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Posts posted by matt111

  1. Tops sell Organic cold-pressed coconot oil, 250baht if i remember correctly. Store it out of sunlight but you dont need to put it in the fridge (as it will probably go hard). Speak to any respectable dietian will tell you the benefits of coconot oil vs the defacto refined palm oil used in 99% of thai cooking. The same type of people that call bullshit on stuff like this are the same people that said the same about BSE 20 years ago. Each to their own... whistling.gif

  2. Are the little jars of shrimp paste gluten free?

    What about the sauces they use in thai cooking?

    What staple thai foods/meals are safe and which are to avoid?

    I done ample searching on the subject but either the information is curated by one week travellers (after a week would be difficult to pinpoint any source) or by people in western countries minic thai cooking with US/EU ingredients.

    The GF still hasnt fully groked what glutten is despite searching online, and what foods might be contaminated, as of course gluten itself would not be listed as an ingredient, so explain to a thai market seller or asking the clerk in Tesco/Tops would be useless I imagine.

    Any recent/definite lists by those with gluten intolerance (or celiac) would be appreciated..

  3. Is that like, as opposed to non-organic chicken and meat

    As oppose to, for example, chicken feed containing a percentage of arsenic, in order to irrate the throat mildly, so they consume more food, more $$. And the several other examples that are de-facto and legal in the US. Not really bothered about weather its officially 'organic', just weather its not pumped full of sh.. if such a term exists enlighten me..

    Thanks will try the markets though.

  4. Excellent news.

    And a ski slope coming soon..

    Samui really is shaping up.

    The directors of BKK Air must be crapping themselves, especailly that the "Samui residents" have join together.. and next step 'plan to apply', must be a rich group of very intelligent residents and with massive financial backing.. so rich that a cheaper airport is top of their priorities..

  5. Where can I order an OpenOffice.org book in thailand (preferably verison 3.x covering Spreadsheet and Writer). Girlfriend does the orders/accounts for a small company and its painful to watch her struggle sometimes on some more complexed calcs and layout issues, whilst I teach as much as I can I would prefer to buy her physical book to work through (company will probably rebate it but not the issue seeing they only 200-400 baht). The big chain local bookstores (in bigc and tesco) have nice color illustrated books for MS Office etc.. but nothing on OpenOffice. Migrating from OpenOffice is not a choice she has.

  6. the law is whatever the officer says it is and youd better learn that darned quick :o

    Not if you know the officers boss... :whistling:

    How many times have I heard that...cheesy.gif

    Ah that old chestnut, every bar with more than half a dozen people in will have one person that claims to either know top of police or his wife does...

  7. They asked me if I wanted a small sim or normal sim, so presume they have both

    1gb contract is 350 baht a month, just need a photocopy of passport and no upfront fees, sim free.

    havent really played with it much yet but seems okay checking gmail etc..


    it took 24hrs for it to fully work, in that time i had anywhere between 1 to 2 bars and no 3g, now stable 4/5 bars, so prehaps it takes a while to activate, but i did reset the tablet so that might of helped

  8. Can anyone tell me what is in this crap ?

    For a while I suspect alcohol was my issue of poor health, but over past few months Im doubting that, a week free of Thai and Im 5 years younger and healthier, but within an hour or taking this crap the symptons:

    sticky sweat around stomach

    unable to concentrate

    unable to jog in the evening

    Trying to educate the GF on not to buy or use crap but she dont listen


  9. It is really up to everyone to think what they want. When you know the truth and know that it is useless to assure anyone who does not really care.

    My good friend always told me NOT to judge anything until one knows all backgrounds.

    I am anyhow still here waiting when actually someone will give a really good advise! Not just b***ing around!!

    yes it is

  10. After reading yesterday on another forum in TV, that 3 g is being made available to launch throughout Thailand, I stopped by the Nanthon CAT office to get the latest update for Samui....

    Well apparently all set up and ready to go & due to launch AUGUST 10th!! (Year???):lol:

    But you have to go to True... So off I went to True office to see what the had to say... oh no come for a few months... pretty vague about it all... :angry: OMG! I know why I switched to Astro for TV!!!

    I used a Maxis 3 G sim whilst traveling around Malaysia... in my Ipad2.... reception was very good in most areas....even in the middle of "no where" ..... but then Malaysia is leap years ahead of Thailand in a number of things.... :o

    I guess CAT would know better than the girl at the TRUE outlet.

    optimistic. cat have a form of 3g thats what people use the "high speed" dongles which beats the others at the moment but its a special form of 3g named cdma thothey are due to share 3g with true on their spectrum in the long term from what bangkok post says.

    at end of day cat still knocking out the cdma specific dongles with no warning so yep i would believe the girl at the true outlet more than the people in nathon. dont believe any of them..

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