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Everything posted by mberbae

  1. Let's keep the bars open 24/7 so more louts like this one can "enjoy" themselves.
  2. Let's see...NO alcohol between 7 am to 11 am & 2:pm to 5:pm. Otherwise, drink your livers out till 4 : am. Quality tourists ? Hardly. Big spenders ? I think not.
  3. My son is majoring in English at a University here in Chiang Mai. The teacher will NOT let him see his test results to see which answers he may have gotten wrong. She only gives the students their grade. HOW is one supposed to learn from their mistakes this way ?
  4. With Russia having the World's 2nd largest mafia , it's no surprise they are finding lots of opportunity in the Thailand Russian Community.
  5. In another thread this morning, it stated that Chinese Airlines have cut their flights to Thailand due to lack of passengers.
  6. What does this say about the Thai police force ? As for China - send in the spies.
  7. China - You want to be my friend ? Then Do what I say !!
  8. The writing was on the wall when Srettha's first act upon becoming PM was to meet with Xi Jinping - and shortly thereafter inviting Butcher Putin to visit Thailand. He has lost any credibility he pretended he had.
  9. With PM Srettha applauding the 24 hour Chiang Mai Airport operating hours, the myopic PM fails to realize that Burning Season will start soon and the runways will become invisible. That and the arriving passengers will see all the pollution while on descent and take the next flight out.
  10. Eric Loh shows he'd sell his soul for a few tourist dollars - most of which goes to corrupt officials here. Inviting a World Class Psycho, Putin , one who poisons his opponents and mass murders men, women and children across the border in Ukraine, shows the shallow soul of Srettha. He won't be doing Thailand any favors with his incompetent governing.
  11. I would LOVE to see Every Country in the World charge Thai citizens triple prices at museums and National Parks like Thais do to foreigners here. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say.
  12. The gentleman best forget this woman and her family. The dowry is just the beginning. He will be paying for every little " emergency " for the rest of his life. The fact that the fiance is fine with this says it all.
  13. The same is true in Pattaya these days except the foreigners are Indian. Tens of thousands are there, with their own clubs and massage parlors. TAT might want to take these things into account when offering super special promotions to a select few countries.
  14. Pattaya News must not have any kids. Under age teens are ALWAYS pushing the envelope.
  15. The authorities behind this scam never consider the fact that a LOT of foreignrs have lived here 10-15- 20 years and raised Thai families ( including the grand- parents, of course ). But they still must pay the foreigner fees. I don't tip any more. Not so sweet revenge.
  16. Pita did his country a great disservice by even running for office, knowing he was unqualified. And even if he did NOT know, that fact alone shows him as incompetent.
  17. If you don't want to pay the price...Don't do the Crime. It's THAT simple.
  18. Most people who hate Nate are probably envious of his Thai Language skills. As for the police, the ONLY time you see any of them in numbers is when they provide road assistance for a VIP motorcade., or at a Checkpoint , where they NEVER check for working tail lights.
  19. Let's not forget that at 22...we know NOTHING of what Life has in store for us.
  20. The headlines say: Russian Tourist shot. Then later, the Russian owned a restaurant in Thailand. Obviously there are dots that need to be connected here. Was he laundering money through his restaurant ? He was obviously on someone's " Wanted " list.
  21. BKK 6060 is right on the money. But we see from history how things transpired here in the early 40's. Having said that, tens of thousands of Chinese currently moving to Thailand will NOT want to go back to live under an Authoritarian regime again, neither will most educated Thais.
  22. JohnnyBangkok is so out of touch. It's China spreading its sphere of influence across SE Asia as well as Africa. It's Russia who invaded Ukraine and is supplying planes, helicopters and guns to the tatmadaw in Myanmar to butcher their own people with.
  23. But of course. With China licking its chops in ousting Democracy from Myanmar, Thailand will be the next domino, although that may take some' time. Any attempt to help the Resistance in Myanmar will not sit well with them.
  24. Reading BBC today and the HUGE Mafia bust in Europe with ties to the Chinese mafia is enough to give one pause. It's easier to bribe Thai police than Chinese police, one would assume. Thus the extra vigilance here in LOS.
  25. Rooster can't handle face masks so he wants the entire Thai population to ditch it. It hampers social interaction, he says. You mean to say, he interacts with EVERYONE who doesn't wear a face mask in Pre Covid days ? C'mon dude, stay maskless in your own lane, but let those who wish to safeguard their health ( from Covid or bad AQ ) be allowed to do so.
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