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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. So, I just spent a night at Nineresident, the place I previous linked. It was a bit small. Staying at a friend's house and house sitting for the next few weeks as I try to figure out where I will live. Work for me is 30mins outside the old city, but I really don't want to move away from here sad.png

    Here = Old City?

  2. Surely if you had 60,000 Baht a month to spend away for 8.5 years you'd rather not be spending it working 12 hours a day 6.5 days a week running a bar. I get your point about pissing it up the wall in someone else's bar though.

    Putting it that way, probably not for 8.5 years, but for as long as I enjoy it. Not that I'd be "working" 12 hours a day 6.5 days a week, but I might "be there as a customer"... ;)

  3. Everybody understands that the base technology in both LCD & LED TV's is that same, and the difference is in their distinct lighting sources; the only problem in this thread is that there are some who refuse to accept that it is internationally accepted that the difference in their respective lighting sources is sufficient enough to warrant the two distinct internationally accepted names.

    Every guide, review, blog, wiki article will make a distinction between LCD & LED TV's because it is the internationally accepted convention for defining the different screen technologies. Even our friend above, who worked at a high-end TV store for many many many years made the distinction. If you walk into an electronics shop and ask for an "LCD TV", you'll get an LCD TV lit with fluorescent tubes; if you asked for a "LED TV", you'll get an LCD TV lit with LED's; if you ask for an "LCD TV lit with LED's", the salesperson will look at you as though you're stupid.

    Let me offer a further simplification:

    • Fluorescent-lit LCD TV's are manufactured, marketed, sold, and purchased as LCD TV's
    • LED-lit LCD TV's are manufactured, marketed, sold, and purchased as LED TV's.

    I understand that this is confusing for some; but go to the websites of major TV manufacturing companies, such as Samsung, Panasonic, and Sony, and you will see that even they make the distinction.

    Again, for clarity's sake:

    • LCD is the internationally accepted name for an LCD panel that is lit "using very small long fluorescent tubes;
    • LED is the internationally accepted name for an LCD panel that is lit using LED's.

  4. those loathsome pieces of selfish SH1T are out in force again! Let's make it our focus never to go to those places advertised.

    For me I AVOID any establishment who hires those vans - so for them it's counter-productive they actually LOSE CUSTOMERS because of their 'mai pben rai' (= I don't give a shit) attitude.

    Me too! I have done that since I got here - not that it would make one iota of difference to the owners of said establishments.

    I come from Melbourne, and I used to get terribly annoyed with the convoys of scooters-with-trailers, VW Beetles with big Red Bull cans of their roofs, and mini trucks with billboards on them - none of which serve any purpose other than advertising, while adding significantly to the already terrible congestion on the roads, and unnecessarily spewing out greenhouse gases. Now, I realise how lucky the Melbournians have it!

  5. For the reasons of curiosity and pure boredom, I had always wanted to travel around the island with my GPS and geotag every 7-Eleven and Family Mart - just to see exactly how many there really are... Then I thought, I could note the address and contact details of each one (yes, I have a lot of time on my hands) and make a directory... Then I thought, 'What's the point? All you need to do is go to a road and look left, then right - you're bound to see one or two!'

  6. So in your opinion for someone to pay 60000 baht/month out of their pocket to run a bar is good business sense. If you're interested, I have a pig farm for sale! Just needs a little renovation and some pigs.

    No, I never said it was good business sense, not did I say it was a financially responsible thing to do; what I did say was that if you're going to be 60,000 baht/month out of pocket anyway, I would rather it be sitting in my own bar than pissing it away in someone else's.

    Your personal circumstances notwithstanding (you may believe that you could have put that 60,000 baht/month to better use), I see a lot of non-working, non-business owning expats spending that and more doing nothing, mainly in other people's bars (I also know a lot that are subsisting on a lot less) - to me that is a worse use of ones 60,000 baht/month than running a bar. [Note the 'to me'. Everyone is at different stages in their lives, and those pissing 60,000 baht/month away are obviously happy; I am not denigrating their choice, I am just saying it's not for me.]

    On the other hand: pigs?? Hmmm.... Sounds interesting!

