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  1. Seems ideal, thanks for that.
  2. I'm techie and computer savvy but no expert in web technology. I too found myself in a new era of receiving Lazada authentication requests that led to nowhere when trying to login. I found that I could always login if I followed the 'forgotten password' route. Lazada would then send me the email verification code which, it would then process and allow me to continue, after it forced me to reset my password. This looked like a cookies problem and given that I clear cookies on browser exit (Firefox) seemed likely. I installed some browser addons to inspect resident cookies and manage them by whitelisting and it would appear that a Lazada login does not tolerate a 'clean slate' and expects the cookies from the last successful login to be present. My take on this is Lazada wants to know who is using the website even without login and making a purchase. My personal solution is clumsy, I have exported the Lazada login cookies to a file and import them when I want buy something. This may have limited mileage as cookies have expiration dates. It's just me, I regularly purge web data (using an addon) and have my regular web pages loading into unique Firefox containers. All a bit tin hat but I feel if I don't have the options to control the usage of my data it's because they don't want to risk me saying - no thanks.

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