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Posts posted by aznyron

  1. One word of advice.. Don't use a motorbike helmet to bash em with.. you may end up with cockroach splattered all over you face.. :o

    totster :D

    Speaking of helmets, I'd posted in another thread about not being able to control the roaches in my office building. They are !$%$!# everywhere. I've had a nasty surprise twice so far in the past 10+ years living here of having a feeling of these bl0ody things crawling over my hair :D :D :D (inside the helmet) while riding. Lucky I don't know to ride a bike and am always a pillion rider.

    try spreading laundry detergent around the area especialy behind the fridge 7 inside the motor casing it does not kill them but they won't walk in it because it burns there feet so they will leave and like the other person said they like moist areas place some detergent there also no guarentees to rid them but you will see less of them good luck

  2. This is a bit of a stretch, but maybe your friend has friends who are grandfathered in on some old rendition of the retirement extension qualifications? If I recall reading correctly here on this forum, a few years ago it was only B400,000 needed, and years before that only B200,000, plus the age requirement was higher (55? or 60?)

    So, as I said, it's a stretch, but in the "where there's smoke there's fire" category I could see where some older retired person, who had to wait until age 60 to get his visa and at that time only needed B200k or B400k could be telling your friend that you don't need B800k if you are 60. Then the "not needing B800k in the bank" got transposed into "free" ... are you familiar with the "telephone game"?

    just a tip if your over 50 do not have 800.000 baht and get less than 65 k but more than 40 k retirement marry your g/f and apply as married man to thai girl you get around both laws LOL correct me if I am wrong thank you

  3. Heya jasreeve, what kinda crotch rocket you packing mate?

    I live in Bangkok, so I don't own a bike, just a bts guy, nowadays. I do often go past a bike shop close to national stadium and dream about having a nice sportsbike, living outside Bangkok (maybe France / Italy) and riding around...

    Back home, I had a CBR600, which I never considered to be a sportsbike, just an all round commuter type.

    (Riding my mate's R1 was great though.)

    When I was 17, I had a NSR125K, a bright orange cafe racer import from Italy - a mighty 33bhp! It was good fun for a teenager, much more sporty than these Thai 125's, but for sure not a sports bike.

    I don't know what drugs some of these middle-aged ex-pats are on, but when I see a CBR125"RR" hairdryer "flying" down the road, it's a cross between amusing and pathetic.

    What are you packing, mate?

    Can get 165 kph outta this beauty, 17 going on 35, i love it!


    Nice looking bike I have nouvo I thought about getting 150 phantom but I am old man not to sure if I can handle one now I know nothing about bikes so if I was to buy one which would be good for a starter bigger than the nouvo gas milage is not a concern of mine

  4. I'm quite content living in the boonies of Loei province, BUT, if not for my Thai wife I'd be headed back to the farang ghettos.

    I live in udon thani isaan country and all the girls are looking for falong to marry so you will have your pick of the litter just do your self a favor do not get involved with a bar girl for long term love affair in most case they don't work out she eventually will hurt you some way trying going to a mall and flirt like you did back home it worked for me now I have a wonderful girl who never drank or smoked or used drugs and she adores me that what life is all about


  5. Try freezing the tomato puree in ice cube trays. A cube is often just the right amount to add to a recipe. You can use it straight from the freezer, it defrosts in the sauce. You can freeze leftover wine in the same way, a cube of that will liven up gravy for a roast, no end

    since the topic is abut tomatoes & tom/paste I have some thing to add you might like I get some small tomatoes slice them up small get some mozzorella cheese and slice it up small get some oregano and garlic salt peper (black) place in a large bowl add parmgine cheese and top it off with olive oil now I said olive oil not some garbage oil and get a loaf of french bread the long one you can find it in tesco bakery dept and just enjoy eating it now cold beer would go well with it but I can not drink alcohol I eat that about 3 times a week while my lady eats popiya salot LOL

  6. Maybe next they'll catch the guy that pleasures himself into the urinals at Big-C (the men's room behind the movie theatres).

