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Posts posted by essexman

  1. That sounds like a 7,000 to 11.000 Baht a month apartment. Probably a bit more than what a person on a 32,000 budget usually spends.

    Best of luck any way.

    Don't tell your ex where you are living if possible, she will be round causing problems.

    You are in the right price bracket. Its 8,000 a month. I did look at cheaper places but to be honest you get what you pay for. I'd rather spend a couple of extra nights in a week and be in a nice place. I did look at one that was 5,000 and it was dire. The extra 3000 just seems so much more worth paying.

    The other good thing is its a bugger to find ..lol. The first couple of days i kept having trouble finding it. No the ex wont be coming here. She has written about getting a divorce, so the sooner the better now.

    Everybody is different, I met a guy through a friend who is quite happy to live in a studio that costs 3,500. He took me to see it as there was another available. No air/con. Beyond basic. He had a little kettle that he pluged into the bathroom to make a coffee. No cable or wifi. But he just uses it as a knocking base. I couldn't live like that, I need a few comforts in life. But it suits this guy, so good luck to him,

  2. Well I would like to wish every member a Happy New Year to start with. I feel able to start posting again, and give an update to my position. No surprise really, I am now living in Pattaya. All went belly up on New Years Eve. So I moved out and stayed at a good friends for a couple of days while we looked for a decent apartment. I've been lucky to find a nice apartment in a complex called Moonlight. Its very nice and quite, only 20 apartments and has security key card and a guy at night, so it feels safe. The apartment is nice with air/con wifi and cable. Has a nice swimming pool and garden. Early days I know, but I feel its a good choice. Its only about 2 minutes fromSukhumvit, off a road call Toongklom Talman.

    So will now see how my budget goes. I have written off this month as I had to buy a few extra thing for the apartment. Plus I joined Casta Gym yesterday, So its just a case of finding my feet, finding my bearings and chilling out for a while.

    I'm still getting abuse even though I'm not their !! But I think its just anger that she does not have control of me now. The phone calls have stopped so maybe at last I can now start to relax and enjoy life. It does feel strange, but I think with time I'll get over this experience, and be a wiser man.

    Thanks again to the members who took time to post and gave me the confidence to get out of that realationship.

  3. Well at least the big majority of members have posted a positive response, something which I appreciate. There is something to be said about Robert Maxwell, if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have the safeguards in company pensions that we have now. Being a former pension trustee, I have a bit of confidence that my company pension will be safe. Of course there is a government support scheme as well. So worst case for me my pension will increase 2.5% a year. The last 2 years it has gone up 7.3%

    I do also appreciate the members who think the amount is on the low side, something I know and will have to take into account. I'm in a fraggile state at the moment so don't really appreciate this kind of response:

    "Nah, if you have to ask whether you can live on 32k a month now then its 50:50 that you will be destiture in a decade...just another broke falang jumping from a condo balcony or arrested for drugs smuggling and going to jail for life and all because you didn't understand the concept of preserving your purchasing power over time"

    I came here for advice, that's not advice, not sure what you would call that statement?

  4. OK the professional, I make allowances because I see your a new poster. I take it you mean destitute in your post? Well had you read all the posts you would have read that my pension does increase each year, not by a fortune but a minimum of 2.5% and its capped at 7%. Its all based on the UK inflation rate each March. Also it has been mentioned by another poster that I get my government pension in 7.5 years, This will give me around another 30,000 a month. I have a nice sum sitting in the bank, this will be mainly used as retirement visa funds, plus a bit on top for any emergency. So as for rising costs this will happen to me here or anywhere else I choose to live. Now if I was back in the UK , I have no doubt I'd be still working, but here in Thailand, money goes a lot further.

    At the moment I am trying to save my marriage, Its 50/50 if this will be successful, I have mentioned the reasons why I feel I need to give it a one more shot. To be fair life seems good here today, we are going on vacation Monday, and hopefully a few days away will do us both good. Will she remain nice, I'm not holding my breath. She does know I'm at the end of my patience with her, so its really down to her. Having done some homework, and some nice PM's and posts on here, I'm 100% confident that if things take a turn for the worse here, I'll survive and live a comfortable life in Pattaya.

    Thanks for your concern and your inflation permutations, but regarding keeping up with all the possible inflation issues, I'm in the same boat as anyone else receiving a pension. Life is to short to keep worrying about "what if."

  5. Well thanks to all the members who have taken the time to post. I have decided to give this marriage one last try. It all came to a head yesterday, and I'm hoping that things will now improve. She knows exactly where I stand now. We have a vacation booked for next Monday, so will be able to go away and chill for a while, without the pressure of the business to worry about.

