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Posts posted by BigMountain

  1. One thing seems pretty clear; he does appear to have suffered a hellacious beating. Or, maybe he just fell off his Fino.

    But, I find it pretty hard to believe that, in this state, this poor guy decided "What a great opportunity to discredit the PCAD!"

    I agree... if i got a beating like that i would be looking to get the people back that did it to me. Why would he lie about who did it? Exaggeration is believable, but making the whole thing up?

  2. Its sort of funny as soon as "life in prison" gets mentioned, they all suddenly start acting more responsibly. Maybe the threat of serious legal consequences would deter brigandry from all sides would lead to real reconciliation and progress. Its worth a try!

    Unfortunately, everyone in a position of power to do any real legal threatening is firmly encamped on one side of the political divide. The leadership of the military and police are on opposite political sides, and any statement given by either of them is automatically seen through that filter. The UDD leadership did seem to back down a bit after the military swiftly acted. However, I'm completely unconvinced by the UDD's statements about never considering secession. Seems more like stalling to me....

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  3. I would like to see yingluck step down as well and have a real election. Anyone applauding a judicial coup, however, is applauding a further fractured Thailand. At some point the yellows will have to come to terms that their countrymen to the north are here to stay and also outnumber them. Also, it just might be that the red shirt movement is bigger than the shins

    I see it different. The Shins AND the Red movement are smaller (but more violent) than you think.

    You are being quite presumptious as i never conmented on the red shirt capability of violence.

    As far as red shirt support goes, i guess it remains to be seen

  4. I would like to see yingluck step down as well and have a real election. Anyone applauding a judicial coup, however, is applauding a further fractured Thailand. At some point the yellows will have to come to terms that their countrymen to the north are here to stay and also outnumber them. Also, it just might be that the red shirt movement is bigger than the shins

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  5. Surapong's main message is correct: a public debate will do nothing to solve the conflict. Discussions mediated by the UN is the only way forward at this point.

    Your faith in the United Nations is yours.

    It's not that I have such great faith in the UN. At this point, however, it seems to me the best chance at derailing further escalation. Neither side is willing to bridge the divide on their own, and the looming threat of the red shirts hangs over any type of coup.

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  6. yes, when will she resign?

    When will Suthep give up?

    You must be both blind and deaf, not to mention intentionally obtuse. Suthep has stated several times when he will give up. He will quit when Yingluck resigns and the Thaksin regime is obliterated from the political sphere.

    Now...we are waiting for your answer. When will Yingluck/Thaksin give up. Millions are waiting to hear the answer to that question. All problems are because she won't answer it.

    I'm assuming when she is voted out?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Doubtful. She's not making any progress towards that at all. If that was really what she was concerned about...the vote....she could simply resign, allow the needed reforms to take place, and a vote could occur in around a year. Then, she could find out what the people really want. There is no need for her to be in charge during that period if the vote is what counted. No, she doesn't care about the vote. Not really. That is a cover. She cares about staying in power at all costs.

    I want to hear a real answer. What would it take to make her leave?

    She did have an election which by its nature is a way to be voted out. It's not clear at all that the majority of thai people want her gone. Sutheps solution of a Peoples Council was ridiculous, and she has no reasons to accept those terms. I do not believe the red shirts would accept that either. It's never been clear what "reforms" are to be put in place.

    It's a real answer and a democratic answer whether you accept it or not.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  7. an army of peed off taxi drivers is big enough to deal with them alone .too many in BKK have had the livelihoods trashed by these cretins ,the silent majority are about to make themselves heard it seems .

    yes, when will she resign?

    When will Suthep give up?

    You must be both blind and deaf, not to mention intentionally obtuse. Suthep has stated several times when he will give up. He will quit when Yingluck resigns and the Thaksin regime is obliterated from the political sphere.

    Now...we are waiting for your answer. When will Yingluck/Thaksin give up. Millions are waiting to hear the answer to that question. All problems are because she won't answer it.

    I'm assuming when she is voted out?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  8. Why this concern with what the outside world thinks hardly the usual Thai attitude ?

    Yes, I would agree. However, in te context of the Thai economy being increasingly reliant on foreign investment , it is imperative that this be done. The international connection is of scant interest to Suthep and the cronies. Ironically, the greatest losers from a loss of confidence in Thailkand as a place to invest will be the very people who seem to be giving him some support. Thailand runs the serious risk of reverting to being a nation of " hewers of wood and carriers of water"..The rest of ASEAN...laughing their <deleted> off

    I agree. It adds credibility to the government as well if they are seen with global leaders, especially if they are able to present the situation in an honest light (unlike Suthep's letter to Obama a while back). Perhaps they are also seeking some sort of assistance, financial or otherwise.

