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Posts posted by cgphuket

  1. Those who demand "freedom" and a reduction in police activity are the first ones who shouts for the cops when someone else expresses their "freedom" against them. And my guess is the first time some idiot wacked out on yaba or ice runs into them on their motorcycle and injuries them, they won't congratulate the person on their freedom to get high, but demand a reason there wasn't drug testing...

  2. why is that that a guy wants to beat up or kill the guy involved with his wife or girlfriend ?

    he cant shag her unless she lets him and he cant know shes married unless she tells him. i have never understood why a guy wants to beat up the lover.

    it would be difficult for most men to walk away from a beautiful woman if she offers it on a plate.

    surely the women are at fault in these situations and not the guy.:blink:

    I was married to a Thai woman called (here) 'Ami'. She is a graduate civil engineer and has always professed to be a 'good buddhist'. She left me this year because she 'wanted to be independent' but I found out AFTER the divorce that actually she is a lying a cheating sod. She left me because she was screwing a Thai engineer (here we will call him 'NUT') and before she was seeing a man in London called (here) 'Kevin' whilst living with me in the UK. The whole marriage to me was a total scam designed by her to screw as much money (and handbags) out of me as possible. You can understand the rage that some people feel when you have been in the middle of this situation. I am still hurting and she has very much damaged my life because of her greed. What's more she knows she has done wrong, because she has 'run away' and refuses to tell me WHY she did these things. And that is what I have found out about Thai women. They don't care whom they hurt as long as they get what they want. "Ami" took me for millions. Sadly I totally believed in her and trusted her after 5 years or more of marriage. Do not marry Thai women. Do not trust them. Do not give them money.

    "And that is what I have found out about Thai women."

    Uhmm... no. Sorry for your situation. Very sad indeed. But what you have found out is about your choices and one Thai woman.

    After hearing variations of the same story over and over again for at least a decade and having witnessed more than my share of horror stories, there has to be some veracity to the claims. Where there is smoke, there is fire. To ignore such is foolhardy at best and just plain ignorant at worst. No one is claiming that ALL Thai women are cut from the same cloth, but I think the message is clear that many, many Thai ladies are mercenary at best when it comes to relations with the opposite sex. Or should I say when it comes to relations with farang men.

    Safe to say the percentage of Farang being "undesirable mates" is higher than Thai women being the same. I know many more men in happy relationships than those with the horror stories. Yes, there are bad people out there, but in my opinion, most farang men here get what they deserve. Same advice to foreign men as to Thai women; be a little selective when choosing a mate.

  3. By privileged guest do you mean those who paid 3000 Baht to pretend they were important? I'm sure your " contrast of the Japan Tour and her nearly unplugged show" kept Tata enthralled and barely able keep her pants on; or perhaps she thought 3000 Baht buys you 5 minutes of rapt attention before she could escape... and sticking to the truth? The paid in advanced ticket vouchers said show time 7:00pm. period.

  4. Planning on buying a cbr 250 next week, went to a dealer in Phuket town and was a little short of the total cash price, dealer was happy to finance with 65% down, 52% interest, and a Thai co-signer. Told him to toss himself. Greedy people are also stupid people who lose money...

  5. I didn't attend the concert but bought tickets for my gf and her sister. I am told Tata decided to wonder on-stage 2.5 hours after concert was supposed to start. I had a car/driver for them and had to pay extra for all the wait time. My gf said she couldn't enjoy the concert because she was too pissed off by the arrogance of making paying customers wait almost three hours to begin. Anyone see the concert?

  6. Thailand is not Asia Disney Worlds. Reality still applies. Not working for 4 years and ran out of money? Wow, who would have saw that coming? Sorry, just tired of people coming to live here and expecting the world to then kiss their ass and everything will be handed to them.

  7. Great, we'll therefore see yet another bunch of cheap "English teachers" with no real teaching accreditation and who will not care about teaching properly (just have fun, fun, fun). Yeay.

    Sorry but i do not agree that all non qualified teachers do not care, i am not qualified and would love to teach english to primary school kids, but how do i apply if i do not have formal qualifications?

    Don't take this the wrong way, but if you can't figure out how to apply for a job, you are likely not able to do said job...

  8. It's not often I'm surprised while reading the posts on TV as I know there are some total oddbods that have relocated to Thailand but are you seriously suggesting that every female Uni student with a tattoo has sold themself? If so that is a perfect example of the stereotypical attitude I mentioned earlier, there are far too many who think that EVERY Thai female is a hooker regardless of whether they have any body art! Or is it not just Thailand? Perhaps every English, French, American, Swedish, Brazilian girl with a tattoo is a whore as well? Getting a tattoo/body art is a personal choice done for a whole host of reasons from liking the design to just following fashion.

    Sure, some girls might get one because they think it is sexy but that doesn't automatically mean they are a bar-girl and shouldn't be labelled as one by narrow-minded folk like yourself who think that they are. If you are a frequent visitor to bars with bar-girls who all have tattoos and that's the only interaction you have with Thai females then I can almost understand your opinion. But if it is you should try and understand that there is a lot more to Thailand and Thai women than what you experience in the Phuket & Pattaya bars!

    I wish the next ice-age would happen soon so all the dinosaurs die out ;)

    I agree, so many so-called "experts" on Thailand that never get their butts off the bar stools on Bangla but want to educate everyone about Thailand. There is a reason why I don't frequent tourist or ex-pat hang outs...

  9. Funny, I have been here 2 years. Dated about 7 women, slept with 67 so far and never been asked for money (outside st fees). Is it that I am a miracle and the only one? More likely I told them what my fiances were from the go, no lies, no games, and didn't try to impress them. In my experience most people here get what they deserve. If you use money for attention, you become an ATM. If you treat girls with respect and demand the same, you become a person. I know there are sharks and gold diggers here but there are also girls as moral and honest as some farangs, (more honest than most actually). If "every girl I shag is a bullshitter and a con artist" look at the common denominator; you. YMMV

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