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Posts posted by matt111

  1. With .com it was never 2 years. I remember the old Internic, it was $70 per year per domain, you could register one and then you would get a snail mail remittance slip, the first domain i got I had to get a friend to pay because getting a UK bank to write a US cheque was severely problematic for such small amount, you had 30 days to pay it or the domain would lapse,

  2. Any falang orientated bar will have a falang web-designer/expert cheesy.gif

    Most people looking for their own website DONT actually need one, they need some online presence, which could be a twitter account or a facebook fan page will suffice, you can register a domain and most registrar will provide url forwarding so you can point it at your facebook/tumblr/twitter.

    As a rule of thumb unless you have at least 50k baht to spend per year on a dedicated website, then don't bother, you'll end up with a shitty wordpress or joomla based site, with a crap theme, security ridden within several months on a dog slow cPanel server somewhere in the states..

  3. Somewhere between tesco and bangkok hospital samui there is a little store that has a big fuji sign outside, inside its basic but but up stairs they have a proper camera room, they sufficed for a UK passport (took them a little time to change background color so not to be blue) so any thai visa should be no problem it was either 150 or 180b for 4 pics.

  4. Yes, I had that exact USB stick on Linux (Ubuntu 10.10) about a year ago and was able to get it working using wvdial, I presume nowadays it is plug and play with say (x)Ubuntu 12.04. The only thing I had to use Windows for was topping up (via SMS) but if on contract or you have a cdma phone you wont have that issue. If I remember correctly it took a little googling there was is a thai blog post on it setting it up correctly (just editing a config)

  5. Take the motorbike to Nathon, park the bike in front of the police-station car park, walk down the front. You'll have seatran port about 100m to the right, but instead turn left, walk about 100m past taxis etc, past art cafe, you'll see 3-4 buses queued up on the right side of road (the sea side), behind these buses there is a woman at a desk, buy a combined ticket to Krabi, less than 500baht if I remember correctly. Bus leave 7.30am, 9.30am, 1.30pm when I checked for a friend a few months ago. Best call Panthip travel though to be sure for this season. If you do get a stuck (cant find the woman at the desk) an agent will charge about 50baht more in Nathon, or 200-300baht more in chaweng/lamai which aint too bad if that includes the minibus to nathon (give the bike back and save on daily rent)

  6. adsl is never shared, you are alone on the telphone cable up to the mini dslam/dslam you just share the optical fiber while for cable old technology you share the cable up to the ISP(very old technology a huge bottleneck) or cable new technology you are alone on the cable until the optical fiber in the street.

    Never? Again, just a guess, the 3BB new mini-dslams (Huwaei powered) can easily support all sorts of firmware that can enforce contention at the local mini dslam, I guess they dont because it would be observable given number of subscribers, but still you're taking a stab in the dark there?

  7. In Thailand as in every other country, ADSL has full bandwidth (and more) until the internet provider's network, where the bandwidth is then shared among all users. That is the way it is in all countries. But some providers certainly have less bandwidth to share between more users.

    Not it is certainly not that way in the UK. Providers that dont have local infrastructure (local loop unbundling) do have contention from the exchange to their ISP governed by their wholesale backhual (BT Openworld (or whatever it is called now) or Telesonia etc..) (and even those that do have presences in exchanges enforce this with their own customers - Easynet - well basically now BSkyB), however given exchanges with such facilities will serve thousands per exchange upto several kilometres this contention isnt often observed,

  8. JIB are very competitive on price. Staff are somewhat variable. I purchased a Samsung Galaxy Tab from JIB only to be told they no have new boxed one only one on display, the guy assured me it only come yesterday, upon receipt i seen it had a fellow JIB staff member along with friend drinking in a nightclub area, I managed to get money back after literally walking in screaming and shouting, however they expanded by saying 'ah he copy from phone yesterday', certain things didnt really tally on that one (including device uptime).

