows again the brutality and ruthlessness of those youths today, but it also shows again the lack of courage of the bystander. What’s the guy doing with his dog? If I was walking my dog nobody could come close to me and a single command would be enough to get those guys hospitalized.

  8. Tie him up to the local palm tree and let the neighbours chat to him about his evil habit.

    Normally, such things are well known in villages and nothing will happen as long someone from the own family intervene. Tie him up like you say and let his daughter handle this. Give her a castration plier for bulls then give him and the entire village a lesson that he is an animal and must be treated like one.

    UK jails are chock full of men, and some women who have committed child sex abuse, would you apply such a barbaric punishment to them also? We have moved on since medieval times, well,...............perhaps you and a few other TV throwbacks haven't.

    Many studies have shown that you can’t cure this pedophilia and pedophiles they got released form mental hospitality and got called rehabilitate have done this crime again. This is a hormone imbalance in some male bodies. You can only prevent from this kind of people in 3 ways.

    1. Lock him away for life time. Tax payers have to pay for him many years.

    2. Try to cure him with medicine. Those he will take only if he is under supervision. You’ve to pay this supervision and of course the medicine. No supervision, he will stop to take the medicine and after a while he’s the same monster again.

    3. Chop his b***s and his craving is stopped forever. Cheap and easy operation.

    May you have to over this to your government? But the lefties and do-gooder will anticipated this proposal. The humanity has moved to the 21st century but the human body is still the same like the one from the stone age.

    That’s fact!

  9. Tie him up to the local palm tree and let the neighbours chat to him about his evil habit.

    Normally, such things are well known in villages and nothing will happen as long someone from the own family intervene. Tie him up like you say and let his daughter handle this. Give her a castration plier for bulls then give him and the entire village a lesson that he is an animal and must be treated like one.

  10. Still I don’t get it how PEA has detected that something is wrong just with your part of MV cable. They’ve made some PD (partial discharge) measurement? PEA has the equipment for this? I don’t think so.

    One explanation could be that one of your 3 phases has an earth fault and why should it be just under the road nobody could touch it and it was working 9 years.

    However, to localize the exact position they have to measure from both sides. Then with some time measurement equipment is possible to calculate the exact damaged part.

    Anyway, with an earth fault you would be without any power supply and I guess all surrounding villages too.

    Then the provider had to shut down this part of his grid to the next transmission substation about un- synchronizing of the net.

    Furthermore it is not possible just to feed 2 phases if the grid protection from PEA is working correct. You only have, all live or all dead.

    So my wild guess would be something is wrong with your transformer. Any maintenance was made the last 9 years? Humidity, corrosion and a lack of maintenance is the enemy of electricity.

  11. HV = 69/115KV

    MV = 22/33KV

    LT = 220/400V

    So you’ve your own transformer for you villa?

    How PEA has localized this damaged is under the road? They have made some cable tests or just a usual Thai guessing? Normally if it is one of this HV/MV supply you must have 3 phases, L1;L2;L3;N and a transformer so which one is damaged or all 3 phases are missing?

    How you’ve recognized that your HV-supply is damaged or missing? How big is your villa that you need a HV-supply but I assume it is a MV-supply? What is your average power consumption that you cannot use a LT cable with 400/220V? I’m 1500 meter from the MV-transformer and I’ve just a LT-supply 400V to our house. That is adequate to run 4 air cons, 3 refrigerators, some TVs and some pool pumps and has cost all together 600k.


  12. No surprise for me why this case is just now coming on the table.

    This has nothing to do to incriminate a telegraph operator.

    That’s more like, the Germans are upset with the politic of the Chancellor to take more than 1M of those economical immigrants.

    And like they do it every time, if the German mob gets too dominate, they will bring the Nazi-shame-card to call back the past and remind the crowd to shut the f*** up and open the wallet.

    If this will not work on the first place, don’t worry, they have thousands of those cases in the drawer then at this time everyone was involved in some matter to the Nazi carnage.

    Chefs; Chauffeur; Maid; Footboy; Locomotive driver; Line conductor; Farmer; Milker for the morning café milk of the camp commander; just name it and you’ll find someone which was involved to Auschwitz.

