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Posts posted by newsweird

  1. <deleted>! This story really steams me! I have a mind to fly down there and do a walk about. At 180 lb.'s and an accomplished brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu I would love to tie these waste of a human life into ladyboy knots.

    I hope the police get to them soon!

    When you imagine these things, do you play the part, or does an actor?

    Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world.

  2. TIT for TAT nothing more. Thai women who seek visas to the west have tried numerous ways of obtaining them from marriages to children to no avail. This is the Thai way of "we'll show you". There are many alternatives to getting a visa for Thailand, don't sweat it.

    By the way, did the woman who threatened suicide, at the British embassy, for Valentines day, over not getting her visa, go through with it? Or did she lose face in front of the whole world? I didn't see her there and even camped out for the show :( Good thing it was a free event.

  3. Yes, but some rats are preferable to other rats

    The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you`re still a rat.


    Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.

    To many, democracy means the majority can do what ever they want to the minority, zero minority rights.

    Politics is the second oldest profession on earth and it has a striking resemblance to the first.

    In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant

    • Like 2
  4. This must be why the PM was visiting that hotel. She was being kept in the dark.

    In the dark? Why is she in the dark?

    Did someone turn off the lights?

    Or draw the curtain/blind close?

    Or put the blanket over her head?

    If she was anymore in the dark she'd be a mushroom.

    +2 on that one clap2.gif

    Standard Political Playbook - My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right.

    • Like 1
  5. I think you have your in-stinks confused.

    If someone were "under surveillance" would it not be logical to already know who it was that you had under surveillance? Seriously? "it was reported that the Thais were checking with the Iran embassy" Seriously? was this before or after they were under surveillance? Perhaps their heads were too deep in the sand.

    I believe there is a good chance they knew the names they were traveling under while (if) they were keeping an eye on them. And no, it would be completely illogical to have them check with the Iran embassy before concerning their identity if there was suspicions the Iran government could be involved.

    Please enlighten us. Was this before or after he received Thai residence status? I am quiet certain many would like to know how someone of "Unknown" origin could hold such a status.

    An Iranian man arrested in connection with Tuesday's blasts in Bangkok has been stripped of Thai residence status, Immigration Police chief Pol Lt-General Wibool Bangthamai said yesterday.

    Your own link states:

    Israel's ambassador to Thailand, Yitzhak Shoham, said Morabi was connected to a terror network behind recent bombing incidents in India and Georgia

    Do you suspect Israel has now been able to link him to a specific terror network or did they have his name on file before? If they did have his name on file then it would seem they would have been aware he was traveling under his own name, had entered Thailand and had applied for residency in Thailand. And given the recent intelligence reports over the last months of terror suspects operating in Bangkok, it would seem logical they would be keeping an eye on any persons with even suspected ties to a terrorist network.

    And as for your question. It was reported in the news that they were checking with the Iran embassy regarding their identities after the bombing. As we all know (except maybe you) that applying for various visa statuses doesn't require that immigration check with your embassy to make sure your documents are real and that you are who you say you are.

    And to enlighten you further ... stating you have a suspicion of something is not the same as knowing something or being sure of something and certainly not being able to prove something. So, it is kind of idiotic to ask somebody to prove their suspicions. But you appear to be doing a good job of making me even more suspicious about the possibility they were keeping an eye on these folks before the bombing.

    And by the way ... I also suspect he was not have been a permanent resident. You might want to look up all that is involved in becoming one. The first is that you live here under a continuous non-immigrant Visa with with unbroken yearly extensions for 3-years before you can even apply for this highly limited available status.

    I suspect nothing nor made any such claims. I remain neutral calling it as it is seen to the world. How long does it take to "apply for residency"? Most are told you must reside in Thailand 3 consecutive years and hold 3 consecutive 1 year visas before one can apply. How is it this person did? Friends in power? Paid the right passage? Friend of a friend? And as apparently you have forgotten, harboring "assassins", knowingly allowing them refuge and looking the other way while "exporting" harmful wares is against the grain.

    Once again if he was under surveillance why would you not already know you were watching? Is that normal investigative procedure? Blind eye perhaps? No one asked you to prove your suspicions.

    The only eye Thais had on these guys were watching the foreigners wallets and the fact he left a good tip. Other than that, there is no indication of anything else they watching. "Just look busy after it happened" normal procedure and cover it up as quickly as possible, keep the cartoons on TV, nothing to see here, just a little argument between buddies. Is that about right?

    Yes I think your immigration police chief and the rest of the world will like that answered as well, How did he get residence status? coffee1.gif

  6. Someone raised a good point above to counter all the wingnut conspiracy theorists posting here...

    The third bomber just arrested in Malaysia was caught just before his planned airplane flight back to Tehran...

    If that guy really was some kind of plant or "false flag" actor, is Tehran really the place he'd be fleeing back to???

    BTW, I've been meaning to add... saw the funniest thing I've read here on ThaiVisa in ages the other day...

    In the wake of the blasts, some Thai official was quoted as saying Thailand planned to ask Iran for info on the bombers and whether they were on Iran's terrorist watch list!!!