    Why would you call Sutheps letter to Obama dishonest

    He claimed they were pro-democracy and non-violent, which is clearly not hte case. However, this is a bit off topic, and the debate on this went around and around in other threads

  9. Why this concern with what the outside world thinks hardly the usual Thai attitude ?

    Yes, I would agree. However, in te context of the Thai economy being increasingly reliant on foreign investment , it is imperative that this be done. The international connection is of scant interest to Suthep and the cronies. Ironically, the greatest losers from a loss of confidence in Thailkand as a place to invest will be the very people who seem to be giving him some support. Thailand runs the serious risk of reverting to being a nation of " hewers of wood and carriers of water"..The rest of ASEAN...laughing their <deleted> off

    I agree. It adds credibility to the government as well if they are seen with global leaders, especially if they are able to present the situation in an honest light (unlike Suthep's letter to Obama a while back). Perhaps they are also seeking some sort of assistance, financial or otherwise.

    mmm... they are going to the permanent members of the UN security council. As noted by others, Japan was not mentioned.

    This does not bode well. A worst-case scenario (for the Thai people) is a country in chaos followed by UN (in reality, US-backed) intervention. We've seen this in too many other countries for it not to be an option.

    The ultimate plan is for Thailand to be overtly friendly to US and globalist interests. If covert plans fail, watch out for the drones. I'm not sure what China's real role is in the globalist plans.

    Look around the world - how many truly independent nations are left? The tug-of-war in the Ukraine is another example of a nation straddling two empires that is not being allowed to think for itself - you're either with us or against us. Shit world.

    You make a good point. Your worse case scenario is spot on, but I'm not sure it will be military intervention. The US also tends to put countries in a state of economic dependence through other means. Thailand seems set on putting itself in a vulnerable position while ASEAN begins to open up the SE Asia markets

  10. Why this concern with what the outside world thinks hardly the usual Thai attitude ?

    Yes, I would agree. However, in te context of the Thai economy being increasingly reliant on foreign investment , it is imperative that this be done. The international connection is of scant interest to Suthep and the cronies. Ironically, the greatest losers from a loss of confidence in Thailkand as a place to invest will be the very people who seem to be giving him some support. Thailand runs the serious risk of reverting to being a nation of " hewers of wood and carriers of water"..The rest of ASEAN...laughing their <deleted> off

    I agree. It adds credibility to the government as well if they are seen with global leaders, especially if they are able to present the situation in an honest light (unlike Suthep's letter to Obama a while back). Perhaps they are also seeking some sort of assistance, financial or otherwise.

    You are very brave putting credibility,government and honest in the same sentence.

    and by the way....there's absolutely nothing brave about posting controversial things on TVF

  11. Why this concern with what the outside world thinks hardly the usual Thai attitude ?

    Yes, I would agree. However, in te context of the Thai economy being increasingly reliant on foreign investment , it is imperative that this be done. The international connection is of scant interest to Suthep and the cronies. Ironically, the greatest losers from a loss of confidence in Thailkand as a place to invest will be the very people who seem to be giving him some support. Thailand runs the serious risk of reverting to being a nation of " hewers of wood and carriers of water"..The rest of ASEAN...laughing their <deleted> off

    I agree. It adds credibility to the government as well if they are seen with global leaders, especially if they are able to present the situation in an honest light (unlike Suthep's letter to Obama a while back). Perhaps they are also seeking some sort of assistance, financial or otherwise.

    You are very brave putting credibility,government and honest in the same sentence.

    Right! SHould have said it gives the impression of credibility! lol....I certainly don't believe this government is honest or credible

    • Like 1
  12. Finally....a group of people with something real to protest. Hopefully they do not allow that clown Suthep to hi-jack their message for his own political gains. Good on the farmers to ignore the PTP trying to squash them!

    I think if it wasn't for Suthep they wouldn't be heading to Bangkok.

    I would be proud of Suthep if he assisting them in the cost of the fuel from the

    many many donations from the good protestors.

    You think the rice scheme should only be protested by the farmers and no one else?

    Who's the real clown here? dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

    So Suthep has been protesting the rice scheme all this time? Amazing! You seem to be saying the dems are paying for the farmers to protest.... it may or not be so. If they are funded by the dems hopefully they take the money and publically distance themselves!

