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  1. That's the end of the huge marketing budget for bottled water πŸ˜ƒ
  2. Yes .... so long as it's a reasonably modern bike with 12v electrics. Don't leave it connected to the truck for long as you could damage the battery. But most 125's have a kick start or can be bump started. And a better option is to charge the battery, but you'll need a bike specific charger or at least one with a low charging rate.
  3. OK .... so 2 years of conscription before the war ended, and average age of Vietnam soldiers was 19. But I thought the definition of Boomers starts in 1946 ... so plenty of time for US oomers to serve in Vietnam, and of course Vietnamese Boomers also fought in the war.
  4. Vietnam war ended in 1975, age of conscription started at 18 .... so boomers were involved in the war.
  5. The original post sounds like a UK-centric viewpoint? Vietnam was pretty disasterous for some US, French and Vietnamese nationals .... but I agree with the general sentiment about our generation, although 'boomer' seems to now be used an insult, which is odd I don't see any of the subsequent generations covering themselves in glory either, and no generation to date has done anything to save the planet.
  6. Yes .... if you find the right one, a good one, then life is so much better. 14 years now, and for me, at first, it was pure lust- she was just so beautiful and hot! .... but for her, she just decided I was her soul mate, and she would look.after me so well I'd never want to let her go. She's still gorgeous, but also helps run our business, as well as keeping me healthy with good food and a healthy lifestyle. I know there are gold diggers out there, and understand the negative views of some (most) AN members, but find the right one (or more likely she finds you) and she'll make your life so much better.
  7. Local bar girls complained unofficial competition?
  8. Brother will be in debt, possibly from buying the condo, and they transferred it to your wife's name to try and avoid repossession by the lender. Raises several questions ..... Is your wife's name now on the Chanote? ( big A3 sized light brown document) Who paid the tax on transfer of the property? Did she pay anything for the property? Is your wife a guarantor for the loan? If she has to transfer it back to her brother in the future, who pays for the transfer? Is her brother paying the interest on the loan, or he now caught in the compound interest trap? Is the loan with a bank or formal finance organisation, or with a local money lender/gangster? Is the value of the property more or less than the loan?
  9. I've worked in Philippines and Indonesia ..... and it's a cliche, I know, but I struggle to even imagine a better option than my Thai woman. Simply stunning when we first met 14 years ago when she was managing a hotel. Still very good looking now, and she helps to manage our business as well as look after the house .... and me. Her Thai upbringing means she believes her job is to look after me, and in return I look after her. Early in the relation I 'invested' in her education and daily expenses (and gold πŸ˜€), but as the business grew and she took on more responsibility, she now more than pays for herself. A true 'keeper'.
  10. Many people, including myself and many AN posters, said at the time that the lab leak was the most plausible cause - but it was politically incorrect to voice this theory in case we upset China. Now both the US CIA and the German Intelligence organisation back the lab leak theory. The only reason it's still a 'theory' is because China has suppressed the evidence to ensure nobody can be certain. But even in 2020 the signs were clear. Earliest cases were never linked to the market. The market had been selling wild animals as food for many years, so if it was the source there would be some natural immunity in the region. There was no natural immunity, so it had to be a totally novel virus. The Wuhan Institutute is situated in the epicentre and they were involved in gain of function experiments on corona viruses. The Wuhan lab had a known history of poor biosecurity. That should have been enough to make the lab the prime suspect. These newer reports about the origin are just saying what we all knew years ago.
  11. Watched Electric State last night. Reminded me why I need to cancel my Netflix subscription. Slow pace, feeble dialogue and a woman who can't act playing a 'kid'. The visuals are nice, but everything else sucked. Avoid.
  12. Silk ao dai in a Bangkok Hotel
  13. Why does God focus all his attention on the Middle East .... same as CNN? Is the rest of the planet not worthy?
  14. Surskating ..... lower impact than running (assuming no falls) and good for flexibility and balance. I'm in my 60's so no fancy tricks, just nice long rides πŸ˜€ It became popular in Thailand during COVID, but now it's only me in the parks.
  15. There's always something interesting happening on Bangsaen beach .... a kite festival last week, a coffee festival last month, regular marathons, parot flying each week, modified pick-up truck meetings, couples caught bonking against the coconut trees, the amazing 'Bangsaen Grand Prix' Street circuit in July, speedboat racing, paramotors doing low passes along the beach ..... and now boxing matches. Yes there's traffic jams at the weekends, and plastic litter, but it's such a fun almosphere - Thailand at it's most vibrant and a reminder to me why I live in Thailand.
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