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  1. Maybe because it's anti-social, inconsiderate, unhealthy and just plain nasty.
  2. You're trying to apply common sense to a troll who just wanted to make a nasty comment. Don't waste your time with sad trolls.
  3. Yes .... they need a war to distract the public from the miserable performance of the last two governments, and they are heading that direction.
  4. They're not going to admit they went to get a lucrative job scamming their fellow countrymen and women.... so claiming they were trafficked is a good excuse. Lock them all up.
  5. Some countries used to have a points system to determine if an immigrant is allowed to stay .... Europe should adopt this system ... Valuable, technical profession - 10 points Doctor or nurse - 20 points Misogynistic viewpoint - minus 10 Only associate with people of the same religion - minus 5 Wears inappropriate Middle Eastern clothing in Northern English cities - minus 20 Tendency to use cars, trucks or aircraft as murder weapons - minus 30 Grows a beard but no moustache- Minus 50 points
  6. This is exactly the type of feeble-minded lunacy (or should that be Llamacy) that drives people to the extreme right wing. All Tommy or Nigel need to do is to start saying they'll keep men out of women's toilets and Llamas out of politics and they'll be able to form the next UK government. Glad I'm in Thailand where men are men and women are ...... oh wait.
  7. Except there is one .... https://www.who.int/news/item/02-10-2023-who-recommends-r21-matrix-m-vaccine-for-malaria-prevention-in-updated-advice-on-immunization#:~:text=The R21 vaccine is the,have high public health impact.
  8. Yes .... malaria is one of the biggest killers of children, with number 1 being be a wide catch-all category of 'diarrhoea', so malaria is probably the real number 1 .... but it has such a complex lifecycle it's been challenging to develop an effective vaccine - although there's some promising ones on trial now.
  9. A statistical quirk in a non peer reviewed paper that panders to the fears of the anti vaccination brigade. The two groups are not comparable .... in general the group of people who get vaccinated will have a higher proportion of people with reasons to do so .... poor health, overweight, high risk group etc .... the same people who have a higher mortality rate. Also, vaccination is targeted by health professionals on higher risk groups. There's so many papers published every day that it's possible to find one that reinforces a particular belief. Flat earth, check .... MMR causes autism, check, All Thai girls are hookers, check.
  10. Pricey for an uncomfortable 250, and the sports bike position is not good for visibility in traffic. I'd rather have a 400cc Triumph for less money and with more comfort.
  11. I'm struggling to imagine how much of a ripple would be created by downsizing a self-serving bureaucratic organisation. The international private schools will lose some business, a few drivers may lose their jobs, business class to Geneva may have a few empty seats, buffet lunches for the endless talking-shop meetings will reduce ..... but the planet will keep spinning
  12. The British Embassy hasn't had a clue about anything going on in Thailand since about 1972.
  13. So with all the dramatic cuts in US aid, the only serious impact so far was a chronically I'll, bedridden 71 year old?

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