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Posts posted by DocN

  1. I was driving down Sathorn last evening, when one of the "Million Man Marches" walked towards Lumpini!

    At best 150 and they looked like professional alcoholics and a bunch of elderly.

    Still I am thinking, the State of Emergency is helping Suthep.

    They should have just let if fade away.

    ...although, I guess...he still got something up his sleeves...and I really don't wanna be there, when he plays that card!

  2. You have the military, who are still, for the most part for Khun Suthep and what he is doing, except for a few, who Ms Yingluck and Mr. T, manage to replace, on the top. Then you have the police, which is divided. Bangkok police and Southern Police, are mostly for Khun Suthep and anti-government, while the police in the North and Isaan, mostly support Mr T and his puppet Government.

    That is why all police in the North and East, have been put on rotation, for weeks now. They send half the police down and then rotate them with the other half, about a week later. That is, so the Government has some presence down there, because the Bangkok cops, sure aren't going to protect Yingluck and her Government.

    Thaksin and his puppets, are doing everything in their power (which is very little), to bring Khun Suthep down. So far, they are just shooting themselves in the foot.

    Are you actually following the same thing, that I am following?

    Or are you posting this from a parallel universe?

  3. Vanina Sucharitkul wants democracy and yet finds it difficult to accept the popular vote outcome when his side (the Democrats) lose an election.

    Instead, of long hours spent writing stories like this one Vanina needs to think of 'clever ways' to win back the Northern vote. I am equally keen to be rid of both Pheu Thai (and maybe even the old Democrats) but I know that it needs to happen in the democracy-space ie: the ballot box. It happens with a war-of-ideas and not a pointless war-of-words or by paralyzing Bangkok/provinces. Today the Democrats sound like a sour loser & a spoiler. Vanina Sucharitkul you are a supposed professional. Maybe you can try to act and sound like one, instead of coming across like a party hack.

    Also - being both "American and Thai" is hardly a qualification like you make it sound. I too could boast of having dual (even triple) nationality but it does'nt mean a thing unless we sound like well-bred, neutral & trusted umpires rather than a self-absorbed player.

    Sadly 'clever ideas' is not something Vanina is good at.

    Back room dealing, fighting it out in the courts and finally taking to the streets when all else fails is a Vanina forte and so we must ignore his self-serving rants.

    You miss the point entirely Mr SparklingCascades. It is not about who wins or loses an election. It is about how Democracy is served. After all, many despots have won elections, sometimes with 100%. That doesn't make it democratic. Having a fugitive from justice, a wanted criminal on the run, a human rights abuser (etc etc etc) running the country from Dubai is hardly Democracy. How would this go down in the USA, the UK, France, Japan, Australia (etc)? I don't think it would be possible.

    First of all: Thailand was never, is not and probably will never be a democracy.

    Having said that: the 2010 elections were as free, equal and democratic as they can get, in Thailand.

    (you could say: the best elections, that money can buy!)

    The Democrats (on numerous occasions) themselves got out and said, that they spent even more money on vote- buying than Thaksin did.

    So what is the point?

    In these elections, flawed as they may have been, PTP won ( and I really didn't care, if it was landslide or what not) and got enough voted to form a government...and that is it!

    It is- by the way- not about how democracy is served!

    It is about how democratic the whole country is!

    The answer is: not one bit!

    • Like 1
  4. As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation. The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate. In subsequent elections, Thai Nation Party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.

    Can you not understand your own quote Suthep basher ?

    Out of 592 plots that were given to 489 farmers only 11 were wealthy families.

    Meaning that the other 478 farmers were not wealthy.

    This land was given to those who had a history of occupation of the land, in some cases for generations.

    Why should any segment who had that history be left out just because of their financial status ?

    Oh...only 11!

    Well that makes it okay, I guess!

    What a fine humanitarian!


  5. Ianf

    "I think you mean 'do not count as proof'?

    And for the life of me I do not understand what 'voices in ones (sic) head' means!