    were did you come up with that one unless your sniffing the bowl or wacking it your self LOL taking some one photo with out there permission is all I see this guy did wrong since lady in panties is not porn I think he would have more fun get photographs at the beach but what ever floats your boat works now he is on the criminal watch list LOL I think we all done some stupid things in our lives far worse then that clown did but never got caught AMEN

  7. Speaking of these travel warnings, why does my country (the US) issue these for foreign countries, but never for the US? If any place needed travel warnings it would be the US. Almost every large city in the US has 'no-go' areas that travelers might enter unaware. If the US is so concerned about its citizens safety, and presumably the safety of others, why not issue travel warnings for those visiting the US? Same would hold true for the UK, which is rapidly catching up to the US as far as 'no-go' areas. Seems hypocritical not to. Or have I just missed those warnings??

    we yanks have no fear we are can carry guns legally in most of the USA with a few exception and they seem to be the highest crime areas LOL place were guns are legal no crime that must say some thing about carring a gun I my self have two back in the USA one small 38 and a 12 gauge shot gun (mooseberg) short barrel nice weapon to blow some one a way if neccessary when the good guys are armed the bad guys go else were AMEN

  8. we have the most venemous land snakes in the world here in Oz and none of them will kill you in 15 minutes, sea snakes are worse

    Bronco is right

    venem facts

    Most venemous snake=sea snake

    Most venemous land snake Aussie brown snake

    stongest venem=So. Am. spitting tree frog

    If a snake has any red in its color, it is usually dangerous

    I kill them all, cuz i got no mice or rats, and the bamboo

    viper looks like the hamless garder snake where i come

    from, and i got kids. :o

    well let me add my two cents I would not pick one up and I would not go out of my way to kill one since they keep mice & rats as well as other varmits from over populating but I have to agree when you have children you must protect them at all cost now as for fear I fear a vicuois dog more than snake since I can run from a snake but a dog I have face it down and fight it that scare me because i know the sob will get a few bites of me before i strangle it if I am lucky enough to win the battle

  9. If it involves violence and Russians then it's usually not random at all. I bet there's a lot more to this.

    to me it looks like a contract hit from Russian mafia no umbrella vendor is going to shoot some one over a beach chair trust me on that one please bring back the soviet union it was bad but this a worse your not safe any were what I like to know is how they get the guns in unless they are buying them in Thailand

  10. Hey!!! Its only five years old and still working just fine. I have to crank it a bit on cold mornings but other than that it crashes just as well as the newer window models. The hard drive is making some funky noises though, as I never turn it off I can only imagine the wear and tear after five years.

    Actually, I am turning the office all to Macs, started last year and have about five more to go. Since I am Kee Neow, I thought I could get another year out of this old dell with just a new hardrive.

    Where is Dell at Fortune IT? I have not seen a Dell shop around.

    Thanks for all the comments..... mostly :o

    Dell don't appear to have service outlets in Thailand (or didn't last time I tried to find one).

    Memory and hard drives (about the only upgrade options available on a laptop) are readily available in Fortune, the hardest part will be locating the exact memeory type needed for a 5 year old box.

    Hi I just want to post a recomendation when I live in bkk I shopped at cerri center for my pc parts I went to the 108 shop the lady name is Kitty she speaks very good english and is a very nice lady and will do what she can to help you with any thing you bought from her she also had a true internt desk there if she still has it I don't know there is also IT pc shop in seacon square which I have gone to with out any problems but I like 108 better because Kitty does go the extra mile to help you as for panthip thanks for the info I will avoid that place since there are many dissatisfied customers going there thank you Ronnie

  11. To try and answer your question about upgrading your motherboard, you really need to update to AM2 if you want to stay with AMD, 754 is long obsolete, so to is 939.

    To update to AM2 means a new cpu, new memory also. I always liked AMD but the Intel Core 2Duo range of processors are now the benchmark, at stock they out perform AMD processors in the same price range and there should be more price cuts and newer budget versions available in the next few months. Best value now is the C2D E4300 at less than 7000 baht but it depends on what you use your computer for. If it's just basic surfing and Word etc. then a AMD Athlon X2 3600 might be worth looking at, 5000 baht. There are lots of cheaper processors that may also do the job but if looking for something to last a few years then get the fastest processor you can afford, dual core if possible would be my advice.