    Yesterday morning I decided to use the day to get everything ready, and leave today. I had made contact with a guy who had a nice apartment free. So I was ready to go. But a heart to heart, and putting everything on the table may have done the trick.

    She knows I wont put up with any crap now, will this be a long term cure... Who knows. I feel in a good place today, so I will suck it and see. The end of the day for me, if it doesn't work out, I can know in my heart, I did my best and can walk away without that regret.

    I do know that I wont hesitate to leave if she kicks off with me again. I have a very good friend in Pattaya who will put me up and help me find nice accommodation if I ever need to. So obviously I have that comfort in the back of my mind.

    Also like to thank the members who have sent me PMs and the guys who offered their support and a meet up for a beer and a chat. I'll post now and again to let you know how things are going.

    Happy New Year to you all wai.gif

  6. I don't get it, you have a loving and beautiful wife, a business and still complain ? Did she ever hurt you or is it only a bit of verbal abuse ?

    I'm sitting on my own in my crappy room in pattaya and I can tell you being alone gets boring very quickly sad.png

    Well I hope not to end up in a crappy room. The loving part 5% The no speaking 20% The verbal abuse 25% The throwing of things 10% Her never being wrong 20% Normal life 20%. So you want me to live like this ? Or in your eyes I have nothing to complain about ?

  7. Thanks for all the useful replies. I'm not a big drinker ... In actual fact I don't drink from one week to the next. Obviously I do like a beer now and again, and I find when I haven't had a beer for a few weeks, I really enjoy it.

    Sorry that statement sounds like I'm contradicting myself, Oh well I know what I mean rolleyes.gif

    Like I have mentioned in an earlier post I feel a lot more confident now, regarding moving and having enough money.

    Of course sod's law is she is as nice as pie now. We are going away for the New Year, so hopefully that will be OK. In the back of my mind I know its only a matter of time. I have sort of made my mind up that the next time she blows up with me, will be the last.

    I'm really grateful for the positive posts, and glad I posted for the advice.

    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you all wai.gif

  8. Hi Chris. Well my wife has all the assets anyway. She owns the home and shop. She runs 2 successful businesses, and has her own money and income. Pity she is such a nightmare to live with.

    Regarding apartments, I have been in contact with the agent who looks after an apartment complex called Moonlight Apartments. They are located in the Nong Prue/Boonsampan area. Near the Green Way driving range. Does anybody know of these apartments? There is a studio free now, and 2 more will be available next month. Like another member mentioned, I have to find a place that is nice, and I feel at home in. Obviously cable and WiFi are really a must, plus a swimming pool is an added bonus. If any member can recommend apartments along this line, it will be appreciated.

  9. Yes to put the record straight, I have the money in the bank to support my retirement visa. Also that gives me a bit of back up if I need money for an emergency. Being here 3 years I know how to eat cheap and I do eat mostly Thai food. I'm not a big drinker, and when I met up with some friends in Jomtien a couple of months ago, a beer was 40 baht !! Have heard about an ex-pats club, so hope to make some new friends once settled.

  10. Why Pattaya?

    You would be better off in Chiang Mai much cheaper and not so in your face.

    Nicer women too. You wont be able to afford female companions with that budget in Pattaya.

    To be honest I have never been their. I know some people in Pattaya, so will feel a bit more at home. Regarding female's ... Well I need to have some alone time for a while. Then who knows who I might meet.

  11. Thanks for all the posts. The apartment I like the look of is in a good position and quite new. I know you can't tell a lot from photos, but it was recommended to me and seems the sort of thing I'm looking for. Its only a small complex, has a swimming pool, and as I mentioned before has wifi and cable all in with the price. The water costs are a set price of 300 baht a month and the electric is charged at 7 baht a unit. They tell me the average monthly utilities are 1,500. Regarding the scooter, well where I live now is very busy, so know all the pitfalls. But at night I might well use the bus.

    It will be hard to start with, but I need to move on and be happy with my life. I'm sure I can find someone who will treat me with a bit more respect than I get now. Living with someone who I tread on eggshells with is wearing me out.

    Thanks again for the posts ... I sort of feel more confident now. Just need to get Christmas and New Year out the way ... Then make the move.