  7. It took me weeks!

    In Samui, we have three distinct varieties: the faring-voiced, coherent type, the thai-speaking-incohrent-english type, and the thai speaking thai type (generally some old guy driving around selling plants or oranges, and just monotonously drivelling). All three incite feelings in me that a well-adjusted person should not feel, especially when you can't get past them!

  8. Ignore the previous comment above. LED is NOT LCD... LED is far and away the best picture, but LIKE LCD, they currently don't beat plasma for motion ...


    How about this

    47" BORDERLESS™ Design FULL HD 120Hz Edge-lit LED LCD TV

    Taken from the LG thailand website


    But I'm sure you know it better than LG.


    Can we ALL agree that TV’s that utilise LCD screens with LED edge lights, are still known - to laymen and technophile alike - as LED TV's? And that they utilise different technology than standard LCD screens, and produce - as is the general consensus - a far better picture than standard LCD TV's?

    Good. That's better...

  9. the difference between 720P and 1080P is not detectable by the human eye on a 50" device.
    Bottom line: It's almost always very difficult to see any difference--especially from farther than 8 feet away on a 50-inch TV.
    as we all know from the posted basic guide and own experience is that the picture of an lcd never can compete with that of a plasma,especially in the case of movies.
    The consensus among A/V enthusiasts generally seems to be that plasma displays still have a slight edge over LCDs in terms of overall picture quality and are capable of delivering a more film-like experience.

    Wow, you really like misquoting, don't you! You must be a hoot at parties!

    Somehow "almost always very difficult" from certain distances becomes "not detectable", full stop...

    And - I like this one - that the consensus of some 'enthusiasts' "generally seems to be that plasma displays still have a slight edge over LCDs" translates to "the picture of an lcd never can compete with that of a plasma"!

    Have you thought that, perhaps, the fact that consensus only "generally seems to be" that way, is because everyone's visual acuity differs, and some AV enthusiasts believe the LCD and/or LED produces a better image? You may watch all your TV in darkened surroundings, and you may not "have the best equipment connected", so your own experience gels with what seems to be a general consensus of some enthusiasts - good for you, but that does not make your opinion fact.

    As I wrote - for my eyes at least, the picture on the LED TV's was far and away better than any LCD or Plasma on display, but it may have been some deceitful trickery, and they were playing special secret LED optimised video... crazy.gif

  10. OH, and the crystal ice idea I think is good enough to win the Samui Golden Bullet Award, worn briefly but proudly on the temple. I am 100% sure I could provide a much better product at a lower cost and with better delivery and service, not to mention making the customer feel he is buying something of quality.

    Crystal Ice sounds too much like something else... crazy.gif

  11. Haha my "way of thinking".....no mate I just don't want to see anyone else lose their hard earned.

    Not many people do (want to see that), but thanks for your concern. I won't be buying anything on Samui anytime soon. wai.gif

    To put a round figure on it, it cost me nearly 6,000,000 baht of my personal funds over the 8.5 years. So in my terms, "I lost my ass"! It was mostly caused by the changing demographics and my lack of experience and inability to implement positive corrective changes.

    Ok, so I did read your post wrong. But if that was everything you spent in the 8.5 years, it works out to around 60,000 baht per month. I know guys here that piss more than that up against the wall - at least you had (I assume) some pretty good times!

    I know how I'd rather spend 60,000 per month!

  12. Interesting basic guide. When I was looking to purchase my TV, I did some pretty extensive research, and was pretty much sold on a Plasma for the reasons stated in this guide - I wanted the most cinematic picture possible. This meant nought when I was standing in front of a bank of TV's though as the picture on the LED TV's was far and away better (for my eyes at least) than any LCD or Plasma. Although not a consideration for the purchase, their ultra-slim form factor is very pleasing on the eye.

    I wasn't at all fussed about 3D, but I did want a Smart TV - and it turns out that, as I moved up through the ranges (I had decided on Samsung), looking for the Smart features I wanted, all TV's from Series 6 up were 3D. So I didn't really have a choice between 3D or not due to some clever marketing...

    Nevertheless, I absolutely love the TV I ended up buying; my lounge room is the perfect size for my screen size, and everyone who has been interested enough for a demonstration can definitely see the difference while watching a Blu-Ray. The Star Wars Saga on Blu-Ray was stunning! (I even almost enjoyed Episodes 1 & 2!) I bought the Toy Story trilogy 3D box set, but other than watching to for ten minutes or so, just to check it out, I haven't used the 3D functionality at all.

