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Everything posted by Docno

  1. Hmmm... it's mostly my Brit and Aussie friends who like to 'walk on the wild side' on occasion. One Aussie friend still living in Oz comes up to Thailand just to partake because he couldn't do so back home and maintain his 'respectable exterior'. That, and what Aussie ladyboys look like ????
  2. Looks like he'll get his wish to stay in Thailand a while longer, though his next domicile may be a little more crowded...
  3. Someone possibly filming the Cambodian equivalent of the Mouse that Roared or Canadian Bacon?
  4. My wife's Halloween costume has apparently been deemed unacceptable too this year as it supposedly lifts motifs from Mexican (Day of the Dead) culture. I didn't have the heart to tell her she was guilty of the heinous crime of cultural appropriation. Lucky for her, we live in this part of the world...
  5. I see the logic. In the old days, politicians used to promise a chicken in every pot... now they promise some pot for every chicken...
  6. Well, I hope that this goes to court soon and the wife at least gets a nice new white Porsche out of it (along with a recovered husband)...
  7. I wouldn't trust a place with "Honest" in its name... Trying too hard to convince....
  8. Actually, you make a good point, and I was one of the lazy thinkers who took the story at face value. But yes, if these two were a pair of fine English gentlemen (for example), there would be a lot more skepticism among the comments here. Kudos for the splash of cold water...
  9. The difference between a working girl and walking girl is more than two letters...
  10. This 'practice' originated in Indonesia some years back, supported by a decent song called 'Om Telelot Om' ('Uncle, honk your horn, uncle!') https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ6T16E9Svk You're welcome...
  11. Unfortunately, jealousy was 'programmed' into us by natural selection (and especially sexual jealousy in the case of men). Our ancestors weren't the ones who had the laid back attitude you mention ... those people didn't get a lot of breeding done. Rather, we are the descendants of men who were jealous and suspicious and. as a result, were less likely to be cuckolded (in the sense of investing in another man's offspring). So it's 'in our blood' in a sense ... it takes a certain maturity to overcome our more natural impulses. And perhaps even the best of us can 'lose it' when we come across a case of 'in flagrante delicto'
  12. Here's your citation: 47 ‘adverse events’ reported out of more than 104,000 doses of Sinovac vaccine: HSA - TODAY (todayonline.com) "There were some 9,400 suspected adverse events reports linked to the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines as of July 31" And yeah - because I never had cardiac issues before the booster and they have since gone away - that 'maybe' from the GP is good enough for me. And remember, we're not talking just a subjective feeling here... I had multiple readings (with photos and video taken) over some weeks with that government-provided monitor. Now it reads only normal. But since you're a physician, what's your hypothesis?
  13. Singapore GP said it was the likely cause given the symptoms and timing. I also have video showing my my government-provided heart/oxygen monitor skipping beats (and multiple readouts over weeks indicating irregular beats)... see below. That only started a couple of days after the booster. Up to July 31, 2021, there were 9,400 post-vaccine adverse events in Singapore... and these are only reported cases. People receive from S$2,000 to S$250,000 compensation from the government for confirmed adverse events. They've stopped reporting the number of adverse events in the media this year. BTW, I did not apply for compensation.
  14. Have had the booster and caught covid 3 months later. Covid was a non-event. The booster, however, caused me to have extended cardiac issues (which have since subsided, thankfully)
  15. Mask wearing outdoors in Singapore has been optional for 3 months already, and still 90%+ of locals still wear them even if on a bicycle in an empty park, on a motorbike on the highway, or alone in a car. Strikes me as bizarre. I had a half-day business meeting a couple of weeks ago, and we all sat around a table with masks on until lunch came then we took them off and kept on talking... luckily, the virus must take a lunch break at the same time as us...
  16. The vast majority of posters seem to be blaming the Thai driver without a second thought. However, it appears that they were crossing a road, and we don't have much information on how large the road was etc. "Driving at speed" does not necessarily mean "exceeding the speed limit", so we have to be careful with our assumptions. It's quite possible that the husband crossed the road as the pickup was approaching; the wife was still on the far side when the driver saw her (driving at around the speed limit) and he honked his horn to warn her of his approach; the driver assumed she would stay on her side until he passed; but she decided to make a 'run for it', misjudging the speed of the pickup. So, I'm not so sure the Thai is truly to blame. We can only be sure this was a tragedy...
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