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Posts posted by muchogra

  1. First of all, what is a decent Thai woman? I married a lady who was a civil engineer. She has an MBA as well as science degrees. She stated that her pet hates were bar girls and infidelity, and dishonesty.

    OK: you've guessed where I am going! We got married. She came to the UK. She spoke perfect English, learned French and Chinese, not attractive but intelligent and fun. She persuaded me to move to Thailand. Once here she did all sorts of things behind my back including hooking up with an old boyfriend from a Bangkok University. She was smart and clever and found ways to control bank accounts and so on. She was on a long haul: 5/6 years of marriage, making me believe that there were no problems, but she built it all up behind my back. Wrecked my life and finances. She was a perfect liar and cheat. Don't necessarily think because someone is intelligent and middle class that she's better than bar girls. Compared to 'Ami', give me a bar girl any day! Just a little warning to you!

    Sorry to hear what had happened to you. I hope you have something put behind and a regular income that can support yourself! A viscious woman indeed!

    My sister-in-law (wife of my wife's brother) is also a well-educated lady from a not too bad family. As soon as my FIL passed away, she changed the store in a mall, registered under a company's name, and a house bought at over 6m over a decade ago into her name. My BIL is a sucker for woman and he didn't care. This is his third official wife. His formers were American and Hungarian. Now, she stays in Thailand collecting rent while my BIL is still working hard back in the States.

    My wife used to get upset over what she did due to morality issue. I have since calmed her down!

  2. To me, a decent woman is one who knows her place as a wife, mother, and a daughter to her parents and mine.

    As a wife, she should not have the attitude that if a man can do it she can do it also. Use your imagination as to what I mean and call me a male chauvinist. I don't give a hoot.

    As a mother, she should not indulge and spoil the kid. Discipline the kids using reasons and punishments, and not through rewards (bribery) and sweet talks. Yeah, many would disagree with me here more. I don't give a hoot.

    As a daughter, she should take precedence of the parents, both hers and mine, over our kids and myself. One reason being that parents are older and require more attention. Another reason being that they are the ones who have brought us up unselfishly. Who else in the world would do that? Try your kids in the modern era where privacy and their own family far outweighs their concern and attention toward the old folks who are getting even older.

    Conclusion: Don't ever marry a woman who feels no filial obligations. She (applies also to men) has no heart, and may screw you over one day!

    • Like 1
  3. Partington and susteno are both correct. There is no missing or extra mile that you mention or fractions. Just reverse the procedure and plug the numbers in and they work correctly.

    J = M = 24 (They ran the same distance)

    J + M = 48

    (J + M) + S = 64

    48 + S = 64

    S = 64 - 48 = 16

    So M+J+S = 24 + 24 + 16 = 64

    As for 3rd grade, depends on if it is Prathom 1-6 (the lower grades) or Maythom 1-6 (the upper grades). But sounds like the OP is referring to Prathom 3.

    Now have to figure it out in the perspective of a 9 year old. biggrin.png

    Your way is a way a non-scientific person would do

    You obviously don't know very much about Tywais cheesy.gif

    Yeah, I know Tywais, a nice guy, I reckon. He also teaches at CMU.

  4. So easy a problem but people seem to want debating about it!

    No wonder the world is at a discord where "critical thinkers" are debating to death to no avail!

    Sustento, my post in Jinthing where I praised you got deleted even when I received 2 "like". I guess I can't beat the trend with all the pc and progressive people who think I am abnormal rather than the other way round. Can you dig it?

  5. If you don't set up the equations, observant people may say Sara ran zero mile which is the correct answer. Who cares if Sara ran 8 miles less than Mya!

    Correct approach is:




    3 equations and 3 unknowns!

    Actually, you can see from equation 1 and 2 that s is zero.

    Nonsense. The original premise says the total ran was 64 miles. There is only one unknown, x.


    Really? Are you one who classifies yourself as a critical thinker? I bet you do!

    • Like 1
  6. For a third grader, or even a high schooler, many would miss.

    Glad that I was educated in the old British system where math and science took precedence rather than teaching kids about "debate" which they ca!l "critical thinking"!

    How can one have critical thinking when fundamentals are not learnet first?

    • Like 1
  7. I share your concern that police will start cracking down on Chiang Mai's notoriously raunchy night scene.

    Gone will be the endless nights of titillating oriental allure, that feeling of being pulled into a frenzied vortex of sensuality and passion, never wanting to let go.

    At least we were all here to have witnessed it. And we can take solace into being able to share our stories amongst ourselves, as nobody on the outside would ever believe them.

    Quick, where is this place! I need to experience it before it's gone, the mythical Soi Cowboy of Chiang Mai!

    There's nowhere in CM that resembles soi cowboy where farangs are, not infrequently, beaten up senseless by waiters, motorcycle taxis, and some Thai minnows who just want to sneak in a few kicks and punches with no impunity afterward.

    The Thai mentality, including the police, seems to think that physical violence is condonable after the victims drink. They don't investigate and don't care if you are crippled! Life is precious. Safeguard yourself especially against the Thai minnows who would seek the opportunity to put you in harm's way when it arises. That's how they relieve themselves, when opportuity arises against those who normally are treated with a smile.

    Be aware when you are sober, and be careful when you are about to get drunk!

  8. ^ I read that twice and still don't know what any of it means.

