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Posts posted by newsweird

  1. Why are the lines long and stressful? How about passengers being prepared when they get in the line. I get so disgusted waiting in long lines behind the poster board tourist pinup, wheeling a months supply of garb as carry-on, that steps up to the window and does the, ... "huh passport, oh yeah where did I put it". After fumbling a few minutes they hand it over followed by "I need your exit card". More fumbling, but you know you have one because you just filled it out in line because you lost the original even though it was STAPLED in your passport. Now the officer has to remove your passport from the little case you bought to protect it, golly gee they don't need to scan it... do they? By the way where is your airline ticket? Crap more digging. Once you get through that, instead of moving out of the way, you stand there putting all your crap back together only to do the same thing at security.

    Passport out of the case, travel itinerary and exit card used as bookmark on your visa page. Process time less than 1 minute works equally as fast on arrival, be prepared. Because it annoys the hell out of those of us that are prepared.

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  2. Nobody mention the war ! huh.png

    Why? Thailand was an ally.

    Well technically, sort of. Thailand also maintained a secret resistance organisation against the Japanese throughout the war and of course finished the War as an ally of the USA.

    Listen very carefully I shall say this only once........ (Allo, Allo comedy)

    The French had a secret reseetance also, but they never delivered a declaration of war to their ambassadors in London and the US. It is only be the grace and brains of a few very smart Thai people in the US at the time that the paper was never delivered to the US government.

    So what this really means is Thailand blows which ever way is best for the day and most profitable at the moment ;)

  3. "The footage captured two of the attackers on a pink Yamaha Fino, but Pol Colonel Itthiphol Atchariyapradit called on the media to not publish the footage in hopes of preventing the attackers from altering the appearance of the motorbike. The colour and brand of the other motorbike is not yet known."

    Sure don't put it on TV in hopes they wont alter the bikes, just publish it in the paper. Do you think they may not realize they were the ones who killed a man at soi 51 after reading it? or did so many happen that they wont know it was them without the pictures?

  4. I think if Thailand wants to boost tourism it should start with a complete safety inspection of ALL public and hotel pools. Just a few years back I recall an incident in the south where an overhead electric line broke, falling into the pool and killing. The blind leading the blind approach in regard to safety here should not be tolerated anymore.

  5. Maybe they can employ the same concept that was used to hold back the raging flood waters in Bangkok to clear the air in Chiang Rai.

    Just have all the boats on the nearby river raise their props out of the water and race the engines. Think of all those fans blowing the smog away.

  6. I love the way all the experts come out to play when there is something to criticise..

    If you are not happy in Thailand with the way things are done then the right answer could be to go somewhere you would be or do something positive to help. But negative comments posted on an anonymous internet forum is not helping anyone or anything.

    So all you budding town-planners and fire fighters why not make constructive criticism in the right channels to the right people. Or go home.

    If you have lived here any length of time it is OBVIOUS,

    that in many things what we took for granted at home does not apply here.

    So should you just shut up and let the status quo continue?

    Even if it is DEADLY?

    No, so don't go home, say your piece and if someone doesn't like it That is THEIR problem.

    The best way for things never to change for the better,

    is to never acknowledge that there are ways you have seen that clearly work better.

    It isn't racist to say so, it is simply logical to say so.

    No doubt the Thai firefighters in Bangkok know their job...

    They have NO CHOICE, fires forgive no mistakes.

    But there are aspects of society that make that job harder.

    I agree, there are many things not to 'our' standard in the Land of Smiles, but posting negative views on the internet does nothing.

    Things do need to change, and maybe they will, but a comment on here won't help.. That was my point..

    Oh, and I moved from Malaysia to Thailand in the 90's so I have had my moments of frustration..

    Well done to the fire crews with their limited equipment and training..

    But you will need a work permit if you wish to give advice.jap.gif

    • Like 1
  7. The main point that seems missing here is that it is not about the "freedom of expression". Everyone should have the right to view and express their own opinions about everything including tragedy. The fault lies in a society that feels it is alright to do on one hand as long as it is not about "us".

    My question to locals would be -"How would you feel if a shop opened next door to Hitler chic store that sold T-shirts and artwork idolizing the Victorious Burmese?" This is a subject dear to most hearts here. The world respects the tragedy and hardships felt during that time and would never consider flaunting it on a T-shirts with Burmese riding Khan Kluay or incorporating the war with MK.

  8. You sir, fit right in with the ignorant Thais. You are comparing the nazi politics with rock music. That just shows the level of your education and knowledge. Zilch. You do not even have more sense than parading your ignorance openly.

    As for Guevara, whatever he was, he was not responsible for the killing of millions. Your ignorance shows again.

    The Japanese committed many atrocities in Asia but their symbol does not offend. Nor Soviet symbols though millions died in Gulags including plenty of Jews and Gays...Why is Nazi symbolism so offensive after all these years. Ghengiz Khan is as bad as Hitler.. Best accept it as Provocative art of the youth generations and see the humour in it.

    There are plenty on here who are accusing the Thais of ignorance, having basic lack of knowledge and education, but by reading many of the posts, it appears the ignorance and lack of education goes a lot further than just Thailand.

    The answer is: that there is no excuses or justifications for this sort of crap, under any circumstances. The Holocaust that keeping in mind 5 million non-Jews were also murdered is only a part of the events of the Second War World. But for those of you that can view any of this as humorous, or as an art form, can find justifications for the slaughter of millions of men, women and children in what became known as the Holocaust, must be mentally disturbed or just plain psycho and should seek treatment.

    I strongly suggest that some of you do your research before you begin making comments on a subject you seem to know nothing about, have any understanding of and what was actually involved during that shitty war.

    And you feel the same way about the slaughter of innocents by Genghis Khan, the Crusaders and their opponents the Saracens? Vile actions by humans against those that they deem lesser than themselves is nothing new as events in former Jugoslavia have shown us more recently.

    Historically genocide is nothing new. Why are the West Indies populated only by European/Africans? What happened to the indigenous peoples who were there in Columbus's tme? Why are there so few indigenous people in Australia compared to the 400 language groups that were there at the time of colonisation? What was the purpose behind the US "Indian Wars" if not to remove indigenous people from land coveted by invaders?

    It is human nature to cope with tragedy by adopting humour to protect the self against tragedy - how many tragic events have been almost immediately greeted by "sick" humour eg NASA = "need another seven astonauts" following a disaster.

    If the events that occurred such a long time ago become part of a new humorous chic, that is nothing new; I suggest that you look at how the war against Germany has been treated in both US and UK tv programmes. Then ask yourself why it is so important to you that such a disgusting event took place should matter so much more than what took place in the Balkans when you were alive

    Ignorance begets Ignorance in many things and while one does not necessarily agree with certain views society as a whole must pass on and educate the young and future generations of mistakes that were made and try to prevent them in the future generations to come. Why are we referred to as "Indigenous" people? Has anyone thought to ask what we prefer? We are PEOPLE.

  9. Staff at the hospital did not know what caused the fall.

    The usual practice here seems to be to suggest that Thais were responsible (yawn!) 'I bet it was the Thai mafia, or his girlfriend that threw him off'

    As he was staying with his family, I guess they get a reprieve this time. Thank goodness.

    give it time, sooner or later, someone will make a post blaming both incidents on the Thai's.

    Wonder who the family members were/are? I certainly would not think a Thai wife, brother, cousins etc... no way. Funny how the story of the fall is hidden within a road accident, no certainly nothing to cover up there.

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