    Yes the corruption and the rice scheme has been a major part of it, it's bankrupted the country.

    I seem to be saying that I said the dems are paying for the farmers to protest? Are you sure? Read it again, I never said that.

    Suthep has woken them up, yes I think he is the reason they are coming to Bangkok. --> "I think if it wasn't for Suthep they wouldn't be heading to Bangkok."

    Posts like yours, and welcome to TV by the way, are coming from Dubai where there are quite a few decent English speakers

    where coercion of what to post and compensation as to how many posts are actually made may answer a few questions here.

    If the farmers fuel is being compensated, then what's wrong with that? The money was raised to help them.

    Is that any different than getting paid 500 THB to get on a bus to Bangkok, we've all seen plenty of videos of that.

    Although, contrary to funding the red shirts to invade Bangkok, the money wasn't raised, it was funded by we all know who.

    I look forward to more of your posts, and enjoy your stay wherever you are. smile.png


    Ive been a member since 2011 and its people like u that makes me realize why i rarely post anything

  13. Finally....a group of people with something real to protest. Hopefully they do not allow that clown Suthep to hi-jack their message for his own political gains. Good on the farmers to ignore the PTP trying to squash them!

    i agree with you sir,i dont know why the hell they would protest before over something silly like rampant corruption pathetic isnt it..dont know your previous avatar name but i didnt even think of that one ...tssk im silly im going over to the red trolling (toys out of the pram )camp see you at the a.g.m.ive booked us a telephone box should be packed ..book your ticket in advance so as not to be too disappointedwai2.gif laters babe..

    If you all havent notice ive been a member since 2011. No, i dont post very much. If u read what i actually wrote you would see i was applauding the farmers defiance of the redshirts. This forum has really lost it!

  14. Finally....a group of people with something real to protest. Hopefully they do not allow that clown Suthep to hi-jack their message for his own political gains. Good on the farmers to ignore the PTP trying to squash them!

    I think if it wasn't for Suthep they wouldn't be heading to Bangkok.

    I would be proud of Suthep if he assisting them in the cost of the fuel from the

    many many donations from the good protestors.

    You think the rice scheme should only be protested by the farmers and no one else?

    Who's the real clown here? dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

    So Suthep has been protesting the rice scheme all this time? Amazing! You seem to be saying the dems are paying for the farmers to protest.... it may or not be so. If they are funded by the dems hopefully they take the money and publically distance themselves!

  15. So, out of 22 gunmen counted, with the red-shirts starting the firefight, only a single soldier working out of his own believes gets identified? Must be like the DSI, start on the easy cases first. Those involving persons who do not fear the dark, do not hide, and just coincidental are helping anti-government protesters.

    How can you be sure he is "working out of his own believes". You are jumping to conclusions.

    Also, is there evidence the red shirts started the gunfight? If so I must have missed that. The only thing that seemed to be definite is that a large firecracker was lobbed into the redshirt crowd prior to the gunfight.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    The BangkokPost has an article today on the identified gunman. It also has some remarks from PDRC co-leader Issara saying he went to Laksi after learning red-shirt hardliner Ko Tee was leading supporters to Laksi. He continues with 'we were sprayed with gunfire arriving'.

    Till now these statements are only questioned by pro-government supporters it would seem

    The article is not clear about who started the gunfight. It does not say if there were shots fired prior to Issara's arrival.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  16. So, out of 22 gunmen counted, with the red-shirts starting the firefight, only a single soldier working out of his own believes gets identified? Must be like the DSI, start on the easy cases first. Those involving persons who do not fear the dark, do not hide, and just coincidental are helping anti-government protesters.

    How can you be sure he is "working out of his own believes". You are jumping to conclusions.

    Also, is there evidence the red shirts started the gunfight? If so I must have missed that. The only thing that seemed to be definite is that a large firecracker was lobbed into the redshirt crowd prior to the gunfight.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  17. Forgot to include he was Mr. Matuemang 39, from Narathiwat , that was part of his statements to the police and that he did a re-enactment of the shooting from the back of a pickup truck covered by a blue trap and the other two Sargent's gave him and the other Sgt, the OK to shoot.They had cased the victim movements to decide the best time to shoot him!Cheers

    So it was all a big trap involving 2 policemen.

    That's more conceivable.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Wrong!! Not policeman, active duty Army Sargent's serving in the south! Came all the way up from the deep south to do a hit in the North, a contract shooting!


    I was quoting from your original post. Are you changing your story?

    Army? Where is the evidence of this?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Its reported in the other paper

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