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Posts posted by Camelot

  1. He might have a more promising future if he stays in China. In Thailand he is already 'yesterday's man' and must be getting fed-up with life in the desert.

    Another few years and people could well be asking "Thaksin who"??? That's what he's most scared of, hence the constant stream of PR.

  2. If you are by yourself and begin to choke, the recommendation I was given by a nurse is to throw yourself on the ground, landing hard on your abdomen. This should expel enough air to dislodge the item causing the choking. Repeat if necessary. That is if there is no one to help you.

    Some years ago, a New Zealander choked to death on a flight from Bangkok to NZ while his girlfriend looked on in horror. Apparently no one knew what to do and they wasted valuable minutes checking if there was a doctor onboard.

    Many choking victims reach for a glass of water. This might work but there is a danger of pushing the blockage further down and worsening the situation.

    • Like 2
  3. According to my wife, very few Thai women nowadays want to look like their farang counterparts. The whitening cream is to make them look more Chinese and others use cosmetic tweaks to look fashionably Korean. It used to be Japanese.

    The placard-waver is demonstrating both a superiority complex and a lack of cultural understanding. A fashion icon he is not. A control freak, quite possibly.

    • Like 1
  4. Melatonin is available here. I've bought it locally and had it shipped from abroad for years. No problems. It is classified as a food supplement or additive and exists in a legal limbo -- neither legal nor illegal.

    It is definitely cheaper getting it shipped from the US.

  5. If they itch and you find yourself trying not to scratch them, my money is on prickly heat caused by humidity. Wear loose-fitting clothes and apply liberal doses of St Lukes Prickly Heat powder. It's soothing and should clear up the problem quickly. Use a gentle soap with moisturiser. I use Dove.

    If this doesn't help, see a dermatologist who will check for allergies.

  6. I watched a fair bit of it on CNN, which, for once, had better coverage than the BBC. One problem, though. Tony Abbott may be PM but he's yet to gain international recognition.

    That does not excuse the Atlanta-based American news anchor who referred to him as "Australian Prime Minister Tony Blair." But far, far worse was Anna Coren, 20 minutes later, who also mixed up Abbott and Blair. She is an Aussie and reporting from Sydney, so she must have been very flustered and understandably tired. She didn't correct herself so the interviewer cut in and said "You misspoke" without identifying the mistake. A useless intervention.

    That's an observation, not a criticism, but it did show that Tony Abbott needs to embark on a world tour, change his name or hire a PR consultant.

    I am genuinely sad at the outcome. The only consolation is that it could have been far, far worse.

    Why on earth did an Australian court free on bail a madman convicted of writing poison pen letters to the families of Australian servicemen killed in action and accused of 47 sexual assaults and involvement in stabbing his ex-wife to death and then setting her on fire? Could it have been leniency shown to an ethnic minority? We'll never know.

  7. Remember that if the sacked employee takes his/her case to the Labour Court, my HR experience is that the judges are more likely to rule in favour of the ex-employee than the employer. Then you will have to reinstate the employee, pay back-pay and bonuses from the time he was "terminated" and you will have gained someone with an embittered attitude who is almost impossible to get rid of. There are also the legal costs.

    Pay the severance pay. The amount depends of the length of time the employee has worked for the company. Alternatives are three warning letters which must be signed as acknowledged by the employee or persuading them to resign.

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