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Posts posted by virtualtraveller

  1. Ko Tee is definitely one of the political firebrands/operators who needs to be locked up for a bit, along with Suthep and a few others. To suddenly make him fugitive number because of lese majeste is another case of absurd priorities. And the problem with a censorship law is that you cannot stop people speaking in metaphors, and if their message seems to insult someone dear, it's only because you heard it that way.

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  2. Thaksin always modelled Thailand's ideal democracy on Singapore and Malaysia where one family or party rule indefinitely suing the opposition into bankruptcy or jailing opposition leaders for sodomy, so that you deconstruct a pluralist democracy. You get things done but you walk all over political freedoms. Singapore is not a very free country, Malaysia is a joke. Of course, Singapore is one of the least corrupt countries in the world so they can get away with it. But they have corrupted power. That's the issue here in Thailand.

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  3. Into the vacuum steps a civil war, to do so you need to prove to enough people that the courts are biased. This you can do to a few million Isarn folk, though funding it all would become expensive if the Shinawatra's money spigot is turned off now that they no longer have their paws on the national treasury. However, I believe most the country sits in the middle and can make their own judgments whether the entire system needs violently overthrowing.

    These court rulings might be conveniently ruled to the letter of the law but they are not unrealistic. You cannot say truthfully that Yingluck is not a proxy of a fugitive criminal and that the appointment of Damapong was not at all nepotistic and that the rice scheme hasn't lost billions and needs auditing and disciplinary action taken. You cannot deny the amnesty bill process was cheated and can be described as self-serving side-stepping of the law, and you cannot say the 2 trillion baht loan isn't a diversion of the usual budgetary process. You cannot say that there was no flaw and deliberate cheating in the senate bill, nor that it wasn't a very fair bill because it's not based on election by proportional representation. Of course, no one on those red radio stations and stages will agree one iota with any of these aforementioned truths.

    The courts might well be biased but their rulings are not unrealistic or absurd (except the cooking ruling on Samak granted).

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  4. Although police said it is too early to determine whether the attack on Ms. Patcharanan's car was politically motivated, other anti-government activists who had heckled former sister-in-law of Ms. Yingluck later experienced bomb attacks at their residence.

    Priceless! Another theory is that it's all the work of the dastardly PDRC to give the angelic UDD a bad name.

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  5. I find it far fetched that 60% of the scheme disappeared into corruption since this would mean the farmers would have ended up with no real gain, and they would've complained about that. What this article suggests is that the estimated figure of subsidy, 450 billion, has all disappeared. Lets assume that there was a pre-existing amount of corruption which is part and parcel of any transaction here, but on the flip side, if the govt's control of the money was thorough and the skimming done systematically, then where did all this money end up and even if half of it is now in a PT election slush fund, then 200 billion is a formidable amount. No wonder the Democrats are now refusing to contest elections. This has been grand larceny on the grandest scale!

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