    I have a strong suspicion authorities were aware of these 3 before the bombs went off and had them under some kind of surveillance.

    And if you are talking about what I think you are ... it was reported that the Thais were checking with the Iran embassy to verify that these folks were actually Iranian citizens and whose name appeared on the passports.

    I think you have your in-stinks confused.

    If someone were "under surveillance" would it not be logical to already know who it was that you had under surveillance? Seriously? "it was reported that the Thais were checking with the Iran embassy" Seriously? was this before or after they were under surveillance? Perhaps their heads were too deep in the sand.

    I believe there is a good chance they knew the names they were traveling under while (if) they were keeping an eye on them. And no, it would be completely illogical to have them check with the Iran embassy before concerning their identity if there was suspicions the Iran government could be involved.

    Please enlighten us. Was this before or after he received Thai residence status? I am quiet certain many would like to know how someone of "Unknown" origin could hold such a status.

    An Iranian man arrested in connection with Tuesday's blasts in Bangkok has been stripped of Thai residence status, Immigration Police chief Pol Lt-General Wibool Bangthamai said yesterday.

  7. Someone raised a good point above to counter all the wingnut conspiracy theorists posting here...

    The third bomber just arrested in Malaysia was caught just before his planned airplane flight back to Tehran...

    If that guy really was some kind of plant or "false flag" actor, is Tehran really the place he'd be fleeing back to???

    BTW, I've been meaning to add... saw the funniest thing I've read here on ThaiVisa in ages the other day...

    In the wake of the blasts, some Thai official was quoted as saying Thailand planned to ask Iran for info on the bombers and whether they were on Iran's terrorist watch list!!!

    I have a strong suspicion authorities were aware of these 3 before the bombs went off and had them under some kind of surveillance.

    And if you are talking about what I think you are ... it was reported that the Thais were checking with the Iran embassy to verify that these folks were actually Iranian citizens and whose name appeared on the passports.

    I think you have your in-stinks confused.

    If someone were "under surveillance" would it not be logical to already know who it was that you had under surveillance? Seriously? "it was reported that the Thais were checking with the Iran embassy" Seriously? was this before or after they were under surveillance? Perhaps their heads were too deep in the sand.

  8. Yes 100% agreed, in fact to be even more precise let's call it what it truly was "3 Asian terrorist's bungled Bangkok tour"

    Funny, that's what happens when people are desperate to make a move before clear concise facts are established. When journo's do it we get funny headlines. When Governments and their influenced populations do it we get world war 3.

    Or coins with 2 faces such as the case here. Do you see the sun often?

    Sorry, did I say something against you???? I was talking about the headlines and nothing to do with your bungled tour joke! Was the personal attack necessary?

    Interesting. Which of those two sentences did you feel as a personal attack? I do have a funny way of striking nerves when I least expect it.

  9. 3 Foreigners Injured In Bangkok Bomb Explosion

    What kind of headline is that?! I mean, who the hell made up this headline? He or she must have no clue as to who the three foreigners were. Maybe we should point the finger at reporters for deterring tourists rather than the bombers themselves!

    At least something like "3 Foreign Bombers Injured in Bangkok." should sound better justified.

    Yes 100% agreed, in fact to be even more precise let's call it what it truly was "3 Asian terrorist's bungled Bangkok tour"

    Funny, that's what happens when people are desperate to make a move before clear concise facts are established. When journo's do it we get funny headlines. When Governments and their influenced populations do it we get world war 3.

    Or coins with 2 faces such as the case here. Do you see the sun often?

  10. 3 Foreigners Injured In Bangkok Bomb Explosion

    What kind of headline is that?! I mean, who the hell made up this headline? He or she must have no clue as to who the three foreigners were. Maybe we should point the finger at reporters for deterring tourists rather than the bombers themselves!

    At least something like "3 Foreign Bombers Injured in Bangkok." should sound better justified.

    Yes 100% agreed, in fact to be even more precise let's call it what it truly was "3 Asian terrorist's bungled Bangkok tour"

  11. A consequence of this event may well be the tougher restrictions for Iranian passport holders on getting visas to Thailand,

    It should be but it wouldn't surprise me if the heat goes to Americans instead. The nerve of them posting a terrorism warning!

    Gee, I think perhaps would be a good idea to check your exports first and see where the majority go. More food for thought, would be to check where many sources of funding comes from, before making such an ignorant assertion.

  12. Warning graphic photo (via @motorcyrubjang) - a foreigner loses legs in a bomb explosion on soi Sukhunmvit 71 http://t.co/E5QgQ7oS

    Did you see the headline about the recent bombing in Bangkok in MSNBC “Bangkok cop: Iranian's bomb explodes near embassies

    This is amazing that the bombing was not intended toward US and way near the US Embassy and the motive was not to bomb the US Embassy

    It is inserting the way they try to manipulate the US public

    Missing some words or inserting your own? I do not see US mentioned in that headline

    Cop: Iranian wounded by own bomb near Bangkok's embassy district

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