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Posts posted by CMHomeboy78

  1. Thanks for the informative post.

    Oldtimers in Chiang Mai will remember when ganja was very easy to buy almost everywhere... in town, in the countryside, in hilltribe villages and on trips to the islands wherever you were it was there. Often in the form of Thai Stick and pretty potent as well as dirt-cheap, The GIs reportedly loved it.

    Long before the War on Drugs there were laws against it nationwide but they were selectively [$] enforced, if enforced at all.

    The War on Drugs changed all that and introduced draconian measures to be taken against the "Surging Drug Abuse" they saw everywhere.

    Malaysia wuz worse... who can forget those large billboards shouting DADA IS DEATH...?

    But this merciless crackdown had so many bad consequences in Thailand that the governing powers seem to be coming to their senses and letting it be traded locally. How long this Freedom/Honeymoon lasts remains to be seen.

    • Thanks 1
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