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Posts posted by DocN

  1. The Thai term for this government is a Constitutional Monarchy. There may be a Prime Minister - but the Head of State is still the Monarch. It is the King that bestows that authority to the Prime Minister. So don't be too hasty in your judgement.

    No Government with out an effective opposition will ever do any good for a country

    2 Major Parties in Parliment is called Democracy

    1 Major Parties in Parliment is called Dictatorship


    Nice one. You seem to have (finally) put an end to Tezzainoz's rantings!

    Wanna bet?

  2. I can not believe how many idiot foreigners are living in Thailand and put here so many idiotic comments. None of you have clue of what is democracy. Especialy those who says "Suthep nobody wants you here". BTW it is not your country and no matter what, you have no right to express who Thai people want or do not want. It is so obvious what Thai people want and numbers of people in the streets are selfexplanatory. I would like to see what would you do, if you would have such fraudulent government in your country. Oh I forgot, you have one and that is why you emigrated to Thailand...... Big respect for brave Thai people, as most of Europeans and Americans has no balls to do the same with their own corrupt governments!!!

    Happy hour started early today!

    Damn all those bars with wifi!

  3. I just had a good laugh...

    If you don't vote, you cannot stand as a candidate in the next election.

    Suthep's goal - remove shinawatra family from politics.

    Suthep's actions - prevent voting in the south.

    Suthep's result - his 2 brothers (former democrat mps) cannot stand as candidates in the next election. Thaugsuban family removed from politics.


    Hmmmm...I suddenly have an idea, what the "reforms" could be about....

  4. Any EVIDENCE that it was Red shirts?

    Any EVIDENCE they were instructed by Satan himself, Thaksin?



    Thought so!

    YES LOTS!!! I dont have to see the world trade center to know what happened to it!! there is the real side and the red side

    Dude...make a decission: have your head up it or talk out of it!

    His comment was fair

    we all know the Red shirt burn down this shopping centre

    or are you now wanting to change history and say it was an electrical fault

    so who's talking from his a......

    Ooooookay...just for the fun of it!

    First of all, I let you get away with that "we all know it"- crap!...just for the fun of it!

    You are actually making MY point FOR me!

    So exactly HOW do we "all" know it?

    And how did we all know, what happened to the WTC?

    We....SAW it!

    We WITNESSED it!

    We have EVIDENCE!

    What do we have in this case?

    Did we SEE someone in a red-shirt and with an "I love Thaksin"- bandana fire a grenade?

    Did we WITNESS it?

    Did YOU see it?

    No, we didn't!

    No, you didn't!

    Could it have been the red-shirts?

    Yeeeeees, could have been!

    Do we KNOW it?

    You understand the concept of "knowing something" (evidence) opposed to "guessing something", don't you?!

    The fact that your picture of the world is just black and white (or your Thai-wife tells you what to think, do and say) does not mean that the world really IS that way!

    Got it?

  5. Any EVIDENCE that it was Red shirts?

    Any EVIDENCE they were instructed by Satan himself, Thaksin?



    Thought so!

    It was just a friendly thai upset that he could not vote on Sunday

    So he popped down to the nearest 7/11 and picked up a special pak of grenades that were on special with a Grenade rocket launcher thrown in

    Are you for real or just like to stir the masses

    Is your Thai-wife not home?

    And how did you hack the child-safety on your computer, Troll?

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