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Posts posted by tonywillo

  1. Zero sympathy here. 

    Case of being too tight with money and trying to save a few bucks on a visa, makes no sense when the father needed to go down this route anyway. 

    Second piece of stupidity here and I would think almost common knowledge that any travel document which has or about to expire is next to useless.

    His son would have been better off overstaying on his Scottish passport. Being under 18 he would not have been fined anyway. 

  2. By now it would be clear an escape from an airport in neighbouring countries didn't happen so a land and sea escape looks the most likely. My guess she was driven to Ranong, boarded a big yacht then sailed to UAE or some hideout Island her brother has organised. The longer she can keep undiscovered the the more likely the junta will give up. With elections looming they have bigger fish to fry!

  3. 6 hours ago, CNXBKKMAN said:


    I am only speculating but this says to me that Air Asia ops in KL have told the pilot to return to Perth. Why because it's cheaper to fix the aircraft in Perth and get the passengers sorted out with replacement flights, hotels etc. If it had gone to Geraldtown the passengers would need busing back to Perth. Engineers and parts would need to be driven or flown up to Geraldtown.  All of this costs $$$$$. Obviously it's safer to land at Geraldtown pronto but a commercial decision has been made to save some cash and fly to Perth. 

    That being the case you can bet ATSB / Casa will be keen to speak to the pilots and air Asia, taking the less safe option by flying onto Perth would be an offence under Australian aviation law. A similar situation with another airline REX (the lost prop) occurred in 2015.

  4. 24 minutes ago, malcoml said:

    So I guess this just answered the question of should I go to the hospital for a HIV test and is it accurate. 


    God help those cheap Charlies who use the local fly by night clinics.

    Wrong. The rapid 10 minute test at clinics you imply cheap Charlie's get are accurate and have error checking if not done correctly. The issues are when a positive is obtained using the rapid test so then a blood test is performed.

    I suppose you'd say the same about the pregnancy tests you can buy from the supermarket! 

  5. 6 hours ago, maewang99 said:

    gee whiz, these media folks are as bad here as they are in the USA!

    chill out. a monk is a man wearing an orange robe. 


    whether he watches sex movies or not has nothing to do with that.


    Yeah this all normal for the orange robe I just want to know Where do I sign up for monkhood? Invite some local girls for a Sunday card game, free food, porn booze, what a life. 

  6. 4 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

    Blood to blood transmission is the most common way. So stock up on descent protection and some expensive lubrication. Common sense and consulting a doctor before you travel will help lower your risk. Remember to control your lust and always use protection.

    The only thing you got right here is consult your doctor.

    If you engage in risky behaviour You should ask your doctor to proscribe Truvada which is widely available through online chemists. Taken daily it will give you the protection if a condom should break. For a dollar a day it gives you piece of mind. 

  7. 53 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

    You get what you pay for.With cheap fairs comes a big risking,things like proper ground equipment,qualified maintenance personnel.pilot experience, age of aircraft,etc.

    Yes you get what you pay for? It's got a seven (7) star safety rating and prices are often 200 - 300 dollars cheaper than the 4 star safety rated Thai airways. For that money I'd be happy sit for 2 hrs while the T's are crossed and the I's dotted on any safety procedure. There was probably no gate available to disembark and re-enter later known congested phuket airport. 

  8. I've been to Krabi (ao nung) twice in the last 6 months including phuket, ko lanta, pee pee. 

    Imo Krabi wins hands down. Easy airport access (roads)  not congested cheaper flights. Island tours seem better organised and lower cost than what you will find in phuket (Patong). Riley beach is 200 b return from ao nung plenty to see around Krabi town and surrounding areas.

    Basic restaurants and shopping in ao Nang compared to Patong.

    Plenty of low rise accommodation in ao nung just check agoda. 



  9. 1 hour ago, Minnie the Minx said:

    The non stick or teflon variety definitely a no no just get a small one to do scrambled eggs in and only use it for that. Aluminium is supposed to give you cancer #note aluminium foil. Best pans are cast iron for general cooking.

    I see some 80 year olds in the village use these aluminium pans for cooking, probably used them for the past 50 years. None are dying from cancer related deaths. Sounds like another BPA plastic bottle conspiracy. The aluminium oxide we absorb with Deodorant is higher dose than you will receive from any cooking utensils and we use this every single day. 













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