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Posts posted by mrireland

  1. Hi,

    I've tried to search the forums for the answers but im unsure if some of the information is outdated and i couldn't find anything that exactly fits my criteria.

    Im thinking of moving to Thailand for a couple of months but hopefully 1+ years with my girlfriend. Were both Irish and work for a software company, money is paid into our Irish accounts monthly. I will basically be doing all my work through Skype/Internet.

    I dont have access to a large amount of funds but i have a guaranteed monthly wage, more than enough to live comfortably in Thailand, ive been there a couple of times on holidays so i know the costs involved.

    So my understanding is that although working without a permit is not allowed, unless directly reported this type of thing where you work online isn't clamped down on that much and is more likely to result in a fine or deportation rather than anything serious like a prison sentence. I know technically it is against the law and my assumption may be wrong but this is what i gather from what ive read.

    I am interested in Thai culture and i love the place so i'm not just over to act the maggot and party for a few months, cost of living in Ireland is so expensive these days this gives me an opportunity to spend a couple of years putting some savings together as obviously my costs will be significantly lower but my monthly wage will remain the same so its essentially a big wage increase by moving.

    I had planned on doing some private thai lessons for both of us as its something im interested in, i read about an Ed Visa that allows you to get a yearly visa if your learning Thai, must these be full time courses? I could easily do 4 hours a day Mon-Friday but with work commitments i couldnt really do a full time course. Are these visa's hard to get, how much time if i start making the applications now would it take approx. Is it a year visa and can you get an extension if you want?

    To be honest i'd rather not do the Ed Visa if possible, although i could manage 4 hours per day i do long days as it is so it would lengthen my days, i would just rather have a private tutor visit for 1-2 hours every 2nd day as a hobby more than a commitment. Anyway if i dont go the ed Visa route then what are my options?

    From what i read you can get a 60 day visa (needs to be applied for in advance) and this can be extended another 30 days giving you a 3 month visa, you can get this as a double entry extending as far as 6months in total. What happens then, can you do a visa run every 3 months after that or do you have to leave? Is there another option which allows you to keep doing visa runs and are these visa runs legal? Do the thai's not question why your still here after 6 months and where your getting money from?

    As i said i dont have enough funds to do a business visa, retirement visa is many years away and my girlfriend may not appreciate me marrying a thai girl so all those options are out. Really appreciate any advice and also would going to someone like sunbelt legal save me a lot of hassle and get me up to date information on exactly what i need to do to stay here longer than 6 months? What does that service typically cost?


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