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Posts posted by attrayant

  1. 4 minutes ago, Thainesss said:

    So apparently the talking points coming out of the American Democrat party on the Christian church massacres is calling the victims "Easter Worshippers" and refusing to acknowledge their faith or bring themselves to mention it. What the hell is an "Easter Worshipper" and "Travelers".



    Normal people understand what is meant by "Easter worshippers".  If you don't then that's your problem.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    You might like to check the remainder of KH's posts on the subject, along with the ones she posted re NZ a fortnight ago.


    I scrolled through a few dozen tweets but then I started feeling like I needed a shower.  Had to stop.


    8 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    If you look for things you will find them.


    Exactly.  How about this "Ha ha" reaction to my post about christians taking bloody revenge?




    How easy would it be to misread some kind of inappropriateness into that?

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  3. 3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Katie Hopkins has highlighted several examples of hypocrisy by political figures when Christians are on the receiving end.



    That's quite a stretch.  Do you really think May felt sorry only for the structures rather than the people inside them?  In both tweets, "all those affected" were mentioned - unless you think she's talking about the buildings there also??


    Also, did she back up those alleged hypocritical thoughts with public statements?

    • Like 2
  4. Just don't go for the IV treatment: Naturopathic Death From IV Turmeric


    Jade Erick, 30, had eczema, which is a benign condition but can have a significant effect on quality of life. She sought treatment from a licensed health professional, someone who can legally call themselves a “doctor,” who is part of a state approved regulated profession.






    The result of his exciting treatment, according to the medical examiner, is that Jade Erick died.

  5. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I refuse to believe that matter came from nothing.


    1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Are the scientists saying nothing can create something?

    You keep using this word "nothing" in a vain attempt to shoot holes in some alleged hypothesis.   You should stop, because no working hypothesis of origin asserts that something came from nothing.


    I would invite you to do some reading but earlier it was suggested that you do some light reading to dispel your ignorance, and you said "I'll pass thanks".  And I don't use this word "ignorance" in a pejorative way; all of us are ignorant about something.  Ignorance is something that can be eliminated through a process called learning.

    • Like 1
  6. 22 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    It is quite possible to find fruit juices without added sugar or (added) fructose.



    I've gotten into the habit of taking my bottle of liquid stevia sweetener (pictured below) to the smoothie vendor.  Instead of two big scoops of sugar syrup that she usually ladles into the smoothies, I need only a single scoop of this and an hour later I don't have a sugar crash.  At home I use a single spoonful of sucralose in my iced tea to get the same sweetness I used to get from 3-4 spoons full of sugar.




    I'm neither diabetic nor have any signs, but I figure if it's just as tasty then why not reduce added sugar?  I certainly don't need the extra caloric energy at my age (mid 50s).


    [edit] One more thing I love about the granulated sucralose is that, because it has no calories, ants have absolutely no interest in it.  I keep it in the "sugar" bowl in the kitchen and don't have to worry about an insect invasion.






    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

    It's funny (and sad) how this topic somehow doesn' get any traction... I guess everyone is following, lemming-like, as the mass media and the Democratic Party (but I repeat myself) undergoes mass hypnosis and forgets that "collusion" was the point of the investigation.  Now it's obstruction, next, the fact that in two years and 40 million dollars, the worst thing that was discovered is that Trump dropped the f-bomb.


    Do you also believe that Jeffrey Dahmer should have been released because police initially responded to a mere domestic violence report?  The Mueller report is Trump's refrigerator full of body parts.

    • Like 2
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  8. 6 hours ago, impulse said:

    Imagine if they took all that money and brainpower to figure out something useful.


    Like how to distribute the world's food so nobody went hungry.


    "They" are already working on this, but there is only so much money can do.  You reach a point where throwing more money at a problem give no better results - this is the law of diminishing returns.


    Food science has offered us preservatives and other safe technologies, which have been used for decades but then some group of privileged yuppies sees an article on facebook about how sodium benzoate is a poizon and starts a grassroots movement based on ignorance and fear to return to some imaginary time of "clean food" and 'all natural farming" or some such nonsense.



    6 hours ago, impulse said:

    Or the world's medicine, so nobody would die unnecessarily.


    Working on that.


    6 hours ago, impulse said:

    Or how to get the plastic bits out of the oceans.


    That too. 


    One might argue that more could be spent on these efforts, but that funding is not going to come from NASA because its projects are already some of the cheapest in the world (see below).


    6 hours ago, impulse said:

    Cobbled together, computer graphic representation of black holes, trillions of miles from earth?  Interesting, but not very useful.



    We used to say the same thing about general relativity.  How is the understanding of that useful to the average Joe?  We wouldn't have accurate GPS today without a clear understanding of GR.  Likewise, breakthroughs astrophysics helps improve our understanding in extreme physics and may result in many secondary breakthroughs.


    Considering how cheap NASA missions and projects are, I think it's money well spent.  The Europa mission, currently expected to launch in 2023, will cost only 81¢ per person (US Citizen) per year.  Shut up and take my money.

    • Like 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Having said this, I seem to recall that the eu passed a requirement that foods containing GMO products should be labelled as such?


    Nobody replied to this statement when you posted it on page one because it has nothing to do with the topic.  Suffice it to say that labels are confusing and most people don't understand them.  A recent poll found 80% support labeling of food that contain DNA, for chrissakes.  If such idiocy actually became a law, almost every single item in a supermarket would require such a label.


    25 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Surely the same could apply to US products?


    Country of origin labeling is nice to have if you want to show off your wealth and privilege, but not very useful if you're pinching pennies (or whatever they call them in the EU) and trying to feed a starving family.  The EU can do whatever it pleases, but I don't see the point of more labels.


    1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    You are inserting a conclusion based on your own points of view.


    No I am not.  I am speaking purely from a scientific and humanitarian standpoint, much as I would do about climate change.  The fact is that very little of the Earth's surface is arable, and there is little that can be done using "traditional" farming methods to feed an ever increasing population.  Farmers are going to have to rely on technology and efficiencies of scale if they don't want people to go hungry and start wars over food and water.


    1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I understand you are impatient to have a discussion where you can defend your view of the agriculture sector and where you believe it should go.


    So impatient that I waited till page 5 to post.


    1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    In the context of this discussion, the CAP and EU farming/food policy is very largely influenced by people wishing to protect traditional farming, traditional ways of life and their local farming communities.


    I get that, and that protectionism is unsustainable and based on some romanticized idea of what farming "should be" in the eyes of the privileged consumer.


    1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    But it is also much more than that.



    I'm not interested in the "much more than that" part, which is why I refrained from commenting on it.

  10. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    you are not one of the millions of people living in farming communities across the EU who have skin in the game and a vote they use to ensure their interests are kept at the forefront of EU policy.



    My point is that their interests are quaint but misguided, and may actually lead to malnourishment of those who can least afford to be picky about farming 'tradition'.  This is true whether I have a vote or not.

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