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Posts posted by bulekee

  1. If their financial skills are so poor, how do they live here on 9,000 baht per month when most of us would starve to death on less than 5-10x that amount?

    Speak for yourself.

    Financial management is all about how much you spend, not how much you make.

    It"s also about how much you have in ready cash.I have just spent 40k today for my daughters schooling.No problem I knew I had the money.I am not an economist,but I have always lived within my means.

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  2. Only ever missed a flight once in my life and that was from Thailand back to the UK.Was going home from Phuket with a connecting flight at Don Mueang.The plane left on time but when it got to BKK it had to circle fort 30 mins because certain people were on an other plane and got priority to land,hence I was too late to board,all be it they loaded my luggage.They did put me up in a hotel for 8 hours then on a plane via Amsterdam.The icing on the cake was that my luggage was lost all thanks to VIP"s

  3. TG was rather generous in regard to the Sheraton. It is the most expensive of the 3 at the airport. I was just at the Hilton Garden next to the Hilton. 89 euro for a decent room and a peaceful view over the forest. It was as good as the BKK Novotel which costs more. this is the benefit of flying TG. Had it been a LCC , everyone would have been on their own.

    FRA is an expensive airport to layover in, but oh how I love it. It's a wonderful airport. Clean and organized and friendly customs/immigration. No forms to fill and off you go. Took me 3 minutes to clear immigration. Hello- how long will you stay, well ok , have a nice stay all with a smile and I don't have an EU passport. For all the bad stick Germany gets, they have polite immigration and customs people. BKK could learn from that. If one was to be stranded, I suppose there are worst places to be than clean and safe FRA. At least they clean the lavs in FRA and it doesn't stink of piss like at LAX or CDG. I shudder what would have happened if my flight from FCO Rome would have caused a delay. Another dirty nasty airport.

    Name dropper,an airport is an airport.

  4. The South Korean press has dismissed the PM's resignation as a political ploy because he had little power. Power rests with President Park.

    When she went to a memorial for the dead, many family members of the deceased/missing booed her and had the wreathes and flowers she laid moved away from the other flowers. The President is being savaged by the South Korean press. So............ is the lesson to toss some politician under a political bus to protect the big boss?

    You have all the answers,you tell us.

  5. Actually they need to learn from the past Eg that coups and judicial coups accomplish nothing in the end except creating more of a mess.

    Are you now green,if you mix yellow and red I think you get green.Green can also mean you are new and know nothing,which are you?

    Yellow and blue make green. Yellow and red make orange.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Sorry,it"s my age.Thanks for reminding me,but you get my gist anyway.

    • Like 1
  6. It takes dignity and integrity to resign at a time of crisis and criticism.

    Something that this regime is devoid of.

    But then again I doubt the S Korean government are anywhere near as corrupt as this government and money is a good motivator.

    Had he been in a position of having such a ****d up country where corruption and theft of public money goes totally unchecked and a government can easily keep all its support while doing so... Then maybe the S Korean government may also be tempted... but unfortunately for them they have a proper country with a proper system and are light years ahead of the Thai's who would not know what dignity and integrity was if is punched them in the mouth.

    And don"t forget they fought a war,with a little help from their friends.

  7. Black Rap artists can use the "N-word" in their lyrics but, white guys cannot...Hmmm! blink.pngrolleyes.gifwai2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

    A stand-up comedian from Liverpool, he's got a Scouse accent,right, he makes a joke about Scousers claiming dole money, working cash in hand, and using the money to watch Liverpool or Everton play football. That's okay. But the un-official rule on comedy is, if you're not from Liverpool, and you're a stand-up comedian, and you put on a Scouse accent, and do a joke that pokes fun at Scousers claiming dole, working cash in hand, etc, well, you're wrong.

    Surely, most of us accept the un-official rule on comedy ?? smile.png

    You wanna watch Harry Enfield doing his scousers sketch,plus his Mandela advert for a drink.Those will bring the ICC on your head if you laugh.

  8. Hanging out in a pub here with lots of different people - UK being chief among them - you would be surprised (or maybe not) at the stuff that comes out of their mouths. Many have something to say about pretty much every other nationality or race on this planet.

    Jeremy Clarkson is representative of this but is G-rated compared to some of the stuff I hear.

    It"s called free speech,not much practiced in the Land of S*****.

  9. I will be careful with this as I don't intend to go too far off topic or offend, my personal thoughts are just that at this point.

    The tail can and does wag the dog at times. This morning I read a report that Subway Sandwiches in Britain will remove non-halal meat etc from 180 plus outlets because of objections from local Moslem communities.

    Whatever happened to ' when in Rome ' ? I have been in Asia for 37 years and can't say i agree with all I see, hear and have to live with but there are ways of getting on with things.

    Read what is going on in UK schools because of Islam.

    • Like 2
  10. I had a Thai in a high end fitness center treat me like shit yesterday because I am a farang. In his eyes obviously all farangs are fat,beer drinking,tattooed pedofiles and therefore I,fit, no tattoos happily married to a wasp English teacher must be one too! It upset me so much it made me cry all the way home!!! I can't be bothered by all this political correctness and I am certainly not racist. One of my best friends is a Tunisian who affectionately calls me 'f.......g Britisher' all my French friends call me 'roastbeef' etc etc - seems to me a lot of people have lost their sense of humour!!!!

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I would agree with that you piece of plastic shit ( joke ).

  11. If you live here look at who sweeps the roads,collects the rubbish,not Thais.I worked as a teacher in 1 school for 5 years.The ancillary staff i.e. cooks cleaners etc. were treated like shit.They were afraid to talk to us,on occasions when I talked to the son of the school owner he would refer to them as sub human (does that ring a bell ).I found them really nice friendly people given the chance.If we go back to racism as in the Jeremy Clarkson post,it is miniscule compared to Thais attitude.Don"t forget what they think about us also.

  12. I feel terrible I met and had lunch with Gerry Adams about 15 years ago what a wonderful man a truth freedom fighter

    Obviously you were never in the forces,do you remember what they did to the 3 Scottish soldiers.Just to remind you they killed them,cut of their penis"s and put them in their mouths.Now that is what I would call wonderful people by your reckoning.By the way I am a catholic.

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  13. Judging from the earlier posts, I never realized how many bigots there were on TV. blink.png

    Regarding the OP, Yep, lots of smoke. It will be good to see if theres a fire there or not.

    The first post with the link to the clip (when its leaked) wins the prizew00t.gif

    Damn very disappoing if the report true sad.png

    What you have to remember is that all this generates money for the outlet,here included.The news medium loves controversy,it sparks debate and therefor increases readership,which in turn generates advertising revenue.So we are all being suckered into the quagmire

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  14. The paper thin skinned PC brigade have nothing better to do and the media are complicit in stirring up dissent about nothing, when no real news to report. A complete collection of nobody's. The Mirror being a prime example. Next on their list will be Pooh Bear.

    The whole concept is aimed at producing a sterile population with no sense of humour, perspective or balance. What a miserable place that will be to exist. I'm not PC, never have been and never will be. If others do not like it then it's their problem as nothing is said with malicious intent.

    Amen to that brother,why should we be afraid.

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