    However I'd still choose JIB because I havent got all day to waste in BannanaIT, it seems it takes 20minutes to buy anything in there, both in Samui and BKK Seacon Square, even when the items are boxed and ready and paying cash, they blame 'computer problems', nowadays if I have to use Bannana I throw the cash down (i.e. if 980, or 4900, just round up to nearest 1000baht and walk out, most of the time they accept, otherwise you're waiting 20minutes for them to print off an invoice), i dont understand how they are manage to stay in business if they can only service 3 customers an hour

  9. The coffee shop I use has TOT and the past week its been almost unusable, usually its fine/medicore. This is near univeristy in chaweng, if thats any help, I dont troubleshoot further than that as just tether to phone, although certainly odd given its been fine for past 6 months (generally)

  10. Internal logs and MAC address have been created for a reason, or more than one, don't you think?

    But I guess you've never checked what they actually record? That little box with flashing lights can log (rotating) at most can store few megabytes of largely worthless information,

    its prime purpose is for troubleshooting connectivity issues (did this MAC address request an IP lease from the dhcp etc..) that have happened in the very recent time period.

    It's like driving refusing to drive in public roads because there is a danger that others will tell you are the guilty one in an accident while in reality you are not...don't let the bad people to be a deterrent against your (legal) good intentions.

    What you propose is leaving your house doors open at night because you've recognized the danger that you might get robbed with locks anyway, so screw any

    precautions. Or in your specific example not wearing a seat belt on a public road because you might get injured with one in an accident anyway.

    Depending on your IPS and router, when you log into your router, open DHCP in the basic settings,and in the choices, there is a DHCP table that tells you who is logged into your Wi-fi.

    Dont request a lease from the DHCP server, just take a address somewhere in same subnet generally 192.168.1.x. Its a good start but not always works.

    Dont run an unsecure WIFI network you greatly enhance any risk. If you are a restaurant or bar then at least WPA it and change the password daily, if sufficiently large approach a vendor that provide gateway equipment that will allow you to issue unique username/password for access (e.g. bangkok airways, big hotels etc..)

    Or if you live in ignorance, then live in greed too, dont run an open WIFI because it can make things slow for you..

  11. The MAC address can be spoofed.

    For your own wifi ideally use strong encryption and MAC address filtering (most TOT, True, CAT, 3BB supplied routers support this). If you're on mac or linux a simple nmap command will do the same as the above software without polluting your PC with closed source (read untrusted software). Having said that people can still crack WPA etc.. SSID filtering seems to cause problems with some laptops I've seen so I havent yet enabled that, there some point a limit to how far you go before you wear tin hats.

    Although I have a friend in the UK that is currently on bail for something that happened from his IP address, one avenue he suspects was via his open wifi point, although it could still turn out to be an employee or etc... Its only a matter time before some innocent bar/resturant owner get caught up in something like this, so at least add WPA and change your wifi code regularly. Big companies are already catching on albeit more sophisticated internet devices - e.g. Bangkok airways lounge requires your boarding pass to issue an unique code which presumably removes some of their liability, same with the big hotels.

    • Like 1
  12. 3. I have done backup and restore issue but that did not fix the problem

    What exactly have you done here?

    You should be able to recover the database to a point in time, but it looks the auto recovery (rolling back/fwd any pending transactions) has not been possible so its put the database offline to stop the system being in an inconsistent state. When you restarted the system it would of find the last checkpoint and then followed the transactions from transaction log verifying to get you get to a consistent state, my knowledge on SQL server is a little rusty but recovery should be relatively simple with such transactional database, PM me if you want.

  13. Create multiple virtual drives, configure them as a RAID5 and then sync each one individually with a different cloud provide

    Not sure that will work as the OS see it as a single partition. I cant see Dropbox losing your data, but I wouldnt consider Dropbox ultra secure, given the massive fck up they made with any password works.

    Something like JungleDisk tied to Amazon S3 will give you very high reliability, you can check the stats out but its 99.99999% (or something like that) over a given a year. mean it would be 1 in a million or ten that S3 fails.

    Personally I've add a 50gb EBS to my free Linux EC2 node (costs about $6pm with the add-on) and use rsync nightly.

  14. Probably because his audience is Thai, she/he takes their business seriously, and understands that under most condition the onward connections (transit commits and peering) the major players use are often oversubscribed (too much data for the pipe) and thus often subject to high latency, packet loss, and terrible speeds. Also traffic shaping and throttling equipement used by the ISPs in my experience does not seem to apply to traffic within Thailand. Of course, there will always be someone with a speedtest screenshot of their 3BB premier or CAT business that rebutes this claims and uses some budget cpanel US based host, each to their own. In a nutshell, a faster, more consistently loading site has in many instance converted to more sales (amazon.com say they lose several million dollars for every additional 100ms of page load time)

    Ideally if Thai originated traffic is significant amount of your hits along with international, you'll host in two locations, with geographical DNS directing visitors to most appriorate IP. This much easier than it sounds even with a wordpress or joomla install you designate one as a slave and push writes to master for replication.

