Hilariously sad.
Between 400 and 1,000 baht. 400 bht if it's an OPPO
phone and 1,000 baht for Apple phone users.
In the meantime, People in crosswalks still are in mortal
For the poster who said masks in school are stupid.
Our school in San Kampaeng had to close 3
times due to students catching Covid. Masks played
an important role in not having MORE kids exposed.
Rooster should get a job at a Rupert Murdoch publication.
Chiang Mai has seen very little smoke this past burning Season.
The weather has actually been perfect so far this year.
We can drive everywhere as well, without having to sit in traffic for
7 hours to get to a destination 4 kilometers away : )p
This is so sad to read. Thailand NOT blasting Russia for their atrocities in
Ukraine but wants the World to condemn the killings in its own SOUTH by
separatists who want autonomy or Malaysian rule.
Meaningless rhetoric once again.
If the RTP REALLY wanted to stop it
they could do it in one week.
Confiscate the motorcycle and charge
2,000 bht for recovery. 2nd offense, lose the
No, the damage is real. I was parked once when hit by a motorcycle.
The entire trunk needed replacing.
I see phone use by motorcyclists too many times to count.
Unfortunately there is no police presence to do anything about it.
It seems TAT and Government officials have a financial stake in bars and
nightclubs. What " tourists " are they pandering to who need to drink until
4 am ?
Thailand wants to kill the goose that lays the Golden Egg.
Foot Massages @ 1,000 baht will not help bring in tourists.
Nor will noodle dishes at 100 baht.
This has NOTHING to do with incompetency and, the Accountability lies with the
electric company. Obviously the writer is incompetent to assess what happened
by pre judging the motorcycle rider, regardless the age.
Weed is NOT what causes drivers to speed. Try Meth or alcohol.
We all know the dangers of cyclists and pedestrians here in LOS.
It will never change until the Powers that Be take it seriously.