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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. Most near ALL manufacturers use this method of changing the lining to adjust the size.

    Real do 2 different size shells for most of the range (same as HJC)

    others do 3 but its getting rare. THE only real difference is that REAL find it easier to stock linings at shows rather than different boxes of helmets.

    OK, this would makes sense. Using at least 2 sizes for the shell and adjusting the "head fitting size" with different thickness of lining (thanks for giving the correct term for what i called "cushion").


    The GJ-998 is available from size S up to XXL:

    • S (55-56 cm)
    • M (57-58 cm)
    • L (59-60 cm)
    • XL (61-62 cm)
    • XXL (63-64 cm)

    Semper now has a shell labelled "Size M" with a lining wich is labelled "Size XL" (see first post). This would mean that the shell for size M up to size XL has to be similar.

    Either the GJ-998 has only one shell size or the shop did something wrong. It would be strange if they would make two different shells that are only used for the sizes S and XXL.

    Or am i missing something?

    I bought two GJ-998's a few weeks ago. An 'L' for me, and an 'S' for my gf - which is actually the 'small' cushioning in a 'M' shell. Looks massive on her tiny head!

    I just measured both shells - they are identical.

  2. I don't think this was extortion at all yes you were pressured but you let them pressure you they don't know if your a long term stayer or just a tourist who could have been leaving the next day

    Water on the road is common in Thailand it doesn't really take an experienced rider to know that their is not as much grip there as on dry roads ,I look at it from the car drivers view who is also a victim here driving along on his side of the road and a guy on a bike crosses to his side and hits his car , I would also be straight down the pOlice station wanting money for repairs to my car asap sorry just don't see any extortion there.

    Seriously how can you blame the shopkeeper he is probably thinking along the same lines if the ferang new how to ride properly had safety gear etc riding bikes is not about having the experience to recover the situation if it all goes wrong it's about seeing the situation before it happens and making adjustments so said situation does not occur in the first place all this you failed to do

    That's your opinion, and you're welcome to hold it.

    While it differs from mine, I'm not about to get into an argument over perceptions, which will invariably differ based on any number of factors. I merely posted the story to let the OP know that my advice was based in personal experience, not to hijack the discussion.

  3. What did the police say you did wrong?

    They blamed me for damaging the other two vehicles. They asked me no questions as to the specifics of the crash whatsoever, it had obviously already been discussed while they were waiting for the hospital to release me.



    Was your bike insured?

    It was a rental. Its damages were sorted out directly with the owner. My gf tried to get the insurance details from the owner, to help with the medical costs, but was told she couldn't as I didn't die. She went around to the police station to question this, and was told it didn't matter as a police report was never filed. At that, she angrily yelled out, "Do you want more money??" and stormed out.

    Did you have a valid license?

    That question was never asked. They never asked to see any ID at all, or get any other details than my gf's mobile number at the scene; they never even asked for my name!

    Whether anyone agrees with the law of cause and effect, or believes I was 'in the wrong' or not is irrelevant to me; the fact that I damaged two (or three) vehicles is not in question, and I would happily have paid for any damages that the accident caused without complaint - if that's all they wanted. However, the way they were all waiting while I was being maltreated in the first hospital, the demand that I attend the police station before seeking proper medical treatment, they way the shake down happened, what was threatened, and the over the top amount of money, and the fact that there is no record of this at all proves that this was extortion. Nothing more, nothing less.

  4. Paid for WHAT?

    As you may have read in the thread linked to, we had only just taken off, so weren't going very fast at all; however, we were going fast enough to slide across the yellow line (or, more accurately, as can be seen by the gouges still in the road, bounce) directly into the path of a (by the driver's own admission) speeding pick-up. Allegedly, a second motorbike was damaged as del, although I didn't see that at all while waiting for the ambulance. So I had to pay for the damages to both vehicles, as well as loss of earnings to the driver of the pick-up, and his boss. The driver told a mutual friend that he received 7000 baht.

    Go to court for what?

    That was never fully spelled out. But I assume it could be for anything.

    What law(s) are you accused of violating that would lead to a 20k Baht fine?

