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  1. Classic amphetamine-induced behaviour Unlikely to be marijuana.
  2. That would be seen as confrontational, a definite no no.
  3. 'Out of Africa' always brings a tear, especially with the lions at the end.
  4. Spot on. Congratulations.
  5. You're a newcomer. I arrived in 1964. Survived the lot.
  6. My guess is he will fall victim to the Computer Crimes Act. The revised version seems to cover all eventualities and is open to interpretation. I certainly hope so.
  7. When I renewed my police alien registration book last year I was expecting five years but got six. The officer said the extra year was because I had kept my book, now full, in good condition.
  8. A fountain of knowledge on passports and immigration, Joe was also a scrupulously fair moderator. He will be greatly missed. My condolences to his wife and other members of his family. May Ubon Joe rest in peace.
  9. By denouncing you, the lady who sold you the vaping materials would also be denouncing herself and facing a higher penalty than mere possession. If it was a sting you would have been arrested on the spot. Since nothing happened, you have no reason to worry.
  10. More like 50 years ago. The 'War on Drugs' slogan dates back to Richard Nixon.
  11. Rhea Seehorn who plays attorney Kim Wexler in 'Better Call Saul', the 'Breaking Bad' spinoff. Real class.
  12. It is sad that Mobi has gone but, in addition to many treasured memories, we still have his books, which are well worth reading. He will not be forgotten. RIP Martin.
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