    Perhaps you would care to elucidate?"

    First of all I have to apologize: I am not a native English- speaker and I am sorry, if I insulted you by spelling mistakes...

    ,,,and still: no evidence for Jonathan Head being biased, one-sided, mouthpiece etc.

  6. Khun Vanina

    now you have told the whole world things, we all know and on which mostly we all can agree upon, why don't you tell us something totally new.

    We all know, what you are AGAINST...but what actually are you FOR and HOW do you want to achieve it?

    Yep...I know: you are for democracy!
    If what you you have now is no democracy (which I totally agree with...only for totally different reasons), please tell me how you want to get to having a democracy?

    I also know, that you want to get rid of corruption!

    But as one of your "poster boys(???)" Dr. Seri said: some corruption is okay! So let's face it: you are not for "getting rid of corruption"...you are just for getting rid of "their" corruption!

    You are talking about the censorship and intimidation of the press, so why don't you tell us your stance on the Defamation Law and the infamous lest majeste- or is that not censoring and intimidation as you understand it?

    Last but not least: all you are saying is "Mr Obama- you can not understand Thailand, unless a Thai explains it to you!"

    Do you really think, if Obama would give a hoot about your drivel, he wouldn't know where to get the information?

    And by the way: you are complaining about Thaksin's War on Drugs (as you should!) to the leader of a Nation, that is at war with everything from pornography to terror to -yeeeees- drugs and that doesn't give a flying frog about innocent people, getting killed on the way!

    You are one of these people who actually thinks, that Thailand is so important, everybody simply has to know and care...they don't!

    So what some here in TV-land may call "balanced and informative" is just a useless waste of time and space, onesided, ignorant and selfcentered.

    No one needed that!

    • Like 1
  7. okay it now seems you not read mine and my thai wife's posting

    she does not, and never has liked Suthep

    so you posting is totally incorrect

    If you take the time to read our posts you will see that she is protesting again the taskin problem

    and Suthep is a spear head being used

    there is no way he will be allowed to take power in Thailand, no matter how much you want to believe he will

    I have now lived in Thailand for the last 10 years

    have a family here

    pay taxes here with a large company that I run

    But still understand I have no say in Thai politics, I just bend with the wind

    Are you saying that you feel you are not allowed to have an opinion here, so you just latch on to your wife's opinion? You feel you can't have a different opinion as your wife? Whew!

    DON'T feed the TROLL!!!

  8. It is a crying shame, that relatively innocent protesters get hurt.

    Having said that: who knows really, who is responsible?

    It could be Red-shirts (why the Government would responsible for that...I wouldn't know, but...) it could be just some hooligans.

    I think, these attacks are genuine.

    I am not buying the crap of "organized" attacks on Abisith, Sukumband etc. when they are conveniently not at home.

    Not one of them!

    And the attack on Friday...well...things don't ad up, to have me convinced, it wasn't a staged act.

    Sorry, but for me again, things are too convenient.

    The last minute change of the march, the bunch of empty buildings, the fact that the grenade not even went of anywhere near Suthep, the conveniently stored guns (why the hell, would anyone direct attention to the storage like that?), the "red" cap, the fact, that the "weapons" are more likely toys, than real weapons.

    I wish all victims of the attacks a speedy recovery and my condolences to the family of the dead.

    Anyone who is involved in these act should hang their head in shame.

    The bomb attacks were just designed to intimidate, not kill - in which case it isn't that big a deal where the target is as long as they know about the incident. You'd have to be very stupid assassin to try to kill someone by throwing a grenade into their driveway while they're in the house.

    It is common knowledge that Abhisit spends a lot of time at another address and usually goes to the address that got bombed / blooded for the purpose of visiting his father, who is the main inhabitant of that address.

    Aha...ahm..."thanks"...I guess...???!!

    ...or it could be, that they are not even to intimidate anyone.

    They are just part of a big show?!

    I am not saying, that I have prove or what I say is absolutely right!

    I said "I am not buying it"...but thanks for the input.

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