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Everything posted by Docno

  1. That's unfair. I received an unsolicited WhatsApp message from a lovely Japanese-looking lady from Nigeria (country code 234) just yesterday who simply asked me how my day is going. What's there to be suspicious of? ????
  2. You might say "stubbornness". Or you might say "integrity" or "commitment". But "devil may care attitude" doesn't fit. He clearly does care ... about the platform he was voted in on.
  3. Oh wait! Do you mean they got it wrong? That it was really Ukraine that invaded Russian territory?? Thanks for the 'red pill', mate. I think I'll flush it down the toilet...
  4. "it is a travesty buggers belief" I would normally correct you on your grammar, but in this case your typo (or choice of words) is completely apt.
  5. Probably would have gone on a rampage and killed more if he was on meth alone ... (and this claim is just as likely and can't be disproven from this case).
  6. What an insensitive article! Don't they even know there's no such thing as men and women anymore?? It's just about how you feel when you wake up in the morning. But at least they didn't use his dead name. /sarcasm off
  7. You're working with incomplete information. What if (for the sake of argument) I add to your hypothetical, another hypothetical: "90% of the living are vaccinated and 10% of the living are not"? Then, what do you infer? A: 30% of the population is unvaccinated (hypothetical to make the point) and 83% of them die; 70% of the population is vaccinated and 37% of them die. So, would you say the vaccine is useless in this scenario?
  8. Who knows how much of his story is true. Guy confesses after a lengthy interrogation. We know that in countries where police are disciplined and where interrogations are filmed, a lot of people confess to crimes they did not commit (25% of post-conviction DNA exonerations can be traced back to this). But let's say (and hope) the police have other solid evidence, and this guy is the perpetrator. Then he has every incentive to (in his mind) mitigate his actions by saying the youth was a drug dealer who ripped him off etc etc. I wouldn't assume any of that is necessarily true until there is other corroboration.
  9. The study was done when the more severe alpha variant was dominant, so who knows whether it applies. Plus, long-covid is 50% less likely to happen for people who are vaccinated. But the bigger question is this: do you want to spend the rest of your life wearing a mask, doing social distancing, updating your vaccinations, etc etc? Everyone will get the virus. Multiple times. Unless they literally live in a cave (without bats). That's what endemic means. The small city-state of Singapore just went from 14000 cases in one week to 28000 cases in the following week. And those are massive underestimates because many people (like me) see no need to trek to a doctor to be 'officially registered' with covid. The virus is out there and it will find you ... how long can we worry about it? p.s. the taxi driver I had yesterday has had covid 3 times and just got over dengue. Said dengue was far worse. In fact, in 2020, dengue killed more people in Singapore than covid. That one scares me more because the companies haven't gone all-in to develop a vaccine for that...
  10. Natural selection. Herd needs some thinning...
  11. Hope so too. But it's my second dance with the virus and there were no long-lasting effects the last. Whether that means anything or not, I don't know. I tested negative yesterday and feel completely fine. Haven't stopped working (at home) since testing positive. Brain seems none the worse for wear.
  12. Have covid right now (5 days in). Complete non-event. Felt crummy for 1 day in total. Worked at home but couldn't even take time off. Zero impact except for missing a fun weekend out of respect for others. Time to move on from all this...
  13. Well, 'woke with training wheels' since the author referred to the ladyboy as 'Mr'. That sort of thing would get you banned from pre-Musk Twitter.
  14. I'm on side with the handful of people who wonder why someone would kill themselves over problems in their homeland. He has a whole new life -- nice house, new partner -- so there would be little reason to end it. I came to Asia to get away from my personal quagmire (read: ex-wife) back home 20+ years ago, and it was if a mass of weights had been lifted from my body. The only occasional stress were the conversations with the divorce lawyer over just how much I would lose. But the sum total was that my life had a taken a U-turn for the better and my problems were now on the other side of the world. So this one has me stumped...
  15. Well, some European countries levy fines that take into account the offender's income.
  16. Has made enemies 'outside the system' back home, would be my guess...
  17. Exactly. Makes me wonder why this sort of thing ends up in the media. Unless he's already under surveillance and they want to see if he'll do a runner. But that's expecting that they see the thing more like chess than checkers...
  18. Sherlock Holmes says the guy's lady or ex- was seated at the back with another guy. Where can he pick up his award?
  19. Well, vapes are also sold openly of the sois of Sukhumvit
  20. Apparently there has only been one execution in the past 13 years (for armed robbery and murder). Other countries that use lethal injections are now having difficulty getting the substances required. I guess, in a pinch, they could overdose them on those narcotics they were trafficking ... ????
  21. "CCTV footage shows driver Mr Kanadee had slowed down to turn right into a side road"
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