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Brick Top

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  1. Definitely Bob's fault , i was there and saw the whole thing , Bob's not telling the whole truth. I can confirm he was doing around 10km per hour , but what he hasnt mentioned is , he had a small Leo beer in his left hand , his phone rang , probably his mate Pete and he answered it with his right hand. Exactly at the same time the Thai guy indicated to pull in and Bob with no hands on the handlebars stood on the rear brake and the Harley went down on its side.
  2. If i see that ice cream vendor about , i am going to try and buy a few of those Magnum's with some monopoly money
  3. Maybe he was in a different province than were is bank account was opened , same as the 15 baht fee if you use an ATM outside the province , for example my bank account was opened 23 years ago in Phuket, if a.make a withdrawal in say Krabi i am charged a 15 baht fee
  4. Good for you Bob , its money well spent in my opinion and much cheaper on the Pay As Go system in long run. These fools who lavish them with houses , cars and Gold , have they ever sat down and worked out how manys shags they can enjoy instead .
  5. Can anyone recommend a hospital preferably in Phuket for cataract surgery. I need a replacement lens in one eye , and i am trying to learn about the different lenses and costs. After a bit of research , i understand there are 3 different lense options, Monofocal , Multifocal and Trifocal. I saw on YouTube, a few Ophthalmologists recommend a Multifocal lens called Odyssey
  6. Why , because i sold a Condo for 18 Million and have the funds sat in my SCB EZ account. If i send the funds back to my country i will be taxed at 40% on the interest as i already way over my personal allowance . If i send the funds back overseas , when i want to transfer the funds back into Thailand to either buy another property or a car , i will be taxed again on the incoming funds into Thailand.
  7. Thats the Krungsri Mee Tae Dai account, it was paying 2.8% when i opened mine , now down to 0.90%. So about 5 years ago i opened an SCB EZ account , it as paying 2% but now still paying 1.5% with unlimited instant withdrawals, paid tax free if you like me you have the tax ID number
  8. Thank you , yes i have been watching quite a few YouTube videos about it. They all say the Monofocal has the sharpest vision and the Trifocal , dome people may have some issues with halos and nightvision.
  9. Thank you for your recommendation, i sent an email to Bangkok hospital Phuket last night and they replied this morning with this link : https://www.bangkokhospital.com/en/package/eye-surgery-packages It seems they are charging a lot more now for a varifocal or multi focal lens , unless i am misunderstanding something. It says 167,000 for a mutifocal lens (one eye) , and 85,000 for a monofocal lens (one eye)
  10. I reside in Phuket and i went to the UK in March and returned home to Phuket on 2nd October I did my 90 day report on line on 23 Dec , to my surprise it all went through fine and informed me my next report is due in March. I did not have to go to immigration
  11. Would like to here members experience of cataract surgery in the Phuket region , mainly which hospital did it and the price and type of lense replacement. My left eye has become very cloudy and its now difficult to ride my motorbike or drive my car at night , as the glare from oncoming headlights is really bad ,also if i go into a supermarket like Big C or Macro the florescent lights really are affecting my left eye. I have been to Sirriroj Bangkok hospital twice and now the female doctor has said i need a lens replacement. She said the price is between 60,000 to 100,000 depending on the lens. Has anyone else had this lense replacement done and at what hospital and what cost and which is the best lense to choose please.
  12. France do have an undercover policeman on assignment in Pattaya, his name is Inspector Clouseau
  13. Yes you do , if your entering Thailand with no onward ticket then you need to enter on a Non Immigrant O Visa , the other choice is if you enter visa free then you must have a return flight.
  14. Stupid guy , he should have gone down to Suzi Wongs in Patong, bought a beer and he could have slapped as many arse's as he wanted all night
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