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Posts posted by namoi

  1. There's been a lot of speculation about this guy and his mental and physical state.

    If he is suffering from dementia of some type, it is progressive. He would not lose his faculties all at once. One of the early signs is changes in behavior. If he did molest the children, this could be a part of behavioral changes associated with dementia.

    Child-molestation is a life-long affliction, and it's very, very unlikely that he could make it to his 90's without being fingered somewhere along the line. It could happen, but it's highly unlikely.

    The pictures that were found, and purported to have been emailed to others should have drawn some kind of an investigation from the countries where they were sent. Western countries in particular, as well as the NGO's that receive donations would be quick to start uncovering this pedophile network. Did they locate the other children in these pictures? Nothing has been said. Why was he released? When was he scheduled to go to court--when he turns 100?

    But none of the things that should have happened have happened. A lot of strange things in this case.

    It is not highly unlikely he would escape detection until old age at all, in fact, he would have had a high chance of escaping detection.

    It is only very very recently, in western society, that there has been so much open and media talk about paedophiles and the education to encourage children to report inappropriate behaviours.

    Couple this with the fact that most sexual abuse is perpetrated by family members or close friends to the family.

    There are many reasons for non reporting or for non action. Just a few are: long held taboos over mentioning sexual abuse, family embarrassment, shame, fear of reprisal, fear of being an outcast, fear of not being believed that good ol Unlce Jonnie did bad things, and the list goes on.

    Even when reported, prosecutions can be difficult and proving the allegations and having evidence equally so.

    You only have to look at how various church, educational, community groups have for decades covered up abuse in their organisations.

    Make no mistake. Child abusers are often people with rat cunning who can manipulate and distort the truth to keep their freedom

    so true and well said

  2. There's been a lot of speculation about this guy and his mental and physical state.

    If he is suffering from dementia of some type, it is progressive. He would not lose his faculties all at once. One of the early signs is changes in behavior. If he did molest the children, this could be a part of behavioral changes associated with dementia.

    Child-molestation is a life-long affliction, and it's very, very unlikely that he could make it to his 90's without being fingered somewhere along the line. It could happen, but it's highly unlikely.

    The pictures that were found, and purported to have been emailed to others should have drawn some kind of an investigation from the countries where they were sent. Western countries in particular, as well as the NGO's that receive donations would be quick to start uncovering this pedophile network. Did they locate the other children in these pictures? Nothing has been said. Why was he released? When was he scheduled to go to court--when he turns 100?

    But none of the things that should have happened have happened. A lot of strange things in this case.

    i think "fingered" is the magic word that is missing here

    • Like 2
  3. mods, should this be in motoring maybe???????????/

    It is in the motor forum already, see post #3 from 4 hours ago.

    ok bit dumb here, duh, but if anyone would care to enlarge the pic as i did you can clearly see that the damage has been caused by tramua, not sun, bottles, dog pee etc

  4. This cannot be true. Charlerm 's 90 day "Drug Free Thailand" campaign is months old.

    And not one drug kingpin aprehended or mentioned in the news.


    Please tune down the negativity and focus on the bust.... maybe, just maybe, they're working on the rest of the busts with given info found on the packages (<deleted>' idiots...).

    #1---good job.

    i have a nephew that has totally stuffed his life, because of goey, no good to himself let alone 2 lovley kids

  5. Why is it that we seldom hear of Chinese / Hong Kong / Taiwanese / Singaporean / Malaysian / Korean / Japanese tourists being beaten up?

    You do ifyou live in australia,i'm from north queensland and the local newspaper is always reporting attacks on tourists.....now imagine how bad it would be if they earned 40 times our salary and slept with our woman...... i hate to admit it but australia is a very bigoted,racist country.....or maybe its just us rednecks in the top end

    I think it's just the rednecks in the Top End. You couldn't find a much more multi cultural integrated culture in both Sydney and Melbourne, even Adelaide to a smaller degree.

    and don`t dare mention Brisvages

  6. A quote from the Phuket article:

    "Some officers at the station noted that it was not the first time the Australian had been involved in a violent confrontation with local people in Patong."


    The hat that may have triggered the sex comment leading to the violence. Photo: Facebook

    looks like he would be king of the kids with his TOUGHSTICKERS, I see no no need to comment on the thing with him, but, oh well, they will be legends amoung their own crowd when they get home

  7. Well i know for a fact that the OP would not walk around his home town here in AUS after dark and feel comftable, especially Thursday nights, even the local shopping center has to employ security with dogs to try and keep a handel on the crap that goes on, just about need a police escort to walk to the the local train station 300 meters away if you were stupid enough to try.......

  8. RIP. bloody sad BUT there is a promiant travel agent in PERTH that spoke out yesterday that is is uncommon in TH as they are such loving friendly people and that the whole country would be shocked by the actions, also said that it happens in every country in the world, yes he may be right about it happening everywhere but i would suggest he is worried that he will lose customers and is spruking like a showman to keep the crowds coming..

  9. live with it, millions of other blokes have and nearly all got their tough stickers when pi**ed as a fart....

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