  13. This is a parked truck. It is huge. Even without lights or reflectors you will see it if your light works. If you have a road worthy vehicle (working brakes, working light), drive carefully and wear safety gear it is nigh impossible to have something like this happen. You would see this thing from far enough to come to a complete stand still or sway around it.

    But people here never ever learn.

    utter nonsens.

    I think you have to leave the big city with its illuminated streets and take some night journey in some rural Isaan area.

    The best time for this journey is at sugarcane harvesting on some dark nights on a dark alley surrounded from trees.

    Those trucks are huge but you have to find this dark spot on the road to guess this could be a vehicle.

    No lights or reflectors, all the time overloaded and driven with a speed of max. 20km/h or parked wherever and however they want.

    The load will absorb the light and you will realise it on the last moment that something is in front of you.

    Good luck wai2.gif

  14. "According to the officials, a 3 baht hike of excise tax on LPG is the transport sector would raise price LPG fuel to 17 baht per liter which is still lower than prices of other types benzene, gasohol and diesel which are at nearly 30 baht per liter."

    But they did not factor the cost of converting a car to LPG, which is >30k baht!

    Converting your car to LPG is worth it if the price of LPG is around 11-13 baht / L but at 17 baht (and I bet it will increase later on), LPG is no more an option.

    How you've calculated this?

    By a price of 17b/l you've to drive 23000km then you've equalized your investment. Beyond this you'll spend the half for 100km.

    Of course with a lower price of LPG you'll get your investment faster back but you know nothing is free in Thailand.

    Even the dead is expensive, it will cost you your life.

  15. Last year I was working for MEA in Bangkok to install a new Power-Grid switch gear. One of my colleagues got an electric shock after he switch on a machine and touch the earthed body of our switch gear. He had to stay 5 days in the hospital for monitoring. The half side of his body was laced with bruises. Luckily he had a strong physical condition.

    Anyhow, after a safety investigation from my company´s EHS management, we had to figure out that these morons from MEA have removed all ELCBs from the low voltage supply to prevent a permanent tripping of that.

    So, how you think, if already the power-supplier don’t care about safety what you’ll expect from the guy who twisted the cables together in the light pole. Just have a look on all these crossovers with the thousand cables hanging around. You’ll never see that I’ll use one of these metal handrails or barriers.

    Thailand and electricity will not match together in the near future.

  16. That is very sad. R.I.P Ms Myint.

    How many times we've to read from some accidentely electrocutions until something will change.

    As long every fool who knows to hold a screwdriver and swirl some cables can be an electrician as long people will die from electrocution in this country.

    I just can see this at my sister in law's house. One of those power sockets is still energized although all MCBs are off. Nobody knows where this power is coming from. I've told her to cut off and insulat this cable but their thinking is, free power supply keep it life.

  17. Yesterday I've to read from the development of renewable energy and today they are against of the transport of this energy.

    I've to admit, living close to a power transmission line has an impact to your health-related quality of life.

    But what I am missing here is how close this overhead line will be to the village?

    Also I didn't know that Thailand has a 500KV Grid?

    But more importen is how much current they want to transfer?

    Then in my opinion the magnetic field has a higher impact to the life quality then the eletric field.

    But anyway, all this opponent sleeping with the TV in standby and the mobile phone close to their heads.

  18. According to Jane Namchaisiri, the spokesman of the NRC on Energy Reform and Secretary-General of the Subcommittee on Alternative Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Reform, a solar roof will reduce the heat on the roof, meaning less demand on the building's air-conditioners.

    This so called spokesman has enquired some experts, or he just put the rabbit out of the hat?

    I've worked for MEA at Bangkok to build some of their Power-Grid Stations and I can tell you before starting with step #3 you've to improve step #1 the Power-Grid and then step #2 your backup logistic to cover the energy fluctuation.

    It is barely to manage for Germany and his neighbouring countries to stabilize those fluctuations if all the solar- and wind energy is put in the Grid.

    How Thailand will manage this? They are not able to provide a stable Grid.

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