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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. Thankyou Sulawan for clearing up the tripe on this site.A lot of members should apologize(not regret) for the poison directed at you,as if they were lucky enough to know you.They should take a long hard look at them selves in the room of mirrors.

    Don't hold your breath louse1953, most of the bigots, racists and wannabe elites would have hightailed it back to their hole from which they crawled...

    Sulawan, please don't think the vileness that you have been subjected to by weak men a reflection of all of us.

  2. For data-only applications you may be better off with a SIM/plan from My CAT, same physical network, 590 baht - 4 GB - fair-use speed: 384 Kbps, or TOT, which now has nearly the same coverage as TureMove H/CAT, with a truly unlimited plan (no fair-use speed restrictions) of 790 baht. (TOT and their resellers have other plans as well.)

    "But for an iPad, they're definitely the way to go" statement duly retracted. :)

  3. I agree. Let it go. Unless you're planning to go back.

    If it were me, the insolent wave of the hand when you tried to make good would be more than enough to want to teach her a lesson in humility. Had she accepted that she may have made an error then, instead of trying to save face, she would have her money now.

    Also, the fact that the bill went up a second time - up by exactly 600 baht - after conceding that she owed you 600 baht, shows that she is stupid as well as dishonest.

    • Like 1
  4. I'd hate to be the poor sod who over-capitalised on these! It's got to be obvious that, if they're unsold after 12 months, they're overpriced, right? Well, if it wasn't obvious before, all they need to do is read this thread - perhaps WtK did him/her a favour...

    As for power points in the kitchen, there appear to be two on the top-left of the splashback; hardly enough to make it a usable kitchen without messy power boards.

  5. Still fine here in Lamai. I reckon you guys up north get way more power cuts than we do; it's hardly 'fair' rationing, if that's what it is.

    Mine flicked off for perhaps 10 seconds around 5:30 or so. Lot of thunder around but doesn't seem to be getting any closer.

    Less than 5 minutes after posting it went. Back up in under and hour..... Not bad.

    Lol, yep, ours went too - for the same time.

  6. Speedtests are interesting data points but hardly the be all and end all; you need to look at voice quality, call completion, roaming, SMS delivery, customer service, self-service, account management, et al. True remains the #3 provider here for a reason.

    Agree. I should add that the main reason they work for me is the data. I rarely make or receive calls or SMS, if my friends don't have iMessages, they'll invariably have Viber, and I don't roam; their customer service sucks, but that's nothing unexpected, and apart from some early hiccups, I am able to apply the packages I want using their iPhone app. Others' mileage may vary, but for an iPad, they're definitely the way to go.

  7. A few years back, one of my neighbors asked me to help load some photos and/or music onto her new IPad. I tried, but failed. Found out it was because Apple didn't allow that data transfer over the USB port- they wanted her to buy everything that would go onto her Apple device from Apple approved sources ($$$ to Apple).

    Utterly false. Apple does force you to transfer music and photos via iTunes, but this is far from having to buy everything again. If you honestly think that, and aren't misrepresenting to prove some point, then I can see why you failed.

    Not sure if its been said anywhere, but give some additional information for those planning to buy direct from apple.

    4S as it turns out seems to have a bit of an issue with hardware. All times, including sms, lock screen, music player, skype etc stop to work.

    I have the very same problem.

    * Some 4S have issues.

    Mine, and a mate's (both bought 19 January from MBK), have not once had any of those problems.

  8. I kinda do the same thing in watching TrueOnline with my 20Mb/2Mb DOCSIS/cable internet plan...I do a quick speedtest almost daily to enure the download/upload speed is working properly. Only one time in 10 months of having the service that I noticed the 2Mb upload speed was only pushing about 1.3Mb...called True...within a day or so and after they swapped-out the cable modem the upload speed was back 2Mb. Never had a problem with the 20Mb download speed. This TrueOnline cable internet plan has been like 99.99% reliable, rain, shine, or flood...even when I had 0.5 to 1.5 meter flood waters in my moobaan for around a month late last year the True cable internet and cable TV services never went down.

    That's good to hear too, thanks! I'll be relocating to CM in a few weeks, and will be looking for an internet plan... Not quite necessary to start researching yet, but good to know nonetheless.

  9. Obviously, I stand corrected. Anyone know what 3G H speed they are actually getting when outside a major city like Bangkok? Thanks.

    Here are some tests from my travels earlier this year:

    Test against: Bangkok; Location: Lamai, Ko Samui

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 6545 kbps (818.1 KB/sec; 6.39Mbps)

    Upload Speed: 2918 kbps (364.8 KB/sec; 2.85Mbps)

    Latency: 174 ms

    01 January 2012 18:19

    Test against: Bangkok; Location: Sairee Beach, Ko Tao

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 5923 kbps (740.4 KB/sec; 5.78Mbps)

    Upload Speed: 2244 kbps (280.5 KB/sec; 2.19Mbps)

    Latency: 102 ms

    15 January 2012 18:30

    Test against: Bangkok; Location: Lumphini, Bangkok

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 4438 kbps (554.8 KB/sec; 4.33Mbps)

    Upload Speed: 220 kbps (27.5 KB/sec; 0.21Mbps)

    Latency: 264 ms

    18 January 2012 10:05

    Test against: Bangkok; Location: Sala Dan, Ko Lanta

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 4234 kbps (529.2 KB/sec; 4.13Mbps)

    Upload Speed: 3671 kbps (458.9 KB/sec; 3.58Mbps)

    Latency: 143 ms

    10 February 2012 10:28

    Test against: Bangkok; Location: Old City, Chiang Mai

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 7062 kbps (882.8 KB/sec; 6.90Mbps)

    Upload Speed: 2240 kbps (280.0 KB/sec; 2.19Mbps)

    Latency: 182 ms

    19 February 2012 13:44

    Test against: Bangkok; Location: Sukhothai Historical Park, Sukhothai

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 3459 kbps (432.4 KB/sec; 3.38Mbps)

    Upload Speed: 118 kbps (14.8 KB/sec; 0.12Mbps)

    Latency: 199 ms

    01 March 2012 13:37

    Test against: Phnom Penh; Location: Lamai, Ko Samui

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 6555 kbps (819.4 KB/sec; 6.40Mbps)

    Upload Speed: 2496 kbps (280.5 KB/sec; 2.44Mbps)

    Latency: 178 ms

    26 April, 2012 15:09:58

    • Like 1
  10. Welome to Samui dr180 from a fellow Aussie!