  13. Read again, the first three years he made a small profit, the way I read it, after that, he had plenty of out of pocket expenses and not necessarily any profit anymore, especially not with the last renewal.

    We all read things differently. The way I read it, his income and profitability were declining as he was selling the bar, and he actually got out with a small profit; but will be happy to admit I am wrong if and when he comes back to clarify.

    You would be better advised to digest his comments regarding the changing demographics I think.

    And you believe I didn't digest his comments regarding the changing demographics because I wasn't converted to your way of thinking? Interesting...

  14. Despite the fact that this topic was started in jest, it has raised some interesting points.

    It has always surprised me that people are prepared to risk their savings on a venture that they have no previous experience in.

    Yes, me too; and I'm sure you'll find a pretty high correlation between those who have experience, and those who have been somewhat successful. Conversely, you would also find a correlation between laymen, and those who have lost a lot of money on failed ventures.

  15. By the way, regarding locks for disc brakes, any padlock will work if you get the loop the right size. I can use a Master padlock (combination) on my big bike. Much better than having yet another key on the chain too.

    But padlocks don't scream at 120db, scaring the bejeezus out of anybody around when someone tries to tamper with it!

    Just need a truck and 2,3 people jump out the truck bike goes in the back then off it goes. Bikes are so easy

    True, if someone really wants your bike, it's gone; but you can sure as hell make it as difficult as possible! Especially if you're out somewhere such as Tesco, and you can't lock it inside (or chain your Rottie to it) - one of these with one of these would certainly make someone look elsewhere for their prey.

    Don't think prevention, think deterrent...

  16. ydraw in post #62 hit the nail on the head. The issue was was really Samui and how it changed.

    Bought the bar in the mid 1990's. Dirt road, basically backpackers and Charlie's Huts at 100 baht/night. Had 3 year lease with the option to pay yearly with a 10% penalty. Made a small profit and lived comfortably.

    At lease renewal the lease doubled with same options. Renewed lease. Tore down bar, single story, and built two story. Top floor living quarters for staff. Offsite acommadtions also getting expensive. Extra cash outlay for construction out of pocket. Made some money but profits down. The type of people coming was changing. No more "Charlie's Huts" and the streets were now paved. Mc Donalds came in and a lot of bungalows were replaced by high rise costly resorts. My rent tripled were I lived.

    At lease renewal, the lease quadrupled and had to be paid in full upfront. Landlord would not negiotiate either length, price or conditions. I renewed, but really think that the landlord wanted me to decline. Lease payment out of pocket. Business was down, house rent went up again. Samui was really changing fast, there were more families with money, less backpackers. It was obvious that the bar could no longer support itself so I put it up for sale. To my delight I actually received and accepted an offer. The books were all in order and if you had any sense you could see the declining income and profitability. It made no difference to the buyer, it's was for his girlfriend. What can I say, I got out quick and left. I now live on my retirement in a province north of Bangkok.

    This is just my experience. I'm not giving advice to the OP to buy or not to buy. Just be sure that he does the research and due diligence to insure he understands what he is getting into and it is within his business plan. I obviously didn't. I never thought that backer Samui would turn into what it is today. I haven't been back since they day I transferred ownership of the bar, I imagine that it would be a real awakening.

    Thanks for the detailed answer.

    So the bottom line is: you made a small profit and lived comfortably. Not quite the financial suicide that most posters think all bar/cafe/restaurant purchases will turn out. And, despite the issues, I'm sure you had a pretty good few years, and wouldn't have traded it for sitting around twiddling your thumbs watching your savings dwindle every month?

  17. No, just pointed. And it was not directed at you. It was aimed more at someone who seems to think that Samui expats are mainly cash-strapped. I am not sure if that is true or not, but there is an argument for spending and thrift unrelated to one's net worth. There is also an argument for spending money on restaurant food regardless of the relative cost.

    Pointed and nasty, regardless of who it was aimed at.

    I know people who think spending more than 70 baht on a meal is scandalous. I also know people who think an 800 baht bottle of wine with a meal out is trivial.