    They were never spelled out. And, it wasn't a 'fine'; there was no receipt, nothing written anywhere, and no police report filed. It was extortion in its purest form. Pay up, or we'll make you wish you had.

  5. Dear James,

    I'm not attacking you, I'm just asking for more details, because the story, as you've reported it in this thread, doesn't make much sense.

    There has to be more to the story. And it seems, from subsequent posts that indeed there is more to the story. (I guess it's covered in another thread? Perhaps you can provide a link?)

    I don't want to ASSUME anything, but either you were guilty or you weren't. I realize that sometimes even if innocent it's still easier and less headache to just pay off the cops in Thailand. If that's the case, please say so.

    Your comment about needing a police report in order for your insurance to cover your medical bills also sounds a bit suspect. When I crashed my bike my health insurance company (BUPA) didn't require or ask for a police report. But it's stated quite clearly in the policy that I'm not covered if driving drunk and also that coverage limits are 50% for motorcycle accidents. (This type of language is common to pretty much all health insurance policies I looked at prior to choosing BUPA).

    Wishing you a full and speedy recovery. Again, I'm not here to attack you, I just want to understand why you had to pay 20,000 Baht when you say that you weren't in the wrong. Was is blatant police corruption or were you actually in the wrong?

    Thanks for any clarification you can provide.

    Ride on!


    Ok, no problems Tony. Apologies for taking it the wrong way. That happens a lot with written communication.

    As for my story "changing a little bit" - it did, but I only left out information the I didn't deem relevant lest the post be too long, and included two months of retrospection.

    While I fully accept that I do not posses the required riding skills to recover once my rear wheel slips out from underneath my bike, it was a patch of water deliberately and IMO unnecessarily sprayed across the road that caused the rear wheel to slip in the first place. In those first few days after the accident (the thread linked to above was started the day after) it was my own poor riding skills that I blamed for coming off - had I been a better rider, I could have recovered; however, over the past few months it has become clear that the water sprayed across the road was the direct cause, and the loss of traction was simply the effect.

    Do I blame the shopkeeper for my loss of traction? You bet! Do I still think a better rider could have recovered? Of course! Was I "in the wrong"? No, I don't think I was. Do you?

  6. My gf & I came off our bike a few months ago, which put me in a wheelchair for nearly six weeks; while I was being maltreated in the local govt hospital (bandaged up and being sent out while still unable to walk) the gf, who was injured herself, was receiving calls from the local BiB demanding we attend the station as soon as we were released from hospital. When we attended, there were a dozen people in there all wanting a piece of the action; the big BiB came out and said to me, without asking ANY questions, "You wrong. You pay 20,000 baht and we finish. You not pay, we go to [the main station in Samui] and you go court, pay big fine. Be big trouble." The problem here was - I wasn't in the wrong.

    At that stage, all I wanted to do was go to a proper hospital and get proper treatment, so I paid. The subsequent proper treatment has cost me over 150,000 baht so far, none of which was covered by insurance, because the BiB didn't write an accident report.

    Unfortunately, these are the types of situations where the best thing to do is suck it up and move on.

    Paid for WHAT? Go to court for what? What law(s) are you accused of violating that would lead to a 20k Baht fine? What did the police say you did wrong? Drunk? Was your bike insured? Did you have a valid license?

    Sounds like there's more to this story than you're sharing with us...

    Well, I've been called a "delusional Thai-hater" after sharing this story previously, so you inferring that I'm being somehow dishonest is nothing. I'm not sure what I could possibly hope to obtain by 'telling a lie' like this, or withholding pertinent facts, but you're obviously free to believe whatever you want.

  7. I am getting a sniff of a troll

    Just starting??

    I got the first sniff with "start some rubber tree farms" in the first post, heard the trip-trap-trip-trap during his second post with "then to Phuket, now I find myself seeing a girl in Northeast Thailand", and was totally convinced by "What..if...I..put the farm in the lady's name" (complete with added suspense).

    • Like 2
  8. Thank you everyone for some positive stories,

    for some of us starting relationships with a Thai lady and seeing too much negatives on the forums, it’s really a heart warmer.

