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Posts posted by GOLDBUGGY

  1. My Wife never puts anything back or in there proper place. For example the only time I ever saw our knife holder full of knives was the day we bought it. When ever she borrows something from me I have to go looking for it later and when I need it. She kicks her shoes off and lets them fall where they may.


    I guess an honorable mention might be she always hangs her panties and bras on our bathroom towel rack, but all women do that I think.   

  2. On 25/10/2559 at 6:37 PM, Tony125 said:

    It has been mentioned as happening here by TV posters many times and my own lawyer pulled me aside from my wife and mentioned "you can get a lease or usfruct but if you build on her or family land if things go south they will find a way to drive you off it". Had me write the deal as a loan to my wife that had to be repaid. If she doesn't have proof she paid me back then landcourt will force her to sell to repay the loan, That way I may not have the house to ive in but she will have nothing. As long as everything is ok I never ask for repayment and in my will she gets the property.

    This all sounds fine. But I don't see how you can put a mortgage on a property and have it registered at the land office when you don't own it to begin with. 


    Owning a house is not a problem. It is owning the land that the house sits on is the problem. So if you got a Usufruct first, for your full life on some property, and then built a house on that with this house in your name only, then this should be legal. 

  3. Mine goes for a walk with me everyday, but it is mostly for me and not for her. But she met up with some other women in the village and they started jogging together every morning at 5 am. I am really impressed as this has lasted almost for a full week already. Longer than last time!

  4. Your situation is unusual, to say the least!


    What you need to do first is to go down to the Local Land Office with someone you trust and who speaks Thai and get the answer to your questions. You don't need a lawyer yet and at the Land Office the answer to your questions are free. 


    The first hurdle you need to get over is the Mortgage. In order to get a 30 year lease from someone, or I much prefer the "Usufruct", that person has to be in a position to give you one. In other words they need to own the property free and clear. With a lien on the property already, a Mortgage, this isn't the case. So until that is paid off I highly doubt you can get a 30 Year Lease.  


    A prearrange contract agreement with your Girlfriend may be possible through a lawyer if she honors that. The most important thing to keep in mind is that as soon as there is no lien on this property through the Land Office, like a mortgage or lease or Usufruct, your Girlfriend call sell this property or remortgage it.


    Some may say that if you have proof you paid for this property you should get it. Forget about it. There is no law in Thailand which says you can't give your girlfriend a gift for services rendered. Depending on your girlfriend and your relationship with her, I would say your situation is pretty tricky.      

  5. On 22/10/2559 at 11:10 AM, toofarnorth said:

    Shot down by those pesky tripod things .

    Too bad it wasn't shot down by one of those pesky tripod things. That for sure would prove at lest that there is some form of intelligent life on Mars. 


    No matter what kind of an upper lips they are trying to show now, this has got to be a big disappointment in spending all this time and money on this probe to have it only crash land on the planet. 


    So we have already left our junk on the Moon and now Mars, I wonder which Planet is next?

  6. 17 hours ago, robblok said:

    Strange that you guys lost it all.. where i come from wives get 50% of the joint property and a monthly allowance. Quite fair too they gave up all to stay home take care of the house your needs and kids and could not make money themselves. Then when it goes south she has to leave with nothing because you made the money.... forgetting what she did all the time for you and kids and could not have her own carrier because of it.


    That monthly allowance is gone when she starts working (only topped up a bit). I have even seen cases where wives had to pay for their husbands. But these wives had a career made more money then their husbands. So it works two ways. You know what your getting into when you marry.. law has not changed in ages and you moan and bitch about it. 


    Tough luck id say. First time around i was smart enough to have a pre nup.. kept my house out of it, and because of the short marriage only a short time for monthly allowance... all fair IMHO.. sure it sucks when she chooses an other guy.. but she is not property unlike what some of you might think. 

    I never heard of a wife walking away with your kids with nothing and you keeping the house and not having to make child support payments, with a "pre nup" or not.


    I also never saw a guy write in defense of the woman and claim giving her 50% for staying home was fair, then turn around and tell everyone how he basically gave his x-wife nothing. 


    If you are of means and have many assets, then a pre nup is probably a good way to protect what you bring into a marriage. Which should be protected anyway and in most other places. A pre nup is not written in stone or binding in any court of law. Even if it is fair, it is up to the courts to decide. A pre nup is only a written contract but so is a marriage contract, which between husband and wife supersedes any other contract you may have with her. 


    Some women walk away from a marriage asking nothing in return to. Although rare!  