    But I think anyone can understand spending 70 baht on food and atmosphere that is worth 20 baht is questionable, just as paying 800 baht for a bottle of 350 baht wine is.

    Now for some, cost is completely irrelevant. If you can afford to stay at the Banyon Tree Samui (cheapest rooms are about 40,000 baht a night), then who cares what the mark-up is? If you are one of these folks, more power to ya.

    But, again, just because you don't like the food or atmosphere at Bondi, so resent paying their prices for a meal there, it doesn't mean that those who do like the food and atmosphere at Bondi think they're paying too much. The ones who eat there obviously understand that they're getting their 480 baht value for their delicious full rack of ribs, and 280 baht value for their pint of delicious ice cold Magners - or they wouldn't go back there. There's no need to belittle, or direct pointed remarks towards those who have different values to you.

    As for bars, I think the people who come in nowadays have little chance to really make it big. It is possible (Bondi is a very big investment in capital, rents and operating costs -- not your average Joe can afford this -- and perhaps including some franchise costs?) but the fact is the ideal locations with sound business models are mostly already fixtures on the island. I think the mass of places that are turned over are, as I said, smaller, "be someone right away" on a shoestring (or your life savings, apropos of the cash-strapped expat) experiments.

    No one has said they expect to make it big, and I don't really think anyone on this forum is silly enough to think they'll be able to make it big - unless, of course, they can afford to do something like Bondi. And I completely disagree that all 'ideal locations' already have have sound business models - I know a lot of establishments that are barely subsisting based solely on their location (one I would buy in a heartbeat if it was ever put on the market), and a lot that make money, but only do so because of their location, not because they have anything good or different to offer at all. Maybe they're only wasting their potential because they spent everything they had to get in; who knows, but there are a lot of them.

    Also, the whole idea of " right place in the right location at the right price, (and) a solid business plan" in Samui is oxymoronical. If people actually did any homework and thought out a plan, they would never invest here. Ever.

    Again disagree with you wholeheartedly.

  18. have a Panasonic Plasma, still perfect 5 years on.....

    Did notice in Classified a 50" plasma For Sale, said was 1 year old 30,000, cost new 135,000........... sounds cheap ?

    Mostly depends on its specs. You're going to be able to pick up a bog-standard Series 4 (such as the OP has been offered) for a lot cheaper than, say a Series 8 or 9. If the one in the classifieds is a Series 6 or higher, it's not a bad price; but for it's "new" price, I'd say it'd be a Series 8 or 9; in which case it's a great price. Such a big drop, though, would have me suspicious...

  19. Sounds like you have some software issues. You should do a fresh install of the OS and your applications, not a backup from time machine that is full of the same problems that crashed your internal HD.

    Yep, Jimi007, that's exactly what I wrote earlier this morning before I got interrupted and obviously forgot to press 'Post'!

    ^ Thats what I would have thought. But AppleCare said with a fresh HD, things should improve. But they didn't. So ...

    Great news - they are going to send me an advance replacement.

    That is indeed great news.

  20. Thapae location for sure

    edit: Veerachai is opposite where I live and perfect location

    Good to know! We only spent nine days in Chiang Mai, and the Thapae area certainly had the vibe we liked. Obviously with more time there, we may find other areas that we like, but thanks to the mostly positive feedback we have received, I'm happy with our decision thus far - for both the area, and the accommodation.

  21. I thought it interesting how 274 bots had reported in from Cupertino, but then again, how else would they suppress the threat with knowing exactly hot it works and what it does?

    I'm pretty sure that sleep was lost in Feb and March while Apple were quietly working on closing the vulnerability, which happened with this patch two days ago.

  22. So what was "the difference between 720P and 1080P is not detectable by the human eye on a 50" device" now becomes, from a very reliable source, "the added resolution has only a very minor impact on picture quality" and "almost always very difficult to see any difference" under a certain distance, and that "you could begin to tell the difference moves back to about 6.5 feet".

    I never said the difference was mind-blowingly staggering, I just argued that pipo1000's emphatic statement was <deleted>, as was proven by CNET above. Had he said something along the lines of "The general rule of thumb is that it is almost impossible to tell the difference between a 720p and a 1080p TV at closer than 1.5 times the diagonal screen size." We wouldn't be having this discussion.

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