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Posts posted by BuddyPinkham

  1. It always amazes me how regularly the RTP get full confessions. I don't even want to guess how they accomplish this.

    I agree, all I can think of is the individual is being paid to take the rap of a government cover-up."His existence or nonexistence is of no [interest] to the government. I am giving weight to murder, with money as a motive. I conclude he has been murdered already," said Chalerm, without offering any proof.) is just a very weird statement to make. I know, just another conspiracy theory :)

  2. Is it OK to ask for a little bit of help here plse. I am not a native english speaker, so som clraification would be great.

    By this talk of letters and validation. Does that mean what the americans bring to their embassy in order to have a certificate of their income???

    This has nothing to do with the immigration in Thailand I presume? I mean a special law for only americans. This must be something internal for americans with their own embassy?

    I would be happy if somebody could help clarify for a "falang"....


    and 98% of the stores will be beauty products and skin salons!~

  3. Is it OK to ask for a little bit of help here plse. I am not a native english speaker, so som clraification would be great.

    By this talk of letters and validation. Does that mean what the americans bring to their embassy in order to have a certificate of their income???

    This has nothing to do with the immigration in Thailand I presume? I mean a special law for only americans. This must be something internal for americans with their own embassy?

    I would be happy if somebody could help clarify for a "falang"....


    The United States is the only country that Thailand accepts an affidavit of monthly income for expats living here. While expats from other countries my show proof of 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account. This change does not affect anyone that is not USA Nationality. Meaning, I can go to the US Embassy, with the appropriate affidavit form and just state that I receive $$$$$$ amount of money, swear to it and it is notarized by a consoler there, with no proof of 800,000bt in a Thai bank account. This is done by a treaty signed by Thailand and the United States of America.

  4. The government yesterday ordered immediate verification of the status of the rice-pledging scheme in a bid to determine its profitability - and counter a warning by Moody's rating agency that the controversial policy could hurt the Thai economy and cause a downgrade of its credit rating.

    We all know they will just make up new numbers to make the sheets balance!

  5. Myanmar has a lot of opportunities. India building the 4 land highway across it. Oil and gas possibilities off the coast. Pristine untouched coastline and islands. A largish population with a huge workforce (low skilled) at the ready. Politicians wanting foreign investment and willing to build necessary diplomatic ties.

    In Japan Yingluck was pitching the Burmese deep water port facility so was that for the benefit of Thailand or family interests ?

    I would take a wild bet on the latter :)

  6. They think this ONE protest will make the country look bad? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

    Not that counterfeit merchandise, murder and robbery of tourists, bribery, corruption and on and on and on and on.......... Hasn't given this country a bad name? GOOD GOD! All it is is that the PM wants to save face and just smile to make everyone think ALL IS WONDERFUL in the LAND OF SMILES!

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  7. "removing obstacles from streets, and providing information to the public on how traffic police operate." Does that include the cars which park on rama 4 all the time and many other streets ? well at least they do something ... let see how things will be handled ... After all we never know .

    Also on Silom where it is a 3 lane road but cars and stall carts are filling up one of the 3. Don't allow parking or stalls to be set up until AFTER the schools and rush hour have finished.

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