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Posts posted by kreon

  1. Has anybody done it or know anybody thats done it?

      I was just searching about for some information on train travel and it come up, and struck me as a nice way to visit a load of countries I have not been too when I visit home.

    met a couple of guys in cambodia who went overland by motorbike, they were on a 2-year trip, going through cambodia, vietnam and then china :o

    they said they had a fantastic trip and afterchina were coming back to thailand to live :D

    i guess you would have to do a combination of bus and train travel, depending on which route you take :D

  2. about 10 years ago, before i started doing business in asia, i bought a book called "lords of the rim" by sterling seagrave :D

    this is a must read for anyone wanted to do business here, it will give you a deep insight in the chinese/thai business mentality :o

    i have -with this knowledge- being able to do great business in asia, as it gave me a better understanding of with whom i was dealing with, surely i've had bad deals, but that was due to me not making the right decisions, but also have a lot of good deals, that far outweight the bad ones :D

  3. Steve, a Melbourne man, has no idea whether a baggage handler or someone else messed with his bag in 1997, but he knows what he found when he got to Bali: a bag of marijuana, the size of a loaf of bread, packed tight. For seven years this was a strange but historic relic from his travelling past.

    If this is true none of us have no way of knowing but he kept quite for long enough to tell the world about his experience with drug running.

    I notice there was no mention of how the weed was going to be retrieved the same way it was packed? By stealth?

    good point..who is going to retrieve it..story does not make sense, bad advice from the consul, he could have been hurt and again a loaf must weigh at least 10kg and he did not notice that :o

    again use samsonite bags, or if possible at all have carry-on luggage :D

  4. in the last 35 years i've tripped all over the world and i've come to one soluton :D

    keep a low key, low profile, don't flash with gold(etc) and dough, stay away from strangers and never take them home(epecially girls use a short-time hotel instead), never trust people in uniform, lawyers and when you talk to strangers tell them half baked bullsh1t :D

    any sight of trouble, i move out of the way like a flash :D

    and you know what that still leaves many good people left over to talk to :o

  5. Many callers to radio talk shows were incensed, and some said they regretted giving making donations to Indonesian tsunami victims. Others called for Australians to boycott Bali.

    ....what unpleasant individuals.

    (From the Jakarta Post)

    unbelievable...are they going to start a war over this :D

    and the innocent tsunami victims, as well businessman/workers in bali have to suffer, common gimme a break, are all the brits now going to boycott kanachanburi :o

  6. even the commissoner believes the idea that Corby is the unwitting victim of drug smugglers is flimsy.

    why put 4kg in a bag from brisbane to sydney if it was destined for the ozzy market, especially if is was australian grown :D

    can anyone show me court snippers where it was discussed about her baggage check-in weight, this is normally on your sticker or for sure on the airlines computer :D

    and 4kg of hydronally growm grass sells for usd$40k on the street in bali :D

    Her bags were never weighed in Bali.

    may i correct this...another contradiction,

    He said he was pleased the judge made two points in Corby's favour - that her baggage was not weighed before she left Brisbane so no comparison could be made in Bali, and that she had no history of drug use.

    well this bugs me...in flying 35 years+, i always had my luggage weighted, its against the rules not to check weight because all aircraft need to know payload before take-off :D

    i think they're hiding something there :o

  7. even the commissoner believes the idea that Corby is the unwitting victim of drug smugglers is flimsy.

    why put 4kg in a bag from brisbane to sydney if it was destined for the ozzy market, especially if is was australian grown :D

    can anyone show me court snippers where it was discussed about her baggage check-in weight, this is normally on your sticker or for sure on the airlines computer :D

    and 4kg of hydronally growm grass sells for usd$40k on the street in bali :o

    Answer these questions then....

    "Why, if Corby was smuggling the drugs, did she not take the basic precaution of putting a lock on her bodyboard bag?

    Why did she not put the drugs behind the bodyboard, which would have concealed them from anyone opening the bag? Why did she not try to conceal the contents of the plastic bags?

    Why would anyone risk a death sentence smuggling marijuana to Bali, where it will sell for much less than in Australia?

    The federal police confirm that Corby has no criminal record. Queensland police have no intelligence to relate her to drugs.