  7. 17 hours ago, slippery snake said:

    Yeah,, marriage is one big risk these days anywhere in the world,, unless your happy to lose most of whatever you have.... 

    Who said anything about Marriage?


    In Canada you only have to live with a woman for a year now, in a loving relationship, to get dinged. The only people who were safe from this was Gay People, but now with Gay Marriages being legal that gets thrown out the window to. 


    Your fine if you want to live like a Hermit and in some Log Cabin in the Mountains with your Dogs. But being with any woman (or man) in a serious relationship is risky these days. 

  8. 11 hours ago, BigFun said:

    Goldbuggy, are you wearing your wife beater as you type :post-4641-1156694572:

    Did the elderly Japanese gentleman mistake his wife for the judge? :shock1:

    I never hit a woman in my life. I also don't agree to settle this, or anything else, by shooting them. An X-wife or Judge.


    I am just saying it is time that Divorce Cases are given a serious look again from both points of view, and not just the woman's. Who says Women make better parents and raising their child then Men do? Where is that written in stone, besides in the Divorce Courts?  

  9. 11 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

    .....from experience...


    ..you are slandered...stereotyped.....the wife brings in 'witnesses'....


    ...and even your own lawyer seems 'bought'.....cooperating with the wife to get her at least 95% of joint assets.....



    ...anyone that doesn't like to here this firsthand truth can go !@#$%^& himself.....



    ...time for the foreign governments to speak up.....


    ...not only the husband suffers...the children suffer...


    ....and all the people that depended on the husband...such as family back home.....when he was a viable entity.....




    ...something has to be done....





    I agree 100% and also coming from experience. 


    It is not that most people don't want to listen or hear this. They mostly act like your lawyer and defend these woman. That it is your fault for choosing a younger woman, or choosing the wrong women, and never mind what they did. 


    I like the Polish Divorce the best. You are still expected to share things 50/50 but in Poland this is exactly what you do. You live in the same house together and you have your own room and share the kitchen and bathroom. No child support as you are still living at home and still paying for things like before. Next to impossible to get a divorce approved by the church or a Polish Catholic Priest. 


    Guess What? For many years Poland had by far the lowest Divorce Rate in the West and East. It has only changed some since Polish Men went West for jobs, found a new girlfriend, and then decided not to come back. But even now the Divorce Rate in Poland is very low. 


    If you agree to get married it should be for life. If you want to leave then good-by and good luck. But then be prepared to look after yourself to. If you can't do that with the kid, then leave the kid behind. He will be well taken care of. That is my take on things.  



  10. 11 hours ago, robblok said:

    If you take a wife half your age your playing the odds.. if you attract girls with your money do you think the want you or your money ?


    I was recently divorced (unfortunately) from my Thai wife.. I kept the car and the house she did not want a thing besides what she put into the relation. We are still friends but I selected carefully and she was not half my age or attracted to money. 


    They are out there.. just harder to find and get.. and probably not half your age and looking 10 times better. Woman want a good looking nice guy too.. Guys would not want a woman twice their age why would girls want it without some monetary compensation.


    And yes there are good age gap relations out there.. but that is like winning the lottery everyone talks about it but fey actually win. (I have seen a few.. but seen more that were not genuine).

    I am sorry but I don't see the relationship you are trying to make of being married to a woman half your age, and because of that having the courts take away your house for her to live in?


    The Divorce Rate in the West is 50% and most people their marry close to there own age. So what has that got to do with having to give everything you worked for to your wife and her new boyfriend she was sleeping with in your bed while you were away working. Are you going to defend these courts and say married women have sexual needs to? So it is okay and understandable and thus doesn't mean she is a poor mother?



  11. 10 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

    i guess guys shudda paid their support more often

    If you think that running away from Child Support in the West is an easy task, no matter what your x-wife did to you or refuses to even let you see your kid, then you know nothing about it at all. 


    In the West you are branded as a Criminal and are treated as such. Including going to jail. In fact this only debt on money owed in the West you can go to jail for. You can be refused a Passport, and have your Driving License taken away in many places. Your Saving Account, or anything of value, can be taken away from you. Any wages you earn will be garnished by the government, which most times would cost you your job. 


    I am not suggesting that people shouldn't help pay for the child's well being and pay child support, as I think they should. I am suggesting that if you want to avoid things like this you need more fair judgments in the courts. It is a bitter pill to swallow to be kicked out of the house you worked and paid for yourself, so your x's boyfriend can move in to raise your child, and your x refuses you the right to visit this child as she feels it is not good for him or her. But has her hand out each month for you check.


