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Everything posted by DualSportBiker

  1. Maybe I am obtuse, but I get it. The square-headed Ex-PM has never hidden his distain for any form of consumption. Thousands have died in anti-drug activities, most of which were later shown to be innocent bystanders. Cracking down on minor public nuisances should play second fiddle to cracking down on the incessant death of locals and visitors alike on Thai roads. The point made pertains to priorities...
  2. "Clearly"? Don't judge based on a single experience. That is not how life works.
  3. Perhaps you are right. Me thinks you should take the blame for clearly being a large part of a muppet...
  4. Don't project your own fear and incompetence on others. You are clearly too much of a wus to ride a bike, others might be perfectly competent. As for the rest of Thailand, they mostly ride because they have no choice; their intelligence is not a factor.
  5. That all sounds horrible. I opened an account with Krungsri a few months ago. I took my passport, a bank statement from a Singapore bank with my Thai address which I did not need. I was in an out in 25 minutes. FWIW, I am on a marriage visa.
  6. I almost never use cash - taxis, street food, lottery tickets, fancy lunch venues, Chamber of Commerce events. Almost every single thing I buy is cashless. I can't remember a single fee from KBank, and I've been using e-payments for as long as they have been here.
  7. Are those not optional extras customers add to their base policy which typically covers local expenses, then add repatriation for emergency/complex medical, then add repatriation of the body in case of death? That is how I remember them. At 33, most of us don't think about dying overseas. I would not be surprised to know that ALL policies could include repatriation of the body if the insured added that to the coverage and paid the additional cost. Who does that? Who at that age even considers the chance of dying while on holiday? I remember buying medivac insurance for a holiday in Cambodia when I was living in Singapore. Guaranteed 24 hours to get me to a Singapore hospital for an extra fee. I've not added a clause like that to travel insurance since. RIP.
  8. My old man played Drum Battle more times that I can remember. Used to crank it up when we were alone... I think the common opinion is that Buddy Rich was faster the Gene Krupa, who he acknowledged as one of his influencers.
  9. Apples and mudskippers might be more accurate. The Apollo missions were telegraphed globally as a rallying call! The Manhattan Project was secret even after products were delivered and used! Around 130,000 people worked on the MP. Perhaps 5-10,000 were security staff! 1,000 Military Police at Oak Ridge alone! Travel was restricted, communications were restricted, work was so well segregated that many project staff did not know what they had built until after the bombs were dropped! As VP, Truman did not know about the projects full scope! The purpose of leaks for both projects are also different. Leaks from the MP would be detrimental to the country, war effort and world at large. Leaks from the Apollo project (with respect to exposing it was all faked and a waste of money) would have been to the benefit of the public by exposing fraud. So no, he who thinks they can be compared, absolutely not!
  10. Having a more accurate tape measure is not egg on face, it is progress. And, just BTW, in a vacuum, all forms of light travel at the same speed. Red and blue shifting is not a function of the speed of the photons, rather the compression of the waveform by the movement of the source, or the medium the light is traveling through. The only thing that has changed regarding the speed of light is our ability to measure it more and more accurately. Even if the dubious source you quote were correct, 20km/h is a 0.00667% change. Do you want to be taken seriously by suggesting that it would be significant?
  11. Refer all you want, the speed of light has not changed. And know you don't. Sorry, but you are off your tree if you think that you should be taken seriously.
  12. Around 400,000 worked on Apollo tech, across around 20,000 companies... No chance in hell that a fake project would not have been leaked.
  13. Who cares what they say - they were clueless. You might as well quote anyone from 150 years ago and before - none of them had even the rudimentary science knowledge that you do.
  14. So, riddle me this. Who put the retroreflectors on the moon? You know, the mirrors that reflect back to source so we can accurately measure the distance to the moon and it's slow recession (38mm per year)? Of course they were staged. The 400,000 engineers across 20,000 companies working on the Apollo missions all kept the secrets safe. And the Ruskies and Chinese all agreed they should just let the 'Muricans lay one over them for once without any FUD. Sure. Whatever you are taking, consider upping the dose :)
  15. Same here, although I have a few years on you. I have never been hit by a bike. However, when riding, I've been bullied by cars multiple times every ride.
  16. This is not what I was advised by a panel of tax specialists here at a Sasin (Chula) event. If you earn money in year 1 and are in Thailand for 180+days that same year, even if you remit the funds in a year you are not here for 180 days, you are still liable.
  17. The liability is based on when you earn the money, not spend it. If you were a tax resident when you earned it, you are liable if you bring it here.
  18. You seem to have missed the point I made very clearly in my original response: I only pee once an hour in the day and only 1-2 times per night. I get quality sleep. So thanks, but I am good. And again, I will take my advice from a Dr.
  19. I do so because that is recommended. Every doctor I tell that to gives me there approval - tells me I am good patient! US army policy here was 'if you don't need to pee all the time, you ain't drinking enough. So a US airman told me. I don't take notes on output volume. And I try not to drink at night or I'll wake more frequently...
  20. I pee every 40-60 minutes and it is clear. This is because I drink 3+ litres of water per day. Plain water, cold teas, and/or Singha soda water. I don't drink booze anymore - perhaps 1-2 measures per quarter... I taper my fluid intake in the evening so I only get up to pee 1-2 times. I am just shy of 60.
  21. "If insured, as responsible people do, would that not pay for transport back home ? " Would it? Only if the insured opts for it. You assume all should or would, or perhaps that it would be automatically baked in. That sounds to me like you have never read the small print of the insurance you buy when on vacation. Obviously you do buy insurance - you are a responsible person right? Or are you making me assume now? "Nobody needs to be here, he's dead." Nice. Some people need closure. Some people want to see the location, talk to people who saw their loved ones last. You have, perhaps, an empathy deficit...
  22. Back in 1994 there was a French consortium that proposed a trial of automated lights right downtown. I can't remember which area it covered, but it was large. Let's say Asoke to Rama 6 and Rama 4 to New Petchaburi. They got approval to install and show that automated lights that coordinated with each other offered a path to improvement. The system was installed and operated for a few months. Not only did the Police manually override its control of the lights, they said that gecko poop was shorting out the system and it was a fire hazard and unreliable. End of project! It might happen, it might help, but unless the footprint is big enough it will not be as effective because the areas outside of its control will back up cars into it. Hope springs eternal!
  23. I am not an accountant... However, I would urge caution with the transfer from her to you. That can easily be construed by TRD as income. The 400K can come from anywhere, but again is likely to be taxable. Best leave it there all year to avoid its taxation.
  24. Just FYI, the 180 days and the earning of funds are tied together. If you earn money in a year you are not here for 180 days, then the following year you can be here for 180+ and remit the funds tax-free. That is my understanding from various workshops I have attended in the last several months. Please confirm with an accountant, but I would bet a round Guinness that I remember it correctly.
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