    Do another attempt in the morning perhaps? wink.png

    I thought that was in the morning when I made the post.cheesy.gif

    Sorry, got too much to drink and used the wrong word. wai2.gif The word "Beau" in my post should be beauty, the hooker beauty, that is.thumbsup.gif

    The driver apparently wanted to make more money to visit her. That's why he lost his normal etiquette for asking more money from me. Every satang helps, you know!

  9. I say, in general, public drivers in CM are much nicer and more honest.

    I had an incident about 2 years ago when I came up to inspect my house. I lived in a guest house near the Irish Pub. I went to play snooker at Godzilla, behind PTT station on the west end of the moat. When I finished, I caught the red songtael at the PTT station and asked to be taken where I was. The guy had his little brother, Dick, taken him over. He asked if I wanted a girl and told me there was a beau standing outside a 7-11. I told him politely that I didn't want any. He drove pass the 7-11 and said repeatedly that she was there before and should have been there. I told him he could go fetch her himself after he sent me back. So, he drove me back and asked if I could pay B40 instead of B20. Of curse, I paid the B40 because he said, kor si sit dai mai! Always feel funny when someone letting his brother, Dick, take over! For me, I paid some extra and learned.

  10. Yeah, everything is getting more expensive lately. There's more to come since the effects of getting Thailand 'democratic' are yet to be coming.

    Just curious, is there a country which is truly democratic and things are cheap? I know I escaped from one. It's not just from the economic point but socially the society seems so segregated that every move is like intruding on somebody's turf. To me, that's not living a life. That's living a life in hypocrisy which translates to: no life!

    On beef, my last taste of beef is a few days ago - khao soaw with beef. My wife and I used to have rib eye, NY strip, or porterhouse once a week or two. That's before my wife watched her Chinese channel about 2 months ago. She saw the breeder pumping water into cows that made their eyeballs popping out. Since then, she stopped eating beef. For me, I try not to think about it It's a cruel world. Survival of the fittest and the slimmest comes to mind. And, in my opinion, that's what the human world is turning into anyway with all this crap about "democrazy" that is in fact feeding the so-called the democratic ones.

    Sorry about my rants and the stomach turning account of the cows!

  11. 24h ops were announced a couple of months ago. Mainly flights to china like to operate ini the middle of the night but there's only a few at the moment it could increase though.

    Yes, I did see the sign at the airport or from news in a newspaper tht CNX would go 24/7 starting some time in April.

    There are so many flights flying in from different provinces in China especially in the evening hours! More Chinese bashing in the forum is forthcoming , I suppose! thumbsup.gif

  12. Am I the only one who thinks the OP is pulling our legs?

    B100 for a round trip between the Arcade and somewhere in the moat could hardly be called expensive especially when you were not hopping onto a songtael in its regular routes. You wanted it to wait and drive you back.

    If it happened to me, I would gladly pay the B100. Although, if I were with my wife, my wife would probably insist on B80. And if I paid the B100 as asked, my wife would call me a sucker for rip off. Yeah, she sometimes likes to call me a sucker. Her real message is actually implying why some girls like me. To that, I sometimes tell my wife that: you think you are so dam_n Thai that even most Thai understand that people have to make a living. Now, hold on,... I don't think even my wife would complain in this case under the present circumstances; afterall, she's reasonable most of the time.

  13. It shows 37C (99F) right now in cm, whereas, in Bangkok it shows 35C(95F). Somehow, it's more bearable here than in Bangkok. Don't know the exact reasons why. At home, I need to get the a/c on due mainly to the computers running!

  14. I initially wanted a Ford Wildtrack. but after I found out it's an indefinite wait, I bought a Mazda BT50 Pro, 2.2l instead. It's 890k. After the rebate, it's 800k. I like driving the Mazda, sitting high and rather quiet. No problem with power going up the hill at all. After 16 months, I cocked barely 10k km. The fuel comsumption is 10.2 liters per 100 km which could improve a bit but diesel is cheaper so that's ok.

    One time, I was surveyed by a company whilst stopping by a 7-11. One question was what brand would you not buy. My answer was: Ford!...Don't take order when you can't deliver. Nobody wants to buy aggravation waiting again and again!

  15. Well, I think it's a crowd as far as this place is concerned. Thanks for the picture.

    I've been to this place a few times. One time my wife and I took seven foreign friends there. We ate and drank some beers. Thai dishes are always too small for a crowd and we ended up having more than a dozen dishes.

    The 'lake' is incomparable to some lakes in the West but still good for relaxing and doing some bs with some friends. We all enjoyed it for some friends are more than a few decades old since we mingled together during our teen years!

    The last time went with the daughter we found a place that serve big dishes at the same price. Now I know where to go when I take a big crowd there.

  16. One very laughable thing I ever did is when I crashed my car into a center cur bwhile driving home in Bangkok.

    What I did was passing out HKD1000, Yen10,000, and B500 (no B1000 bill then) in my pocket when the police and the tow truck came. Why did I do it? I don't know. I had first class insurance but it was never in my thought!


    you obviously had been acclimated to thailand,

    what was the result?

    Nothing happened. They towed my car and I reclaimed it afterward at the police branch with no question asked! Oh, I slipped a B500 bill at the desk also. Didn't even bother to call the insurance until the next day.

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