    Yes my Thai lady is lovely; 6 months together now smile.png

    wish me luck!


    I thought, after reading through four pages, that I was going to be the one in the shortest relationship with their Thai lady (nine months, and getting better). Not that that matters, because all of the people who have been together for years and years have been where we are!

    After spending the better part of the past decade dating women in their 20's, much to my friends' dismay, I was introduced to my now girlfriend upon my first visit to Thailand last year. Upon seeing her walk into the room, I thought to myself, "please let it be her!" and when my mate's Thai wife grabbed her hand and walked her over to make the introduction, my heart skipped a beat.

    It still does every time she looks into my eyes, tells me she loves me, and flashes her gorgeous smile. wub.png

    Being 11 months younger than me (I'm 41), and from a poor rural background, like mine, she is the polar opposite of the women I was chasing back in Australia, and that is most likely the reason why it's working so well! Thankfully, for us, it is still the honeymoon period, but we've both been around long enough to know what we want, and how to speak our minds (even if it is in pidgin english).

    Like many in this thread, I feel like the happiest guy on earth!

    I've just reached for the sick bucket reading that.

    Glad it hit the spot! thumbsup.gif

  9. My gf & I came off our bike a few months ago, which put me in a wheelchair for nearly six weeks; while I was being maltreated in the local govt hospital (bandaged up and being sent out while still unable to walk) the gf, who was injured herself, was receiving calls from the local BiB demanding we attend the station as soon as we were released from hospital. When we attended, there were a dozen people in there all wanting a piece of the action; the big BiB came out and said to me, without asking ANY questions, "You wrong. You pay 20,000 baht and we finish. You not pay, we go to [the main station in Samui] and you go court, pay big fine. Be big trouble." The problem here was - I wasn't in the wrong.

    At that stage, all I wanted to do was go to a proper hospital and get proper treatment, so I paid. The subsequent proper treatment has cost me over 150,000 baht so far, none of which was covered by insurance, because the BiB didn't write an accident report.

    Unfortunately, these are the types of situations where the best thing to do is suck it up and move on.

  10. Thank you everyone for some positive stories,

    for some of us starting relationships with a Thai lady and seeing too much negatives on the forums, it’s really a heart warmer.

    Yes my Thai lady is lovely; 6 months together now smile.png

    wish me luck!


    I thought, after reading through four pages, that I was going to be the one in the shortest relationship with their Thai lady (nine months, and getting better). Not that that matters, because all of the people who have been together for years and years have been where we are!

    After spending the better part of the past decade dating women in their 20's, much to my friends' dismay, I was introduced to my now girlfriend upon my first visit to Thailand last year. Upon seeing her walk into the room, I thought to myself, "please let it be her!" and when my mate's Thai wife grabbed her hand and walked her over to make the introduction, my heart skipped a beat.

    It still does every time she looks into my eyes, tells me she loves me, and flashes her gorgeous smile. wub.png

    Being 11 months younger than me (I'm 41), and from a poor rural background, like mine, she is the polar opposite of the women I was chasing back in Australia, and that is most likely the reason why it's working so well! Thankfully, for us, it is still the honeymoon period, but we've both been around long enough to know what we want, and how to speak our minds (even if it is in pidgin english).

    Like many in this thread, I feel like the happiest guy on earth!

    • Like 2
  11. @ transom ,

    Yup she will run off and find a dude like you ,and go for drives in your pretend V8 ,or stay and go for a drive I'm my real one

    As one poster stated riding high on the hog ,well if I am there must be some body clinging on to the butthole ,is it you sir ?

    Not nice is it when I assume your dreamer living off buttons ......Is it ?

    Thanks for assuming she is a money grabbing skank

    Don't have 600 UK a week to spend on a lady, don't have a V8 anymore, BUT, l don't have a wife that requires annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy where neeeeeeeeeeeear your outlay.

    Good luck to you. rolleyes.gif

    PS. Some of us older tongue.png guys have been there and done it, seems you haven't yet, again good luck.smile.png

    Haha ...bitter now are we

    Read the posts raising a family ,not keeping a girl ,please quote correctly

    I have a v 8 it's cool ,did somebody take yours away ?

