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Posts posted by henry2109

  1. 2 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    I think you need to get a psychiatrist involved somehow, they will know the procedure to have someone committed and be able to advise you on how to proceed.


    I will refer you to this reply to a post from a couple of years back :




    2 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    I think you need to get a psychiatrist involved somehow, they will know the procedure to have someone committed and be able to advise you on how to proceed.


    I will refer you to this reply to a post from a couple of years back :



    Very good note. Does anybody by chance know a psychiatrist in Pattaya with good knowledge of english?

  2. 19 minutes ago, Hugh Jarse said:

    Report it to the Headman/woman of the district who will know how best to deal with this very serious problem . Social services will need to be called upon to prevent further threats to human life and threats to the woman who is ,it seems, is likely to be attacked herself by other disgruntled neighbors. Good luck ; a most ghastly situation for anyone to have to try and deal with.

    Thanks, good post. Will do.

  3. We have got a serious problem with a violent woman in our village - gated village with security, 48 houses. It started some years ago with the woman walking her 3 dogs in the park (our common aera) getting nasty and rude. She sometimes insulted other residents, often in a very vulgar way.


    She is about 60 years old, lives alone (her boyfriend left 3 years ago), has no relatives that she has contact with and no friends. I think she has serious mental issues and/or is bipolar.


    Last year,  it went on from verbal attacks to physical attacks. The last 5 weeks we had 4 incidents:

    1) She attacked the security guard with a chair. The cause was that a delivery from Kerry was not accepted by the guard. This was the guards mistake, but shurely no reason for a physical attack.

    2) Because she felt the neighbour resident is too loud (which was not the case, she is just jellous that he had guests, while she does not), she started throwing about 10 stones (up to fist size) and dog shit over the fence wall to the neighbours house. The neighbour has small kids, which she scared succesfully.

    3) Since she stopped paying maintenance and water fee, the committee decided to cut her water supply off by taking away the water meter. So 6 people from the village went to her house to take off the meter. She has been warned about this 2 times. She went outside and attacked the people. First she grabed another woman from behind, on her hair, and smashed her around, to the ground. Then she went inside, and came back with a big scissor, and went after everbody, so all the people scattered apart and run home. The lady that was smashed to the ground had to go to the hospital. Bill so far over 3'000 Baht.

    4) While a resident was driving his bycicle around the village street, she came out with her motorbike, stopped, took a knife out of the motorbike, and attacked him. We shouted to her, stepped back, run to the entrance gate, and was attacked by the crazy woman a second time. The resident could protect himself by holding the bycicle in front of his body, and some help from the security guard. No physical harm done.


    Between and after these incidents, she threatened about 5 residents with dead, and now always has a bag with a knife in it, when walking her dogs.


    The residents think that she belongs to a closed facility, she is homicidal, and not able to take care of her own affairs in a proper way.


    The police has been called after the incidents 2, 3 and 4, but is not only not interested at all, but does not give a shit. "We can do nothing" or "it is a village matter". They do not even want to look on the videos, where the attacks happen. They wait until someone gets killed or seriously hurt.


    The residents have been to the local police station, afterwards to the communal police station. The big boss there also told us that he cannot do something else that fine the woman with 5'000 Baht for the incident 3.


    After incident 2, we payed a police offer 1'000 Baht to speak with the crazy woman. She confessed to the incident, and told him to stop throwing stones. That was it. Nothing else happend. Speaking with her does not help or change anything.


    Since we are scared for our families, we want to have some action done. This problem is not going away, it is rather getting worse.


    We tried to escalate it with the police via a self-proclaimed influencal thai. So finally today 2 police officers from the provincial police came to ours village office, with the same result. Not interested at all, not even trying to get the facts, nothing done. Later, a journalist was called in to bring the story on local tv. Again 5000 Baht paid. Result? Will the police get pressure and act? Not likely.


    Accepting that this country has a dysfunctional juristique system, and the police is totaly useless, the question remains: What can be done to stop her? 

    • Like 1
  4. I went to Ford today because of their promotion on tyres. It is buy 3 get 1 free. The list shows 3 different brands. A list  says "4320 Baht" for the chosen goodyear tyre. So one would expect to pay 13000 Baht (3 x 4320) plus VAT for a new tyre set, right? No. You have to pay almost 20000 Baht, which includes the installation cost, the VAT, and 4 x 4320, because the promoted price is the average price for 4 tyres, and not the price you can buy 3 tyres for and get 1 free.


