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Posts posted by OttoPollmann

  1. 1 hour ago, Just1Voice said:

    That light was red for a long time before the truck entered the intersection.  He had more than enough time to stop, or at leas slow down.  Should be charged with murder and never allowed to drive anything again.


    Watch the video again.

    Those traffic lights been flashing. It's the same as the 4 stop signs in the US. In Europe we don't have that. One has every time the right of way.

    Here, that means everyone has to stop and check for clearance then you are permitted to enter.

    The truck was first on the intersection, unfortunately for this teenager he didn't stop but also didn't slow down the ambulance driver.

    This is fate, according to the PM. I would say a lack of training and a very poor traffic law.

  2. 2 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    what you want to say with this link?

    F1 driving has nothing to do with everyday driving on a road. This is driving on the edge of physics and to reach a new height you have to go to the limits. This has nothing to do to be 5 minutes earlier at home or the first on the red light.


    The better question would be, how difficult is it for the BIB to anwser the two questions in the last sentence of the original article.

    There was no mention of whether or not Mr Pisanukarn was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident or whether police suspect alcohol was involved.
    Read more at https://www.thephuketnews.com/man-suffers-serious-head-injuries-as-motorbike-slams-into-drain-65550.php#eOPJiaM7MUIKkUpy.99

    What also baffles me every time I read an accident article, it is every time the fault of the car or motorbike. I'll never read "Somchai was too f***ing drunken and has steered his bike in a drain".

    Those cars/motorbikes here have a own life. They committing so many suicide.

  3. 44 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

    Gas does have an advantage which is to remain operationnal during power cuts....but still, why not avoid having these hazardous gas cylinders around and not switch to electricity when possible ??....is there a reason ?

    Yes, engineer Sonchai who did the cabling of the house. 

    Furthermore, if you are considering the unstable power supply of the rural areas then you've only one option to get real hot water and that's with gas.


  4. 53 minutes ago, Cereal said:

    I have passed this story on to a friend here in Laos who is a provincial police chief. He's spreading the word to his cop friends and immigration. If he tries his crap in Laos he could disappear, for a long time. I love communism, man, for reasons just like this.

    You must be an old member of the Stasi.

    Their love to communism was overwhelming too.

    They've loved to pass informations as well.

  5. 4 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Meanwhile at Laem Chabang the NGV busses sit in limbo and the purchase contract has been cancelled......Great Minds!

    First of all, those buses are city buses and all those people are traveling interprovincial. Therefore it would be no help for those traveller.

    Secondly, a fraud will be a fraud even you want it so badly or is it okay for you to make some exception if it's fits you.

  6. 1 hour ago, jerojero said:

    Fluid from his mouth... Great news reporting. Why are they so stupid, always reporting irrelevant and often personal things about the deceased.

    Just this line is the only informative part of this report.

    This could be an indication to a heart attack and maybe if somebody was around could have saved his life.

    Sometimes it's already enough to calm the person down to get the heart back in rhythm.

  7. 2 hours ago, Get Real said:

    The confiscated phones are probably burned, or sent to recycling so the state and the government can get some money out of wasting it. That´s the most probable senario.
    They can also be sent back to a buyer in china, where it looks like this behaiviour regarding copy is totally legal.

    Either you are sarcastic or don't know anything about Thailand. 

    They don't know how to collect the normal household garbage and properly dispose it. And you're thinking they've the facility to segregate the internals of phones.

    And for sure they will not have any trouble with big daddy China.

  8. Under Thai traffic law section 11 is stated:

    if it gets dark and you cannot see clearly more than 150m, you must turn on the headlights.


    I got fined 400B for driving with my headlights on and you don't need to think about arguing with those road blocking BIBs that it is more safe with the lights on.


    So, before they start to campaign to drive with headlights or running-daylights on they must change this out-of-date traffic rules otherwise it would be an easy target for the BIBs.

    Furthermore, it would be a good idea to teach those motorbike drivers not to change the colors of the head and tail-lights.