    I tend not to get in to silly arguments with posters here ,but you like poking ,from your first comment to your last

    Now that you don't get your own way

    Read back ,and since you know so much know this ,I stated I was paying for a very nice car prior to any thing else ,it was included in my initial ,monthly breakdown .It was purchased on finance ,now you been around so long should know I couldn't get finance ,not been a local and all

    Finance in Thailand to a women in her twenties ,to the amount of a new car ,with a v8 donk in it ,do the sums

    She wasn't exactly poor when I met her

    We are having a family ,baby is six months old ,she hasn't returned to work yet ,but when she does my outlay as you put it will be considerably reduced

    Oh back to the v8 ,and I'm sure as a man with a interest in cars you will there are not to many new V8 getting built and sold in Thailand ,luckily she knew the guy who owned the dealership ,friend of her daddy ,he bought his car there too !

    Nice dude gave us a good price on her old car as a depoist ,same brand you see !I'm sure you can figure it out the brand and model ,

    Don't assume you know me or her for that matter ,look around you open your eyes there are wealthy people all over Thailand

    I don't take advice from older guys who don't have a button to their name and their one saving grace is that the women in their life loves them for the poor miserable sod they are ,

    Oh I have a 67 mustang too ,only a Windsor block a baby donk you might call it ,,it's in oz ,her family connections are gonna see if they can help me bring it to Thailand ,but that ain't easy ,then I'll have 2 V8s compared to your none

    Next time try to be a bit more polite



    I wouldn't bother about him mate, anyone who can twist "the rest my gf puts away in an account ,for other things [for the entire family]" into you "spending 600 UK to keep [your] lady in LOS" can only be a bitter jealous troll.

    • Like 1
  12. Thanks samuijimmy and Boater. I got my Happy Internet sim card and 660 baht top up cards at one of the 7-11 near the Night Market. But I haven't been able to find anyone who can cut the sim card for me. Tried all the telecomm shops at Tesco but no luck. I think I'll try the DTAC center at Big C later today on my way to Mae Nam.

    Silly question, but why didn't you just buy a microsim?

  13. NOT REALLY. If you take the afternoon flight, at 2:20pm, you have to catch a ferry by 10am, in order to be safe. It arrives at Don Sak at 11:30, and by the time you get to Surat Thani, at 12:30, and transfer to another bus (yes, the system is that primitive) you will get to the airport about 1:30, and arrive in Bangkok about 3:30. So, it is the better part of a day. I do not mind it, as I live here, and have the time. But, it is a real time expenditure. If you want the morning flight out of surat, you have to stay the night before in Surat Thani, as it is too risky to try for the 5am ferry. It cuts it too close. When you return, the bus goes directly to the ferry pier, so the 2:20 flight arrives at the airport at 3:20, and you can make the 6pm ferry. But your arrival in Nathon at 7:30 means you still spent the better part of a day. The new airport in Don Sak, will cut 90 minutes off this process, each way. The contract has already been signed, and a new international airport will be under construction shortly. That will mean Bangkok Air will be forced to lower their prices.

    Too true. I'm leaving Samui on June 1, and based on the following information, and previously travelling to Surat Thani to fly from there, I chose to travel on Bangkok Airways.

    These fees are from both airlines' websites, current as of today.


    URT > BKK - Friday June 1 2012

    1 Guest @ 1,488.79 THB

    50.00 THB - Airport Tax

    107.72 THB - VAT

    1,646.51 THB - Total

    Check-in baggage up to 15kg - 250.01 THB (16.67/kg)

    Check-in baggage up to 20kg - 290.00 THB (14.50/kg)

    Check-in baggage up to 25kg - 428.00 THB (17.12/kg)

    Check-in baggage up to 30kg - 535.00 THB (17.83/kg)

    Check-in baggage up to 35kg - 750.00 THB (21.43/kg)

    Check-in baggage up to 40kg - 970.00 THB (24.25/kg)

    Total with 20kg of checked baggage = 1936.51*

    *does not include the cost, nor the life-sucking time of travel from Samui to Surat Thani (which can cost around 1000THB if you don't have a car)