    The drug's wholesale price in Brisbane is $4000 -$4500 for half a kilogram. Where did a woman who works in a fish and chip shop get the A$36,000 it could cost to buy 4.1 kilograms?

    maybe because she was just a naive mule, even putting on a lock etc, wouldn't have helped, maybe she was tipped off, dont forget her sister lives in bali for a long time, perhaps she was asked to carry a package for her :D

    there are 9 aussies in bali jail right now, most of them with no prior criminal or drug records, does that make them not guilty :D

  8. Her case also faced problems when her financial backer, Australian businessman, Ron Bakir, claimed the prosecution would ask for a lighter sentence if they were paid a bribe. He later withdrew the remarks and apologized in writing to the prosecution.

    Typical lary Aussie loudmouth tycoon. If he'd shut -up and paid the bribe in the usual quiet way she'd be out. I've been involved in numerous verdict-rigging cases in Indonesia.

    Anyway, she'll be quietly released into Aussie custody in the near future. Then she'll do a nominal couple of years there, then back home to her family - probably write a book about it.

    Sgt Somchai will be released in Thailand at about the same time. Swings and Roundabouts.

    he is a bankrupt and just another <deleted> publicity seeker, he suppose to have a 1mil$ award that never came of the ground because he forgot, yeah sure..i'm broke he meant :o

  9. even the commissoner believes the idea that Corby is the unwitting victim of drug smugglers is flimsy.

    why put 4kg in a bag from brisbane to sydney if it was destined for the ozzy market, especially if is was australian grown :D

    can anyone show me court snippers where it was discussed about her baggage check-in weight, this is normally on your sticker or for sure on the airlines computer :D

    and 4kg of hydronally growm grass sells for usd$40k on the street in bali :o

  10. I hope she tells Bakir to piddle off back to Aus & gets a new team of lawyers, this lot were pathetic.

    Bakir is now offering an undisclosed reward for more info........ yeah, right Ron, I'm sure your creditors are all listening back in Aus. :o

    He's a bloody auto erotic practitioner. Her lawyers were clearly inept and inexperienced. Their arguments were completely meritless at Indonesian law. Leave ole mum home for the appeal too. Abusing the prosecutors and judges in the court was not the wisest move either.

    and the australian goverment offered oc's which was knocked back..why, were they scared thy were going to find something she didn't like :D

    is she a naive surfie chick or a calculating drug mule? i believe the latter :D

    and before everybody jumps on me, this is an open forum and i have followed the case, there are many other aussies around the world in jail claiming the same :D

    i agree with derril...those boobs and a pretty girl image set it all off :D

  11. Disclaimer: The ideas and methods described in this post are thoughts only. I am fully aware of the potential legal consequences of this behaviour, and would in no way suggest to actually do what is written here. I also encourage every reader not to practise these methods, under no circumstance!

    Now, suppose I travel to say Malaysia for a period of two weeks, and send my Passport from there to my local Thai Embassy or consulate, or rather send the Passport and Visa form to a friend, who will apply for the Visa, and send it back to me in Malaysia.

    I would then have proper THAI exit and entry stamps, so the Visa should look valid to the Authorities. My home Country does not stamp me in and out, so there is "only" the missing Exit and Entry stamps of Malaysia, that could possibly lead the Thai Authorities to my misbehaviour.

    The (theoretical) question is now: Do the THAI authorities have any power to question me about the fact of a missing stamp from a third Country in my Passport? Is this anywhere near their authority?

    I have had a related incident in my old Passport: By travelling from Canada to USA (I had a valid Visa for USA that time, with multiple entry allowance) I have been stamped in and/or out at the border in a rather inconsistent manner, leaving my Passport with a set of incomplete entry/exit stamps at the US-Can border. I never worried about this, but could any border official make problems to me Years later at a border between different Countries?

    Just a thought!


    plus in malaysia, you could always go to your embassy and report your passport stolen, now that's interesting :o 

    PS: I am aware that I might run into trouble in Malaysia by not being able to show my Passport, but that is not part of the question.

  12. even though i feel sorry for her, i think she got off lightly :D

    i mean what a joke bringing a prisoner to testify, try bringing a thai prisoner to oz to testify, the judgewould laugh in your face :o

    and what about when she checked in, how many kg's were board :D

    from what i've read and saw, she seems to be quite happy with 20 years, she already pleaded for clemency before she got convicted, is that not an admission of guilt, why not go to the appeals process first :D

    and this is the same judged that sentenced one of the bali bombers to death, i think under the circumstances he did a great job, its the lawyers who failed not him :D

    You should read all of the news articles about this mate.The ones a couple of months ago.The indo cops cocked up.They also refused help for DNA testing etc to see where the weed came from and they never finger printed the bag. :D She pleaded for clemency because everybody knew what was going to happen from the outset.

