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Posts posted by BuddyPinkham

  1. It is going to take allot more than revising study methods. They need to start with ACCOUNTABILITY with both students and teachers. "Cheating" is rampant by both groups which is mostly overlooked and does nothing to help either. Being in the education world for a "100" years (it seems), more has to be done here to develop an educational system that works and one that lets everyone know CHEATING is not acceptable. There are so many teachers here (both Thai and foreigner) that are not qualified (either with no teaching experience or fake diplomas) no wonder these kids do not learn. I worked on my State Governor's panel for the "Learning Results" for each grade level and level of ability of children. This needs to be done here, BUT nothing will be done because they do not want the help of expert foreigners because we "just don't understand".

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  2. 40 % of this hospital visits is made by expats living in the country. A higher fee on air fare and hotels does not effect the expats living in Thailand.

    But if these fees are implemented does that mean as an expat living in the Kingdom we get free medical care?

    Or will the next rule be: A proof of medical insurance when you apply for a visa?

    As far as I'm aware, you can't get medical insurance in Thailand unless you are under 60 years old, so that would mean once expats reach 60 they will have to go back to their own countries as they won't get a visa to live here with no medical insurance. I don't think so, Thailand does not want us, but they want our money.

    What would happen if all us old geezers where forced to leave Thailand because of health insurance issue's I wonder what would become of the wife's and families they support and many other spends and help they give the local economy I think if the government could calculate that(not easy) we would hear no more about how much we are costing the health service .

    I am sure they come up with all these plans just to give us something to discuss on TV and of course like all government departments worldwide they need something to think about.

    I for one just pick up sticks and ship out without a backward glance .

    Well, you are right, kind of! You can't get health insurance after to BUT you can get it at 59! So why not take the plunge just to be covered? Once you have insurance, they CANNOT drop you when you turn 60.

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