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Laughing Gravy

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Laughing Gravy last won the day on December 25 2020

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  1. More smacks of the desperation from the TAT. I wonder what next. Free holidays!
  2. Here we go again. Let me give you a tip! pssssst check out those with brown shirts. Then those in other uniforms. I reckon you would sweep up.
  3. I am sure the TAT will come up with some excuse as they always do. The only thing they are good for is their comedy value.
  4. I am coming from China in two weeks for a brief visit. I wonder if I will be classed as one of those 4 million.????
  5. Yes agree. But they will use any excuse for their own continued incompetence.
  6. Typical Thai authourity response. Lets give them some money. Shows we care! But it doesn't. It shows how shallow and insensitive they are. Also they never understand life outside their own universe, Thailand.
  7. Actually, I agree with the first two but the latter no. I know/knew of a few 'teachers' with PhD's there who do not have a teachng license from their home country. Having a PhD, as I am sure you know does not make you a teacher.
  8. He is probably sat in his smoking jacket and slippers, eating truffels and drinking dubonnet. He isn't worried in the least.
  9. What about the Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre (UK). Whilst here, it is Manoeuvre, Mirror, Signal (Thailand)
  10. Does that mean we won't be getting anymore wild, mad and unrealistic predictions on tourists coming to Thailand anymore? I sort of missed this
  11. Taxis in Thailand, especially Bangkok/Pattaya are scurge and a disgrace on the country. The wife who is Thai always comments on the disgraceful service they give, constant complaining about why you don't go further or take a toll way. The lack of manners and general politness seems to be the norm. I know you may get a good one but most are awful. And before the 'you must be new here brigade' start spouting, thats 23 years experience. Taxis in China are much better, cheaper and more relaible. Taxis in the UK are better, more reliable but more expensive. The TAT should look at the Taxis as this is the first impression and mostly the impression is disgraceful. Out with the taxi mafia! We haven't had a story about a taxi driver finding 3 million baht on the back seat of his car and handing it in. I am sure we will soon.
  12. The word potentially the operative word here. Also it looks like the magic crystal ball has been used again.
  13. You sound like you think the banks are there to help people and are independent from politics. Anyway as I said what friends said. Take it or leave, I don't care
  14. Obviously you struggle with reading. I said I left the UK 25 years ago. I did not say I bought property then. Was that a result of Brexit. There are a few other things that you can get capital gains tax on. Maybe get your accountant to tell you I am not going to go into all the ins and outs of things fella . I just gave you a what was said to me. Take it or leave it and jog on.
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