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Everything posted by Docno

  1. No problem - just add a dash of disinfectant to the water and say you're fighting the virus and keeping people safe...
  2. Why predict a maximum? That's too easy. Just take any believable number and multiply by 2, and it's unlikely you'll ever be wrong. "We predicted 50K max, and the numbers did not exceed our prediction... see how smart we are?" If you want to be bold, predict a MINIMUM.
  3. Sorry, grammatical error... should be: "unfortunately, the young will become the future dinosaurs"
  4. Agreed. I'm vaxxed, but I caught it (probably Omicron) back in February. Was like a mild flu (i.e., I've had worse flus)... only some sniffles, scratchy throat, and some shifts in my taste (nothing bad). Took 10 days to test negative again, but for most of that time I felt perfectly fine. I'm 60. My 75 year old friend (also vaxxed) just got over it too. Symptoms even milder than mine. He tested positive Monday last week and tested negative 4 days later. He could have been walking around asymptomatic. I think there are many, many people walking around with the 'bug' without knowing it. We're all going to get it at least once ... can turn the fear down a few notches.
  5. Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore | News (cnb.gov.sg) Well, I guess I'll be seeing more stories like these... and possibly 5 strokes of the cane
  6. Won't be many places for Russian tourists to go after this, so he's hoping that Thailand can be at the front of the queue... screw morality
  7. You mean Prayuth has never 'transferred' anyone out of power?
  8. CDC: Onion Recall Due To Salmonella Outbreak That’s Left 652 Ill (forbes.com)
  9. Why do you think that will be of relevance? He's an Egyptian working in Thailand and she's a Thai.
  10. It's called the Black Sheep Effect... it's a way of psychologically distancing oneself from a group member whose behaviour threatens to bring shame (or hostility) on the whole group. Makes sense. Of course, the other (simpler) explanation is that this site focuses on crime stories involving westerners because of its readership, and even Thais will be more interested and concerned about crime committed by foreigners because it raises all sorts of questions about how violent criminals get in at the start, etc...
  11. Think you've been watching too many movies. The simplest answer is usually the right one... not the one about powerful cabals operating in the shadows. The US had already largely pulled out of Iraq (remember how Trump betrayed the Kurds during his term). Now it was Afghanistan's turn. These were unpopular places for the US military to be because, unlike in Germany and S Korea, there was active opposition to their presence. It was just a (dumb) political decision that will have long term negative ramifications, it's true, for Russia and China. But also the US. Nobody but the Taliban win in this...
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