    You can take a look at AMD AM2 boards here You probably don't need onboard video as you usually require a fast add on graphics card to take advantage of all the features in Vista. A suitable card is probably going to cost at least 5000 baht if you wish to play most new release games, 7900 or 8800 l imagine but l'm not a gamer.

    PENGUIN thank you for that info and web site you saved me some money and time I appreciate that info very much once again Thank you Ronnie

  12. horse-cart.jpg
    I am just wondering how the thai baht got so strong with all the imports and very little exporting or is it they pump up the baht so they can buy more foriegn goods I would not take his remarks to serouisly but like some one posted before me about freedom of ownership and many other perks Malaysia is offering foriegn business to come there might be a good lesson for those in charge of Thailand when they see other countries past them by I went to Penang some time back and I was impressed with how clean and orderly it was what stop me from moving there was the fact I did not feel safe since I am American no need to explain any further LOL Ronnie
  13. I suspect that coconut water might work. Maybe watermelon juice as well.

    Since every knows were to get cranberry juice maybe some one knows were to buy TONGKAT ALI TEA not the coffee but tea I tried the coffee it very bitter taste for me

  14. well I finally got my vista home basic upgrade to install in my pc now my M/B is 64 bit with AMD 754 cpu 3000 also 64 bit to my surprise via drivers are not updated to vista (asus m/:o and my sound is gone no sound no drivers for vista I spent 100 bucks for the program which is not registered yet I am on 30 trial peroid which i will not register it since my board seem to be out dated for vista and yes I did the microsoft vista advisa and my pc passed every thing except video card failed 1 out of 3 which the shade pix.is 1.4 and you need min. 2.0 and all it said it might not get the best photo pictures who knows what they mean LOL now the question is what M/B would be best to use I like amd processor so does any one have any suggestions thank you Ronnie

  15. Satellite TV channels comprehensive information available on www.lyngsat.com

    A good English speaking person having some good info about satellites viewable in Thailand: check here: www.bkkcabletv.com

    Hi interesting subject matter I would like information also on satelite tv as a American I would like to get tv shows like A&E history channel lerning channel CNN from USA etc I have no problem paying for the channels I watch I just want to be ablle to pay for them in Thailand without a major problem and feedback will be welcomed thank you for your postings Ronnie
  16. First thing at all is: Grounding!

    If your room has 2 Pin plugs only, you don't have any grounding! May you room is not high above the ground so you can do a grounding by yourself. Buy for about Baht 100 in an Hardware shop a Copper stick for grounding and place this stick in the soil! Afix a cable from the stck to you computer case and fix it to the case.

    Is a copper gounding stake a standard item in Thai hardware stores? Admittedly I've never looked for one, but I've never seen one either.

    How many condos/apartments will let you just run a wire from your unit to the grounding stake? I'm still working on finding a stealth method to use at my condo.

    I'm thinking of using the wall cavity space where the water pipes run, but I need to see if it has an unobstructed path from the fifth floor (where I am) all the way to the ground, and if so, how I can access the bottom of that cavity space at ground level.

    get the building maitenance man to install a ground and new outlet all he has to do is drill hole in the floor and put a metal plug with a wire attached to it for the ground and you will have a 3 way plug look like this

    I I do not use those cheep extension cords with multiple outlets they will fry you computer grounding is a must for computers


  17. Not sure about Pattaya but here in Bangkok Home Pro sell it - called "Air Brush".

    Patrick: What department/section of Home Pro?

    Just a suggestion I bought a air blower for 300 baht at tesco lotus and it works fine it cleans all the dust of my keyboard as well as inside my computer tower paying outrages prices for can of air just annoyed me oh I also used it clean my rollers inside my inkjet printer because the papers were jamming up it cleared up the problem temporally Now if you want to buy it look in tool deptment were they sell drills and electric tools I bought the cheeper one next time I will buy the better one

  18. USB 2.0 is MUCH slower than Ram, I can't imagine this USB Stick idea making any difference, memory is dirt cheap nowadays why bother with it.

