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Posts posted by psmiller

  1. 2 hours ago, avander said:

    @psmiller:  Never heard of WD40 as a pigeon deterrent before.  Sounds like a great idea.   How long does 1 application last? 

    Avander, not sure how long it lasts. I just apply when necessary. I sprayed once for sparrows and they never returned, but the pigeons always come back. So when they do i just spray again. I get a 4 litre container from Home Pro around 900 bht, then put is in a hand pump pressures garden spray.

  2. WD40, Acetone(nail polish remover), hairspray(do it quick) gaffer tape(stick it on the floor then rip it off) Orange or lemon essential oil.


    WD40 is also good for keeping Pigeons away from your house, just to let you know.

    It is full of Fish Oil and for some reason Pigeons and even a lot of birds hate the smell.

  3. Well what an excellent read. I have had so many problems with my Visa, of which the stuffed up in Vientiene. I have just returned from Cambodia with a 15 day tourist visa. They said no "In-Out" I explained my situation and managed to speak to the boss who was very kind, as i explained my situation. I had all my doc's, marriage visa etc and sai i just needed to get a 15 day visa to sort out my problem. Which was they issued me a tourist visa in Laos last time as against a marriage visa which i wanted. So this visa trip to Savannakhet seems to be the answer. Even though i will get a 60 day extension at immigration in Chachoengsao where i live. I might add they are very helpful there.

    I have one question is the visa apllication still the same as the original post.

    Thanks again OP and for all the other continued comments on the post.

    ALSO a big word of warning from the Boss at the Thai immigration Poipet/Sakeow border "NO in/out visa's" unless under special circumstances (mine), and it always pays well to be dressed well and be nice.


  4. The re-enactment photo above shows the accused holding a knife in the 'psycho' grip, utilized when a powerful thrust is required. That is consistent with the deep wound to Michelle Smith's heart, as detailed in other news reports of this incident.

    I don't know much about Thai law, but in Australia, an intent not to kill, but to cause serious injury, where the victim dies of the injuries, is still murder.

    The two accused have been on remand since their arrest for weeks now, with, no doubt, visits from a solicitor. Maybe the realization of a possible death penalty has finally hit home.

    This news will not make the Smith family feel any better.

    Murder in Australia requires Intention or "Intent" to kill. All other deaths resulting from injury by another person are classed as manslaughter, of which there are varying degree's. Depending on which state murder is committed a life sentence can be handed down which ranges from 15-25 years. Rape and GBH have similar prison terms.

    Bond Law Degree

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  5. But wait, there's more...

    There is a female blogger who had to go to the hospital several months ago due to the very same thing. Her and her boyfriend were sprayed in Bangkok. If memory serves, the police didn't believe her. So if this whack job has only been doing it for 2 months, that means there is another or this clown has been spraying people for longer than he claims.

    There were definitely cases a few years ago, same deal, but nothing ever eventuated.

  6. If you are receiving any money then you are working, all work requires a WP. However, in a small village where everyone knows everyone nothing is usually said, unless someone gets jealous and reports you.
    Actually, whether or not you are receiving money, if you perform ANY work, you technically need a work permit. Just ask the foreign tsunami cleanup volunteers, or the kids who got pinched in Chiang Mai for playing at an open-mic night in a local club.

    What happened to the Kids and the Tsunami volunteers?

  7. If you are receiving any money then you are working, all work requires a WP.

    However, in a small village where everyone knows everyone nothing is usually said, unless someone gets jealous and reports you.

    Thank you Beano I always fear the jealousy factor even though I am the only foreigner for miles. Even the Arbator (local Council) head asked me.

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