  12. Well the places I have seen so far have told me the utilities are around 1,500. So I'm thinking around 10,000 a month. But I get wifi and use of the swimming pool. Obviously I'm hoping to negotiate the rent for a long term let. I like working out so will join a gym. Not really into the walking street bit, so wont be hanging out there. I'm sure I'll be OK, just have to cut my cloth as they say.

  13. Would like a bit of advice please. I have been living in Thailand nearly 3 years now. Without going into details I am having real marriage problems with my wife. Not sure if I can carry on in this relationship much longer. I have some friends who live in Pattaya and for me I think a move away would be a option I need to consider. I have checked some apartments out and have found a nice one that is 8,000 a month. Its on a small complex and seems very nice and secure.

    I am on a retirement visa and have enough money in the bank to cover that. My pension is only 32,000 a month. So, do you think this is enough to live on ? I eat Thai food and run a scooter. Any advice I would appreciate. I am thinking of moving early in the New Year.

  14. Thanks for the answers ... Regarding the doctors letter it was required last year at Si Raha immigration. I will let the forum know if it was needed this year.

    Mario 2008 Thanks for the download link for the form. One other bit of advice please ... Can't remember what I put last year ... The bit about reasons for extension ? I think I put to support my Thai wife .. Or something like that.

  15. Hi lopburi 3

    Yes I am using the pension & bank deposit method.

    The letter from doctor is stating I'm in good health.

    The proof of address I had but didn't need last year. That's why I asked the question, as I know from my 90 day visits the requirements do change occasionally.

    What I have is what was required by Si Racha immigration last year.

    Do you know the website to download the form ? As this will save me some time once there on the day.

    Thanks for the reply

  16. Sorry to hijack this thread. But can someone tell me the latest requirements for renewing my retirement visa here. I think I have it covered but I know through experience that the goal posts move occasionally.

    This is what I have so far:

    Proof of pension from the British Consulate.

    Letter from my Thai bank

    Copies of the last 3 months of bank statements. (Bank letter and current bank balance tally)

    Letter from doctor

    Passport photo copies.

    2 x passport size photos.

    Is there anything I am missing ?

  17. Having lived in Thailand for 14 months now ... I still struggle with the Thai language ... I've had quite a few false starts ... Had the wife teaching me ... But I don't think that's a great way to learn ... I've invested in books and various cd's ... But nothing really stuck ... About 4f months ago I started the basic Thai Pimsleur method .. I quite liked this to start with ... 30 minute lessons ... No reading or writing ... Just listen. Must admit it is very repetitive ... But it started to work for me ... They said once you get about 80% right ... Move on to the next lesson, I just stuck with the same lesson for a week at a time ... Sometimes I'd listen to the lesson twice in the same day ... But at the end of each week I was just about 100% correct on the answers ... So I did the first 10 lessons ... Now I had bought this starter cd pack off ebay for 10 pounds ... I went on the pimsleur website and on there you can down load blocks of 5 lessons for about 650 baht. So I moved on and did the next 5 ... By then I was begining to realize that a lot of what I was learning ... I'd never use ... Plus of course the downside being you don't learn how to read or write Thai with this method. I'm not going to knock this way of learning because it did work for me ... It was quite enjoyable ... And I think that can be a big plus. But it does have limitations. So I did some research and found another course that looked quite interesting ... They gave me a trial of 5 free lessons ... Its all done on-line and they start from beginner to intermediate through to advanced ... It does seem to cover everything, including the reading and writing side .. It also has a forum ... You can download all lessons if you want to, or just click away and work at your own pace. I did the 5 free lessons and thought it was enjoyable and quite easy to grasp ... And I'm no rocket scientist ... Lol. Where I live in Chonburi there are not many English speakers ... So I'm really going to give it a go now and try and master the language ... This is the link if anybody wants to have a look. http://learn-thai-podcast.com/membersarea/signup.php?price_group=-14

    They are doing an offer at the moment and I paid around 65 pounds for the whole course ... This is for over 800 lessons and what looks like a good support back up. But of course time will tell if its any good.

  18. I did a 90 day visit to Si Racha immigration last week ... And didn't have to show proof of address ? The only change from my previous 90 day visit was I needed a photocopy of my passport. Checked my Thai driving licences and my address is not on the back of either of them ?

    The addresses are in Thai. If they aren't on the back, then the licences are not the latest style.

    Yes you are right ... My Thai reading skills are still quite poor ....Lol. I wonder why the immigration rules are different in various locations .... So is the answer for this guys problem for him to report to Si Racha ? Wonder if you have to report to your local immigration ... Maybe just say you was visiting a friend and see what they say ... Nothing to lose by trying that !!

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