    We're pretty much where you want to be - about a five minute warm up jog to Ultra-Bodies - in a house you describe, and are paying 13,000 per month, but we have no pool. I doubt you'll find a pool where you want for that price. Unfortunately, in the past seven months that we've been here, the price has slowly crept up for newcomers and is now around 16,000. You might be able to get a reduction for a longer term. PM me if you want to have a look...

    As for food, there are a heap of good cheap places we go to on a regular basis, as well as some not-so-cheap-but-good. Everyone's tastes and budgets vary though - what sort of food are you looking for?

  11. Regarding the two maps above, I think the map on the left shows True's 2G (EDGE/GPRS) and 3G service in the 77 provinces (counting Bankgok) of Thailand; the map on the right shows removes the 2G coverage and then shows the 3G coverage only which is limited to a few cities/areas of Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, HuaHin, and Pattaya. On a nation-wide basis, 3G coverage is still pretty minimual for all service providers, but the way they advertise it a person could think you can get coverage in any village in Thailand.

    Left one is 3G+ on TrueMove H, the right one is 3G on the trial network (under TrueMove)...... they are kinda telling you clearly "its time to move to H".

    See here for 3G+ coverage..... http://www3.truecorp...eh/icoveragemap

    I have traveled quite a bit lately, been ko lanta, phi phi, phuket, past ayudhaya , Chataburi, hua hin etc..... can comfirm there is alot of 3G (down side wife was on the iPad too much whilst driving )

    as you can see, alot already.


    I've driven from Samui to Ko Lanta, Samui to Bangkok, and Chaing Mai to Bangkok via Sukhothai, and my (full 3G H) coverage pretty much matched the left map.

  12. ah the beauty of the PC over Mac shines thru again...

    What's this beauty you speak of? That a Windows OS is so prohibitively expensive the the vast majority of users have to resort to cracks? That, in doing so, "you almost always open yourself up to malware/virus threats these days"? That you can only get fee stuff on the internet for PC's?

  13. In a serious accident - especially where a death has occured - all drivers are arrested until the police work out what happened. That is why it is common for the driver to run away. It is to avoid arrest.

    eg if there had been a passenger on the bike, and the passenger died, but the bike driver survived - the bike driver would be arrested as well.

    I don't know if mine was considered a serious accident (five weeks later and I'm only now able to hobble painfully around, after spending more than 250,000 baht since then), nor do I know if the truck driver and mysterious second bike rider were actually arrested, but I do know that the BiB weren't interested in the slightest as to what happened (in fact they never even wrote a report) when I was confronted by 10-15 Thais in the police station, after leaving the first hospital, all wanting some money.

    My point was, before I was accused of being a Thai hater, is probably best summed up by what you wrote in the thread about my accident Tropicalevo, "As a judge said to me once (in court) "Even if you are in the right, as a foreigner you will have to pay something.""

    As for the truck driver being arrested in this case though, I don't think anything untoward about that - once again, you would think that they'd be testing him for alcohol and narcotics as well. My post above was referring to why they would do an autopsy on the victim.

    Whatever the cause, it would be a horrible way to go. RIP Aussie dude. wai.gif

  14. ^ Oh look, a delusional Thai hater, what a surprise. rolleyes.gif

    No, someone who has actually been extorted by the BiB after an accident that wasn't his fault, including having to pay for a vehicle that wasn't ever involved.

    Speaking from experience here, not some rose-tinted apologist viewpoint. smile.png

    So it's ok to accuse the BiB (who are all Thai, BTW) of extorting people so often that Thai's don't hang around serious accident scenes, but when someone accuses non-police of the same extortion, they're delusional Thai-haters??

    Edit: No, wait, your first post was a joke (now...).

    • Like 1
  15. Do you specifically want a shot-time room? I know of some 2br bungalows that are cheaper than 250 baht per night (they're 7000 baht per month).

    i think rob might be writing the ' Samui Short Time Guide ' , or is looking for different locations across samui to ' have fun '

    Now there's a monetizable idea!

    PS - 1 more post james and you can enter bedlem !

    Sweet. Hadn't noticed that! What's 'bedlam'?

  16. Great wealth cannot bring happiness. I hope the young man will be returned to his family in good health.

    But wealth can motivate the authorities to do a diligent investigation into his disappearance.

    "Great wealth cannot bring happiness." What a load of rubbish. It can and does. However, I agree with the rest of your statement.

    Exactly. Whoever believes money can not bring happiness should give me all of theirs so I can prove them wrong, while proving the inverse is also true.

    Hi. Been reading all this bull s... I personally know all parties concerned and Marcus was found safely on Sunday morning. His father is not a billionaire if he was he should have not left samui owing me 10,000 baht. He is a kind and worried father. The lady concerned is a very well educated young lady who works very hard at her business. I spent Friday and Sat with her and she was so worried about Marcus she never slept and was keeping his father in the UK up to date with all movements concerning Marcus. I can't believe how much s,,, is posted on here.

    Wow! Another twist! So is not rich really Marcus' dad?

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