    USM > BKK - Friday June 1 2012

    1 Guest @ 3,200.00 THB

    300.00 THB - Taxes

    3,500.00 THB - Total

    Check-in baggage up to 20kg - Free

    Check-in baggage up to 25kg - 350.00 THB (14.00/kg)

    Check-in baggage up to 30kg - 700.00 THB (23.33/kg)

    Check-in baggage up to 35kg - 1050.00 THB (30.00/kg)

    Check-in baggage up to 40kg - 1400.00 THB (35.00/kg)

    Total with 20kg of checked baggage = 3,500.00*

    *does not include the 400THB, 25 minute, taxi ride to the airport

    So, all up, I'm paying a thousand baht to save myself three hours of travel. Chump change.

  14. I wonder how well these jets land on steep hills? As far as I am aware there is not any continuous flat area anywhere near TNP for a plane to land.

    how would you know? do you live on the island?

    Well, come on Hans, you are the astrologer, you tell us the answer to that question.tongue.pnglaugh.png

    So let me get this right. you read some tarroo cards with a big boss from a resort and the cards told you that the big boss of a resort knows when an airport is going to be built. No wonder you put your trust in the sky to ask such aa question in a sicastic way on a Samui and koh Phangyang forum about weather or not a memeber who posted something on this thread lives on Phangyan which would bea coincidence i mean imiage the odds of someone on a samui and koh Phangayn forum actually living on Phangyan. the odds must be proper high like 2/1.


    Sorry don't mean to confuse you with making you need to answer more questions with bad spelling but can u ask the cards where SBK is from and can you ask the cards or the stars or what ever where i can find the best looking ladies on the island. I shall not tell u which island as it should be obviuos in the cards.

    i like real lady ladies not lady boys. lady birds thanks red with black dots,

    also can you tell memy oldpassword for my olde-mail accountas i have forgotten it.

    oh yes if i was to wrestle a midget in a gimp costume. would i win or lose. cheers

    also what was the truth behinde the kenedy assiniation

    also who shot J.R?

    What is the name of the first Alien to have visited me?

    Was my wife born a woman?

    Is it possible for a human to give birth to an animal in the future. would there be such a thing a mandogs?

    He knew you were going to ask those questions...

  15. I dont really see why you are all so put out by so called "students" not attending class.

    You all know to get an ED visa is a very convenient way to extend your stay, for 20-25k bht plus the 1900bt extensions, it sure is cheaper than say getting back on a plane to Europe or USA for the same price, every 3 months.

    Every school offers this service and in fairness, what an easy income, they do nothing but some photocopying- I say its good business and making an opportunity from the visa rules. If i knew i was going to have to teach every visa applicant, i would then need to be thinking about paying more staff and maybe bigger premises.

    If you want to pay the 25k for your own convenience, then its no fault of any school.

    Well said. There are a lot of posters, in a lot of threads, whose major (only?) complaint with Walen is that a number of students do not attend classes; I mean, what do they expect Walen to do? Go out and drag these people in? Contact Immigration and have their visas revoked? Yes, I'm sure that would go down well...

  16. going to thailand soon and was wondering if the blackout really are a big problem there, still need to work online when i'm there

    Thailand in general is ok for power it's a Sumui problem.

    And even in Samui, it seems to occur much more often in the north of the island. Blackouts where I am in Lamai are very very rare, and have never lasted so long that the battery on my laptop has died.

  17. It`s very simple. If a girl really likes or loves a guy, she will unconditionally follow him anywhere with no strings or provisos attached.

    Her main ambition in life will become solely to be with her man without any financial stipulations and social limitations. She should in fact be proud and keen to show off her new boyfriend and let everyone know that he and she is now an item.

    If this is not the case, then dream on baby, because it`s going to cost you dear and you are wasting your time.

    For those that don`t believe, won’t heed this advice or willing to take a gamble, than you do so at your own risk. Fall down and no one’s going to care.

    "Unconditionally follow"? "Main ambition in life"?

    What a pitifully misogynistic point of view!

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