    No ghost will follow you home only in the Buriram-Triangle.

  9. Quote

    Buri Ram provincial livestock officials on Monday took random specimens of fluid from cattle in several parts of the province after it was discovered that more than 100 heads of cattle in Tambon Chumhed, Muang district, had fallen sick and several of them had died for suspected food-and-mouth disease.

    It took more then 100 animals for these farmers to notice that something is wrong with their livestock?



    He said raisers were told to immediately report to livestock officials if any of their animals fell sick.

    So these officials tell the farmers to report any disease. What's if farmer Somchai gives a f*** about this advice or has no clue what this disease can do and how the first sign looks like?

    Normally these officials must set a quarantine zone around this affected area to prevent any spreading.

    Also, they must prohibit to pasture of these cattle on the fresh harvested rice paddy and prohibit to sell or transport these animals.

    The second step must be to cull these animals before the virus can spread to other districts and get epidemic.


    But what is applied in other countries may will not apply here.

  10. 6 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    The traffic calming might slow down the reckless school bus drivers, but what about any emergency vehicles in a life or death situation?

    These speed humps will have no impact on the arriving time of the ambulance at the hospital.


    You've ever seen how these common drivers behave in a case of an emergency vehicle's behind them with all signs running?

    The common practice is, try to sneak in front of the vehicle and then drive as slow as possible and blocking all traffic lanes. This will have a major impact.


    But who cares in the land of cheap life. Make a merit at the nearest temple and a wai to the bereaved and then you are free to continue with your daily life.

  11. Just imagine a python of 5 meters plus, how many years it needed to reach this size.

    This python is properly 30 – 35 years old and had survived in a animal unfriendly environment like Thailand. All the rice fields get polluted every year with more and more pesticides and flooded with water. The natural environment of forests get deforested and Somchai let his ducks running free. For this python it was an invitation to perfect meal.


    Now the question is, what will the police do?

    They will looking for this guy or keep it for good then it was not a Soi dog.


    Just remember, the police officer who has shot two Soi dogs because they have bitten his wife and kid. He had to pay 40000B or 2 years imprisonment for animal torture and that for some rabies infected dogs sleeping in front of a 7/11.


    This double standard makes me shake my head every time.

  12. 7 hours ago, HenryB said:

    The Germans shall not for get How to treat non Germans in their Country.

    It looks like it is happening sooner than I expected


    What a utter BS.

    What is your right to make a statement like this?

    You think these Germans have not learned anything of their history? The last 75 years everyone got indoctrinated that you are a Nazi if you have a lightest idea to be a nationalist. Even the German national soccer team didn’t show any color or emblem of Germany at the last EM to respect all foreigners in Germany. Which country would do this?

    In the US of A even in the smallest event they are playing the national anthem and the stars spangled flag waves. Now imagine doing this in Germany. The hell breaks loose and in the world press the swastika flag would banner on the Reichstag.

    And now tell me how these economic immigrants get treated in Germany.

    They get a better support then most of these German people in need and these people have paid, some a life time in this aid fund to get a kick in the face from the government.

    Congratulation to your stance. :shock1:
  13. 7 hours ago, Witblitz said:

    Some quick numbers and if I have my sums right


    Module efficiency :15.50%
    Module rating :250wp
    Capacity :1MW /1000kW
    No of module:4000 
    =6451 Sq.meter 


    for 15 MW system

    = 96765 Sq meter

    or 60, 000 modules


    Typically Solar costs USD 3.0/watt

    Ergo this project will cost USD 45000000












    I'm not sure you have your sums right.

    Nothing is mentioned in this article that they want to produce this 15MW per hour.


    They are expecting, that this system will produce 75KW per day.

    Ergo, minimum a 12.5KW/h system is required.


    The most common system available in Thailand is some Chinese crap. With a not up to date efficiency. Even the cheapest systems in Europe are now able to get 20%+ output and the newest modules have a output up to 40%.