    Don't think for a moment this doesn't happen as it does all the time. Just so we are straight on this of all the many divorces I know of from family and friends, it was the wife cheating on her husband almost all the time, and not the other way around and what most people think. I only know of one case the other way.       

  12. 8 minutes ago, kmj said:

    Best plan is to not give it up in the first place instead of fking up your own life when it all goes bad because you're the idiot that gave it all away...

    It never used to be this way. It just started in the West after equal rights where thrown around in Divorce Courts so much with Bra Burning Women complaining they are not being treated fairly by their cheating husbands. .


    So now you can have a wife that screws around on you while you are at work supporting her, then sue you later for Divorce and get to keep the house you paid for, to share with her new boyfriend, as she had your child they will now raise together. You end up paying child support for many years to come for a child you hardly see anymore. 


    You call that Justice? It is no small wonder why many people in the West take the law into their own hands after divorce proceedings when they end up with something like this. .  

  13. All I can say is that if I did this when the same thing happened to me a couple of times,  I would be in jail now for a double homicide. Maybe a triple homicide if you want to include one of the x's boyfriend, which I would have gladly thrown in for free. 


    There is no excuse for attempted murder but I got to admit that it sure has got to hurt a lot more when you are 60 years old and probably too old to rebuild. Then get locked out of your house and with no place to live either. 

  14. Who in their right mind would think a poor farm girl would be wearing expensive ear rings? Unless of course it was some other kid. 


    I think there is more to this story than what meets the eye. The ear rings are more likely a Trophy more than a Prize. 

  15. To work their is okay. I have seen worst. But to go on a vacation their, then I would forget about it. Polynesia would be just as remote and I think much better to go to. You can get there from Australia. 


    Some decent and fairly cheap hotels close to the International Airport in Port Moresby, and cold beer, but nothing much else. I found Port Moresby to be quite safe, but I wouldn't trust this place at night tome. I certainly wouldn't venture out alone to some jungle tribe. Unless you don't mind ending up in someone's pot of soup. 

  16. So getting them off the Internet and back into the streets is a better solution for them then? They are not going to stop them from advertising there services by shutting down the Internet Advertising. 


    Personally I think the Law should keep their noses out of the bedrooms of America, and get them back into the streets and where the real crimes are taking place. 

  17. Seems like a very good idea to me. 


    In making Tyres they use a lot of natural rubber which Thailand has a lot of. You are always going to do better selling a finished product then the raw material to make something. Also makes more sense to have a Factory where your raw material is rather than having to ship it huge distances to your Factory. Or in this case your Manufacturing Plant. 


    Productivity is just not all about what was produced per man hour worked. A Modern Updated Factory will always be more cost effective and more productive then an Old Outdated Factory. Machines will always outdo Manual Labor as they don't need a lunch break and they don't get tired or lazy.   

  18. From what I have seen it sure looks like sons are favored over daughters.


    That is not to say Thai's don't love there daughters to. My Thai Brother-in-law and his wife just had a baby and they wanted a girl over a boy. It is just that the boys seemed to be spoiled more than the girls. Even by his own sisters.


    But then Thai Women tend to spoil their men to, so I guess this is no surprise.   

  19. On 7/10/2559 at 11:49 PM, KittenKong said:


    I see no reason why such insurance should be for owners only. The risk is the same regardless of who pays the premium.


    Though it's not clear to me why a tenant would want to pay to insure the structure of a building that he doesnt own. The contents of course would be another matter.

    I am not sure if this applies to Thailand but a long time ago I had a friend who was renting a house in Canada. Through his own carelessness by not paying attention, he caused a Hot Cooking Oil Fire in the kitchen that did a lot of damage their to the walls and cupboards. 


    The Home Owner had Fire Insurance and was compensated by the Insurance Company for the fire but then this Insurance Company went after my friend for damages. He finally settled out of court which in today's dollars would have cost about $9,500. He was told by this Insurance Company that had he had Rental Insurance for fire, they would have settled with his Insurance Company and not with him. 


    So maybe that is why, as a renter, he wants Fire Insurance.    

  20. I would tell my friend to book a different flight that doesn't enter Thailand.


    At the last minute airlines may stop him from getting a Boarding Pass as he is Blacklisted. Immigration may check all incoming flights. Flight is delayed in Bangkok and now won't leave that night at all or in these 2 hours. 


    Why put himself through so much stress in wondering when there are hundreds of ways to get to Vietnam without having to go through Bangkok?

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