    • Like 1
  15. Anyone else noticed massive 3BB improvements when hitting international sites, is this 3BB specific or part of a bigger push?

    For example pings whilst not a great indication are down significantly, to London are now 238ms vs 320ms two weeks ago.

  16. dharmabm,

    Arch is good OS but for me it was too much of time sink, and whilst instrumental in helping me learn fundamentals about Linux nowadays I just want something that works and gets out of my way. Indeed the fixes are often < 10min, sometimes as easy as booting into run level 3 and pulling out a package from /var/cache/pacman/pkgs etc.. but again it is still a time sink. Recent issues including compeletely freezes due to wireless changes in 3.1.x, amesomewm breaking because libpng upgrade (the perils of depending on something in AUR), couchdb being upgrade to some insanely buggy git head (due to someone else upgrading the spidermonkey stuff), touchpad breaking, etc..

    Minor irratation include not having a TH mirror for pacman repos too, IRC folks that have a competition of who can ! refer people to outdated wiki the quickest, (e.g. ipv6 being built into kernel now and not able to disable via sysctl but instead a kern line parameter), having to pull cairo packages from AUR for smooth font rendering etc..

    XUbuntu (wish it was called something else so it didnt have the ubuntu stigma, but dogma is something i need to forget) is lean enough for me, there might be excess packages installed but running footprint is light weight enough, Xubuntu = 2hrs to get going, 1hr to install, 10min to git clone dotfiles and configure xfce, 50mins misc, Archlinux i probably need 3 days to get everything sorted

  17. Not sure what you mean by "(not a fan of chunky low res icons)" presuming you are using VirtualBox have you installed the guest utils in guest os (not sure which one but have a look at "apt-cache search virtualbox | grep guest"), and enough video memory allocated to run native resolution? Probably also want to apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer if certain web pages are rendering not to taste, other than that I've not tweak anything else visual and it all looks very crisp and clean.

  18. CrushDepth,

    Long time ArchLinux user finally feed up with fixing issues that crop out in a rolling release OS, in the past week I've tried several distros:

    Ubuntu 12.04b1, Unity is terrible, as is gnome-shell, I appreciate they are different so I stuck with them for days, until I nearly stabbed my eyes out. It also suffers from terrible performance although to be expect from a beta.

    Debain6 nice install, lean, but like you say several core packages are out of date (e.g. ssh client no understanding certain directives), also terrible font rendering, both issues are fixed by bastardization that belong in the gentoo/archlinux 'i like to spend 3 weeks customizing/building my OS' land

    OpenSuse, I was the most optimist about this even though the package manager was completely different than dpkg/apt-get. OMG, the default KDE looks like the Thai version of Windows 2007 (I know it doesnt exist.. one of those disgusting themes). It crashed repeatably. #Fail

    XUbuntu 10.10, wow. Fast install. Decent font rendering out the box. Stable. XFCE based (default theme looks like Gnome-2). Full access to Ubuntu repo. Try it, cant tell you how impressed I am (its very polished, unlike a xfce install on Arch etc)

  19. The last boat is 6pm. Buy your combined bus+ferry ticket to Surat Thani at the official seatran ticket office (end of pier) in nathon, for 240baht. There is no big bus from donsak, only a minibus waiting at donsak at end of the walkway at this time of night (buy in advance too if its oversubscribed and you havent got a ticket tough - they wont take your 100baht), also disembark the boat early because if your on the back of the minibus in the corner you'll have terrible neck pain as you have bend your head for 1~hr journey.

    Seatran bus drops you in surat thani center at about 8.45pm, as you disembark taxi touts will ask you 'where u go', if there are other thais travelling to the station then you're in luck and its 40baht per person, else if you're a lone traveller its 200baht (fair as it quite far away - 15min/15km) usually in the back of a tut tut. There are no government buses at this time of time about and waiting for a regular taxi can take a while. Info accurate as of last week.

  20. No doubt they will oversell it, like CAT and TOT have done with their fiber optic connections on the island..

    Hopefully not. Truemove 3g have a fair limit of 5gig a month on their unlimited package and hopefully dtac and others follow a similar practice, essentially killing off any bit-torrent users with more sense than money (correct way around), with these limits they won't need to deploy traffic restricting (meaning slower) hardware on their network.

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