    Here are some quick numbers:

    Efficiency 15.7%

    Ratio per panel 305W

    Daily Consumption 75KW

    Average daylight 6h

    Consumption per hour 12.5KW

    min required panels 261 pieces

    Panel surface 522qm

    Price per panel 8746 ฿

    Inverter 80000 ฿

    Cables 40000 ฿

    MEA price per KW/h @ 4.6 ฿

    Total price of this system approx. 2.4Mill. ฿

    Compensated in around 19 years.


    The more interesting question would be, has this school the permission to back feed a overproduction to the MEA grid and how they'll get compensated? As my information from PEA it is not permitted to back feed into their grid. Because, if any maintenance must get performed, it would be not ensured this line is de-energized.


  14. 21 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    Errr I take it you can offer evidence to support this statement..............................

    Not holding my breath waiting.

    Errrrrrrrrrr. How much evidence you need. I don't have any video of this, I can only report from my on experience what has happens to me.


    I'm still look like a foreigner, this I cannot change, no matter how long I've lived in this country. But this is sufficient to have a try. 


    May, you'll have some other experience?

    You'll get some of those stickers in a ladyboy bar????? 


  15. I don't have any background in road construction, therefore my question. Is it possible to apply asphalt on a wet surface?

    Just have a lock on this big water puddle. The applied asphalt surface will make any bond with the subsurface at this condition? How long will it take until it's break apart? In a couple of days with heavy traffic? I'm afraid so. Furthermore, how thick must be the asphalt surface in Thailand? They have any norm or is it up to each construction company how much money they want to spend? A quick search shows, in other countries the recommended thickness has a minimum of 12cm for main roads. In this picture it looks like that they are applying just 2 – 3cm of asphalt.

    Therefore will be the next question. When they'll start with the maintenance and is this included in a warranty?

  16. I could never understand this insatiable appetite of temples to own and control vast tracks of land while

    all they really need is a place to worship, meditate and for dwellings of novices and monks, yet, many

    temples around the country are in control of many hundreds even thousands rai of land, for what? if all

    they suppose to be and do enlighten, teach and guide while keeping very modest life style.....

    Money talks.

    This doesn't exclude Buddhism, the Roman-Catholic Church or any other form of religion or denomination.

    According to some statistics, the Roman-Catholic Church has an estate of 8250 km² and is the biggest landowner in Germany.

    For God's sake, why they need so much land and from whom they have stolen it? Not to mention, that their big kahuna is a Franciscan monk who has swore to live in poverty.

  17. I am fascinated by people who travel or move to a foreign country and behave as they would back in their home country. Come on man! Life is too short. Accept you got ripped off and leave and don't come back. Lucky you did not eat the whole thing. Move on. Lesson learned.

    That must be a statement from an all time do-gooder with no backbone.

    Because he is a foreigner, he has lost all rights to complain that they've tried to cheat on him?

    I would be so happy if I could say this to the foreigners in my home country too.

  18. so his defence is " he was going to stab me first, that's why i stabbed him many times" the old adage "dead men don't talk" springs to mind. as said before what a dam good friend he was, anyone carrying a knife should spend a year in jail period. lets have some more stop and search, oops, no money in it is there.?

    according to your statement

    "anyone carrying a knife should spend a year in jail period".

    I've carried the last 45+ years a swiss army knife with me and I didn't killed anybody. So I've to admit myself to the police and spend one year in jail? Perhaps it would be a good idea for each year I've carried the knife with me I've to spend 1 year in jail!

    You know, at the airport in Zürich you can buy one of those knifes after all security controls in the duty free area and carrying it with you in the flight cabin at least you are flying with SWISS.

    It would be much better you've asked, what made his parents wrong in his education.

    Why they've not taught him some common sense and the value for a human life?

    And with your "stop and search, oops, no money in it is there" statement you are also wrong.

    It is depend who you are. If I remember right, last year the police has stopped some foreigner on the way to the airport and in theirs car they've found one of those swiss army knifes. I just want to know how much they had to pay.


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