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Posts posted by Bandersnatch

  1. I regularly see posts here claiming that REES are used in large quantities in modern EV batteries but that is incorrect. They were is used in Nickel–metal hydride batteries in older hybrid cars, but that is no longer the case.


    “ 'rare-earth' is a misnomer because they are not actually scarce, although historically it took a long time to isolate these elements.


    rare-earth elements are technically relatively plentiful in the entire Earth's crust, cerium being the 25th-most-abundant element at 68 parts per million, more abundant than copper


    Ce and La are important as catalysts, and are used for petroleum refining and as diesel additives”






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  2. 3 hours ago, Photoguy21 said:

    evidently you believe the electricity comes from no where. You have Generators plus associated equipment, You need distribution network upgrading plus the storage facilities. Didnt you even consider these issues?


    This was your carefully considered reply to  @Gweiloman post "Why would there be a need to upgrade the national infrastructure? Most EVs are charged at home at night when there is low demand for electricity from industries and businesses."



    If there wasn't less demand and more supply capacity at night why would PEA & MEA offer TOU Tariffs?






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  3. 1 hour ago, Pink7 said:


    Im on 30 days off grid since switched over, but now its raining and Im on 66% battery so lets see if I can "survive" this day and next  before need to switch over to grid. I use ATS and expect to do the switching manually. I will save some battery for emergency if ever on grid and grid down in the bad weather. How much battery capacity you have? How many rainy days can you "survive" ?




    There is rain and there is rain! The last time I switched on PEA was in September 2022 during Super Typhoon Nuri

    Here is the video of the Event - I have 4x9kWh LFP batteries by the way.



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  4. 2 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

    nd what about storage? You’ll need a storage card or USB stick somewhere too.


    I think I read somewhere that the resolution on the BYD camera is not very good?


    All the cabling is present just need to slot the camera in and SD card slot for the camera is still there






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  5. 12 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    The World's Top-Selling Automakers, Ranked

    Toyota Motor Corp. sold 10.48 million vehicles in 2022, keeping its title as the world's top-selling automaker for a third year.



    Toyota has an important warning for electric vehicle enthusiasts

    Despite major investments in EVs, automakers have been sounding the alarm.



    Toyota like the other Japanese legacy manufacturers are very late to the EV party so they are directing their efforts to posting misinformation rather than developing and building EVs


    Here in Thailand last month over 10% of all vehicle sales were EV and it's growing all the time


    Full EV sales last month:


    Chinese 6,007 
    Tesla 375
    Japanese 19





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  6. 4 hours ago, vinny41 said:

    The Japanese auto market is one of the fastest-growing major markets globally. In H1 2023, passenger car sales in Japan grew by 27% YoY, according to the latest research from Counterpoint’s Global Passenger Vehicle Model Sales Tracker. Toyota held the top position in the domestic market, boasting a 50% share, followed by Suzuki and the Nissan-Renault-Mitsubishi Alliance. Japanese auto OEMs, namely Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Subaru, Mazda, and the Nissan-Renault-Mitsubishi Alliance, collectively accounted for more than 90% of passenger vehicle sales in the country. Japan is the second country, after the US, where Chinese automotive companies have failed to make significant inroads. In 2023, BYD Auto, a Chinese auto OEM introduced its Atto 3 EV model in the Japanese market and only managed to sell around 1,000 units. 



    The biggest car market in the world is China by comparison the Japanese market doesn't compare. 


    Japanese Automakers Face Major Sales Crisis Nissan's sales fell by 45.8% in China last quarter while those at Honda and Mazda dropped by 38.2% and 66.5% respectively








  7. 14 hours ago, Pib said:

    The voice command system (a.k.a., Hi BYD) really works great and greatly reduces the need to actually tap the screen to change some setting, switch to different functions/apps, etc.  


    Thanks for the update  - please keep them coming 


    Any chance we could compile a list of Hi (Hey) BYD phrases that BYDs recognise (Increase the regeneration level - doesn't seem to work)



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  8. 1 hour ago, JBChiangRai said:

    BYD outsold Tesla nearly 10 to 1 last month in Thailand.


    I see that trend continuing, I wouldn’t want to be holding Tesla shares now.


    "In terms of total vehicles sold in Thailand, BYD has surpassed four smaller Japanese competitors, namely Nissan, Mitsubishi Motors, Mazda and Suzuki"


  9. 3 hours ago, macahoom said:

    Just drove my Seal Performance AWD the 15 kms home from the dealership.


    My initial impression: Wow! Better than I could have ever imagined. It feels like a million dollars. I’m going to follow BYD’s recommendation and take it easy for the first 2000 kms, so it’ll be a while before I can run it through its paces.


    As for the colour: BYD call it Velocity Blue. It’s a bit of a stretch to call it anything blue. I would describe it as a mixture of blue, violet, purple and grey; it changes colour depending on the ambient light. Certainly not flamboyant; quite restrained.


    The colour is unusual, for sure. Luckily I like it, as it was not at all what I was expecting.


    Great to hear, please keep the reports coming e.g. was there a sun shield for the glass roof?


    We paid our deposit for a White Seal Premium on 29th September (The price was announced at 6pm on 28th September) Seem to be plenty of performance models available  - discussed with the wife if we haven't heard anything by the end of this month, we will ask if we get a AWD any quicker 

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  10. 1 minute ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I think I will see if some tape around the speaker to stop it being annoying inside the car, failing that will unplug it.

    Recently was in a car park when an Atto 3 was cruising looking for a space, it certainly got some strange looks as the sound is loud outside ( as it should be I suppose ) , I personally don’t need the attention .


    A selection of normal sounds would have been more accepted I think, just a beeping sound like a reversing truck would make more sense.


    My MG makes a unintrusive sound like a spaceship which is perfectly acceptable to me. Not sure if it's a generated sound or a slight whine from the electric motor, but ice cream van sound  - really

  11. 1 hour ago, Pib said:

    From quickly watching the first video I noticed at about the 27:40 point in the video the Seal has a healthy spaceship sound (i.e., the pedestrian & soi dog warning sound).  Gosh, I understand the intent of the sound but both the wife and I find that sound to be annoying. I guess all the BYD models have that sound below 30KmH unless the little sound box behind the radiator gets unplugged not that I would ever do that. 


    If the Thai version is the same as the EU version, I will be selecting the "Ice Cream Van" jingle and see how many kiddies come running at the sound 😇




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  12. 13 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    Scots couple rage after being handed £17k bill from Tesla for 'driving in rain'



    Maybe they have a different type or rain In Scotland compared to Thailand


    This story is only a couple of weeks old. In other versions Tesla is reporting to be investigating the incident - maybe we can reserve passing judgment until we have all the facts (might be a challenge for some)



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  13. 31 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    Electric train users get goosebumps after listening to this. Rats chewed through the battery. Repair cost 600,000 baht.



    Some Brands use Iron, aluminium, carbon fibre for their battery covers this brand uses plastic

    this type of fault isn't covered by the warranty so owner either pays or claims from insurance


    I have translated the article you posted and it makes no mention of the vehicle from which it comes. It does say that 99% of EV batteries do not have plastic covers.


    sounds like a nonsense story to me


    My battery is structural and is enclosed in Aluminum.




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