    It's probably the same judge that gave the cleric Bashir 2.5 years for giving the bombings his blessing and killing 100's of people.

    just to let you know i can read, in the age today :D

    Prof Lindsey said Australians should remember that chief judge Linton Sirait also oversaw the case that resulted in a death sentence for Bali bomber Mukhlas.

    "That court, those trials were considered to be very reasonably run, very meticulous, and a good result," Prof Lindsey said.

    "Now we have the same judge here in this case and suddenly he's a bad judge and the case is being run very badly according to popular opinion.

    about clemency :D

    "Now if that is, in fact, an attempt at a pardon, it's quite extraordinary because what she's done is sought a reduction in sentence or some kind of relief before she's even been convicted.

    "In Indonesian legal circles ... an attempt at a pardon is actually an implicit admission of guilt, because there's nothing to be pardoned for if you haven't been found guilty yet," he said.

    about the weight of her board that was never brought-up, why??? forget the dna, proof the weight :D

  13. even though i feel sorry for her, i think she got off lightly :D

    i mean what a joke bringing a prisoner to testify on hearsay, try doing that bringing an indonesian prisoner to oz to testify, the judge would laugh in your face :D

    and what about when she checked in, how many kg's did her board weight :D

    from what i've read and saw today, she seems to be quite happy with 20 years, could have been a lot worse :o

    don't forget she already pleaded for clemency even before she got convicted, is that not an admission of guilt, why not go to the appeals process first :D

    and this is the same judged that sentenced one of the bali bombers to death, i think under the circumstances he did a great job, its the lawyers who failed, not him :D

  14. well the aussies do not seem to think so :o

    Australians keen on investing in Thailand

    BANGKOK, May 27 (TNA) – Australian investors are keen on choosing Thailand as their investment base since they view the country has political stability and consistence in policy making, according to Industry Minister Wattana Muangsuk.

    Speaking after meeting with top executives of major Australian companies in gold mining, telecommunications, and auto industries, he said most had expressed interest in investing in new projects and entering into partnership.

    Previously, he said, the Australian investors had deliberated whether they would invest in Thailand or China.

    Finally, they decided to invest in Thailand because they viewed the country had sound investment atmosphere given the political stability, policy consistence, and the government’s awareness of investors’ needs.

    Mr. Wattana said it was a good opportunity for Thailand to boost investment value since each major company keen on investment had total assets of at least US$1 billion or 40 billion baht.

    Sunee Sathaporn, Executive Director of the Australian-Thai Business Council of Victoria State, Australia, said Australian investors were very interested in the Thai auto industry.

    Many vehicle makers had already invested in Thailand and wanted to be suppliers because the country had a goal of becoming the Detroit of Asia and the Board of Investment had promoted the investment in the industry.

    “Conventionally, Austrian investors view Thailand has cheap labor. But upon the establishment of the free trade area between the two countries, the investors pay more attention to exploring investment opportunities in many industries of Thailand,” she said. (TNA) – E005

  15. i for one agree with jeff, and think that its got a great future ahead :D

    obviously for safety reasons they will have to create designated segway paths, simular to bicycle paths in holland (heavens forbid thai motorbike riders will use it) :o

    they did have an electric car project once in amsterdam that failed, not sure why :D

    in bangkok, the will have to clean-up all the foothpath obstacles etc, also you will need electric recharge stations with aircon and a cold beer just to cool-off :D

    btw i saw a disabled guy about a year ago in front of soi 15, he had no legs but sat on top of one and it had no handle bar, the two wheels where his legs so to speak, not sure if it was a segway :D

    and what about the safety factor :D

    how about starting a segway polo competition in bangkok :D

  16. i know the owner, so let me know and we can do an icey vodka deal :o

    Yeah, ask him and see if we can decide on the venue. :D

    spoke with him last night...the 10th no problem :D

    so if everybody agrees, i will discuss a happy hour for tv members from say 5-9pm :D

    saw the girlies band last night, great stuff, back for more on friday for the opening night party (need invitation!) :D

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