    Look in the MSDN documentation, it's all there. And with a 1gb USB stick running about 1/8 the cost of RAM, it's a quick fix for someone on a budget. So long as the read/write speeds are within spec it actually does make a fair difference when running things like photoshop, or doing video edits.

    cdnvic knows his computers I would not dare to challenge him but I will make a suggestion have you tried to update your drivers on your video card I did vista analizer and it shows my video card passes but will sufer from pixels was recomende to upgrade it to radeon 1300 I am running asus 64 bit with amd 64 bit cpu so now i am waiting for my vista software to come in the mail then I will install it and have a better Idea but I will upgrade my video card I am running 1 1/2 gig of memory thank you all for informative post Ronnie
  19. Actually, the 64bit version isn't on the 32bit DVD, you have to order it specificly.

    Maybe Microsoft has different policies in different countries, but I can confirm that the Vista DVD I bought in NL has all vista versions in both 32 bit and 64 bit.

    Correction, I have purchased Vista Ultimate upgrade, and the box contains one DVD with 32 bit software and one with 64 bit software. All Vista versions are included.

    were did you buy your copy ? I am running asus board 64 bit with 64 bit amd 3000 cpu and I would like to have the option of running 64 bit vista on my pc now I am running win/xp 32 bit and may I ask you what you paid for it thank you Ronnie

  20. OK, first off, let me tell you that I am not very computer savy. That being said here is my question. I use my laptop here in my condo. I have a wireless modem. When I first moved in 7 months ago, i had a few available networks, but could not connect to any of them.

    Then one day, this network ( Belkin54G) shows up and i connect to it easily and have pretty good speed and it is all free. The only thing that I can correlate it to is that I connected UBC satellite TV around the same time I started getting the network.

    Do you think that I am getting a freebie from UBC ? or is my wireless picking up another condo rooms wireless network ?

    One reason I am curious is because I am moving out to Maejo next month into a new house. I am planning on keeping the UBC and wondering if I am going to also be keeping this internet connection or do I need to start looking for a new provider ? A free one again would be great :o

    Thanks for any input or ideas :D

    I would not move reason if your getting free ISP and it good you will be very disapointed in your new place of residency because internet service in thailand is very poor to say the least enjoy it while you can bye Ronnie
  21. I downloaded the Windows Vista advisor and there are loads of things I have to upgrade or remove before I can proceed!! :o What is so frustrating is that it does look good! :D Whats your experience?

    I have not downloaded vista yet but I did some reading it is recomended you have a min. of 512 ram and a decent video card 128 mb minium also 40 gig free space on your hard drive now the important thing is getting a legal copy of win vista oh also you need dvd player because the new vista will not download on the old cd rom because it dvd not cd let me ask a question were can I buy legal copy of the vista upgrade premium since my computer meets and exceeds win/vista requirements I am running a legal copy of win/xp the upgrade cost 150.00 USD in the USA I am in udon Thani will be visiting Jomtien beach (pattaya) in March Ronnie

  22. thank you for well written and informd article

    Now I ask is why with all the problems is the thai baht so strong or is it ?

    I suspect and I have voiced my opinion in here before about a scam propping up the baht for it fall so the banks can make huge downfall profits.

    Now why would any one want to invest in thai baht out side Thailand ?

    We farang who live here have to convert our currentcy to thai baht to live and we are getting hammered as for the Thai people what happens to them when it collapse's no one really cares that the shamefull part of it all they lose there jobs investments are gone and it will return to a 3rd world country I don't look to the politics i am looking at the banks they control the world just like in the USA it called federal reserve just a fancy name but the banks hold the keys and they can buy any political party that were corruption begins you ask me why am I so critical of banks I remember when Ronald Reagan was President and he deregulated the banks in the USA interest rate for passbook savings went from 5 1/4 % to 1 1/2 % and atm fees went from 25 cents to 1.00 and you had to pay 3.00 to talk to a bank clerk thank you for letting me post my opinion Ronnie.

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