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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Why is suddenly everybody writing letters to people, they normally don't give a hoot about?

    29 January

    Dear DocN,

    I am writing to thank you for your comment. It has been taken on board and will be passed onto the appropriate department.

    In the meantime may I thank you on behalf of everyone at Thaivisa for your continued support.

    Yours sincerely,


    Good one, I have to admit!

  2. Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

    Only an intelligent person with half an ounce of common sense would say such a thing!! Let's remember that a large percentage of the posters are not able to comprehend the difference.

    To them blocking the road to Nana is a terrorist offence. In fact anyone daring to interrupt the daily schedule of their banal lives is probably a terrorist and definitely a fascist! I never used to understand why some Thais disliked foreigners, but I can see why now. We are not as a whole, a very likeable group.

    What a bunch of arrogant BS!

    The same people who are now praising Suthep and his "Bangkok Shutdown", are the same people who screamed bloody murder, when the Reds camped at Ratchaphrasong.

    And to make it clear: I am talking about the days BEFORE the <deleted> hit the fan and streets were on fire!

    Yes...there were such days!

    I know, selective memory is a great thing, but....seriously...

    Edit: before I get the whole "red supporter"- <deleted> again: I am 100% FOR the Bangkok- shutdown as a measure of civil disobedience!

    I don't like it- but I am all for it!

    • Like 1
  3. The letters by that brainesll lawyer chick, who thought Yinluck was Thaksin's daughter and the one by Suthep to the US President were muchmore substantiated...coffee1.gif

    Guys...seriously: is it so hard to admit, that all three letters are a joke?

    Most of all, because they suddenly are pandering to people (farang) and institutions (UN), they normally don't give a flying frog about?!

  4. I would like to know how you think this situation can be resolved ( other than the usual one liners about expel evil Thaksin regime etc etc etc)....from your perspective, what is the way forward for Thailand?

    There is no doubt a new constitution must be drafted up. There is much talk about power re-distributed with more given to provincial ministers etc. (long story) if the democrats get into office. The process here, as experts have pointed out, lead to disaster with a mix of ____ and democracy at the same time. You can fill in that blank. Such countries have the highest rates of coups reoccurring time & again. The other problem is the people select the party not the PM directly. It is true that without PTP, it will be a smoother road to development; however a few high up's have their backing, creating turmoil of family members who disagee amongst themselves. Wish I could discuss it more openly....one day, maybe?

    Of course a new constitution or an amended one can only be put into effect when the drafters have an electoral mandate. Nowhere does it state this can be done without it (for obvious reasons).

    So the million dollar question I have and would like an answer to, is why does the biggest opposition party (which are probably supporting and financing the protestors) not run for office on a reform agenda ?

    If a sufficient number of the Thai electorate equally believes reforms are needed, they will reflect that in their voting and suddenly the biggest opposition party could form a government, possibly find a number of coalition parties that commit to reform and execute it.

    If somehow that sufficient number cannot be found, than that would be will of the Thai electorate and would be perfectly democratic as well.

    Trying to pass reform without consulting the electorate is undemocratic and illegal.

    I admire yours and rjcampbe attempt to actually engage in a conversation with one of the most vile, evilspirited and misinformed dorks on the forum...but he really has noting to say! (...or is what I mean: I wish, he would just shut up?!...hmmmmm...).

    In other words: don't feed the troll!

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  5. Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

    Agreed and as long as they sit in front of a polling station it is civil disobedience.

    The moment they SHUT DOWN the station and ACTIVELY keep people from moving in (as in grabbing them, holding them, threatening them) as seen in some videos, it turns into something else!

    Sure, that's assault among other things and I imagine they have probably broken the electoral law in a few places as well. It's still not terrorism. But if they start throwing grenades into crowds I'll happily change my mind.

    Not long, my friend ...not long!

    Let's say ...Sunday, shall we?!

  6. Any EVIDENCE that it was Red shirts?

    Any EVIDENCE they were instructed by Satan himself, Thaksin?



    Thought so!

    There is no evidence solely because there is no investigation. Some 40 attacks already, and not a single perpetrator identified or arrested by the the police? Get your head out of the (red) sand, please.

    Someone asking for evidence, must be a red?

    Why is that?

    Because all the Suthep- disciples don't need evidence, to get to their oppinion!

    Thanks for clearing up!

    By the way: not red...just not blind on one eye!

  7. There's not much difference between yellow shirts and brown shirts. "Where are your papers!"

    Which the reds did too in 2010. "You farang, give passport".

    Same same but different.

    And i remember reports saying that the protesters had to hand over their ID cards as well..Maybe to help balance the books... 3,500 id cards =10,50000 b per day transfer from Dubai


    Not different at all!

    Same <deleted>, another day!

    Only: that happened 2 YEARS AGO!

    Stop living in the past!

    People burned witches once!

    Does that mean it is okay for "protests guards" to do the same?


  8. There is no way a handgun can accidently discharge, they are never carried with a round in the chamber.

    It requires a deliberate action to load a round from the magazine into the chamber.

    This must have been done by the cop and to do that means intent to fire the weapon.

    He had ample opportunity to stop where he was and declare himself as an undercover cop but instead chose to run surely knowing full well he would be chased.

    Once he was caught he chose to try to fight, another bad move on his part.

    There is a report elsewhere that a scan was done on him at the hospital and none of his injuries are serious.

    As has already been stated the police had said that no police would be carrying weapons in the protest area, presumably this was an order.

    Had he not been carrying a gun it is unlikely the whole incident would have happened for there are many people taking photos of the protests and the only thing that distinguished him was his weapon.

    Bad move this, bad move that..all his fault!

    Sure...you are such a brave guy, you would have just stopped, held your hands up and surrendered.

    Not a chance in hell, that the guards ignore the international signs of "I surrender"?!


    And of course no chance in hell, that you would actually say, that the protesters were just simply and flat our wrong, to beat the living <deleted> out of the guy!

    Really amazing!

  9. More protestors getting shot at by the barbaric Shinawatras.

    This time they caught the scum who did it. Let's see who he works for now. If he really is affiliated with the reds or the Shinawatras, I would really like to see how the pro Shinawatras are going to spin this.

    I didn't know, that 2 of the Shinawathras were working as motorcycle drivers!

    That is interesting!

    Let's see who he works for?

    I would take a guess: a motorcycle taxi- company?

    Okay...joking aside: you are that dumb, that you really believe, that every idiot, waving a gun -Red shirt or not- is basically instructed by Thaksin himself?

    I am really no pro- Shinawathra, but reading unbelievable <deleted> like this almost makes me wish, I would be!

  10. What makes this killing worse is that the victim was allegedly beaten and most likely tortured before he was murdered. But what is even more worrying, the number of people who are ready to go into extraordinary lengths to defend and justify killings committed by red mob terror cells. I could understand brainwashed Thais denying it obvious, but the westerners trying to justify it. Simply beyond belief.

    Half of the people in my office are wearing said shirts, with "Bangkok Shutdown"- messages!

    If one of the would be found dead tomorrow, do I have to assume, they were killed by Thaksins murdering hordes as well?

    There is no other possibility?


    I find it more worrying, that some know- it -all's...well know it all!

    That goes for both sides!

    Idiots, the lot of you!

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