    I am so tired about them.

  5. 4 - 5 days for Pune? No, there is really not much to see. Give it 1 day. If you are interested in a special experiance, visit Osho Ashram for a few days. Otherwiese, I suggest you fly over Mumbai and spend 3 days there.

  6. 26 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    corruption is worldwide ... just more exposed in some countries more than others.

    I don't mind corruption .....  it can be effective if used for good.

    It is effective only for the 2 parties involved. For all others it brings advantages and harm. Only the corrupting and corrupted persons, the totaly uneducated and idiots do not mind corruption.

  7. Took a flight from Helsinki to Bangkok yesterday and liked the extensive movie selection. Under the SERIES I found the interesting documentary called "Serial swindlers. Brian Goudie" informing the potential victims going to Pattaya or Bangkok about the infamous "lawyer". Well done, Finnair.

    I am waiting for my next flight with Finnair, when the new A 350 will be in charge.

  8. I have not played it recently but apart from its closeness to Pattaya I do not see any reason to play it. Unless you can get a special rate the current PSC green fee rate is 1400 baht and there are many better offers out there. For example GF+Caddy+cart 1150 at Greenwood and 1050 at Treasure Hill, Sport day GF at Pattana 900 and 800 at Bangpra.

    Greens (and the course generally)at the first 3 in good condition - play Bangpra tomorrow but not expecting any different smile.png

    Only issue is distance especially to the first two and state of the 331 as they are resurfacing large tracts of it.

    green fee voucher at PSC for 900 Baht

  9. Be careful who you trust. There have been scams over the years especially if you pay cash.

    Suggest this place near Jomtien immigration. German run. Efficient and trustworthy:


    Yes I know OP asked for Central Pattaya, so no need to remind me. But others might read this thread who care more about reliability than location.

    + 1 (swiss run)

  10. I played a round of golf on Parichat Golf Links, on Highway 331, 2 km north of Pattaya Counrtry Club. I enjoyed the round even though the course is not quite finish. They are still building the clubhouse (there is a provisional one to use now), a further 9 holes (to come to 27 holes) and some surounding areas.

    I checked the memberships they sell, and find it generally interesting. There are membership periods between 1 year (50'000 Baht) and 15 years (150'000 Baht). Members have to pay the caddy fee, 400 Baht, and a reduced green fee, 300 Baht. The carts for members are 500 Baht.

    After reading what happend to the members of Phoenix Golf Club and also to golf club members in Bangkok, it seems clear to me that a new member wants to be sure to have its stated rights during the whole membership period. This seems however not the case. One of the rules says: "The club reserves the right to change and cancel terms and condions without prior notice." So with this they can double the fees any time.

    I tried to explain my problem with that to the salesladies, but just heard from them it would be a standard rule in every thai golf course. How can anyone buy a membership under these conditions?

  11. they paid 1.220 Millions for 34 rai of land, so that makes 36 Mio. for 1 rai. And this for land which is 200 meters away from the beach and quiet about 10 kilometers away from central Pattaya. I am always amazed by the high land prices in Thailand.

  12. "Looks like some developers are feeling the heat from Russian buyers who no longer are able to do their payments.

    A friend of mine yesterday bought a 34 sqm condo in Siam Oriental Garden Pratamnak

    Developers price of 2,4 mio went down to 1.25 mio and foreign name..

    Not an impressive condo although brand new and construction almost finished."

    I think 37000 Baht per m2 is a good price, and if you like the condo and live in it, it's ok. However, first you have to wait and see how and when it is finished, there are so many things here that go the wrong way, so that could you not only cost you time (and interest), but also additional money. That is why you cannot compare and condo under construction with a finished unit.Further, I wonder how much the transfer cost were (did you pay all or half), and if you paid or have to pay a sinking fund.

    The prices for condos in the Pattaya area will come down during the next 3 years, maybe much longer. It is simply a question how much. The oversupply in the market is massive, especially for small units on second and third grade locations. There are still so many units under development or construction. However, over a period of 10 or 20 years, the price for such a condo may go up, but I would not consider the purchase of it as a prime investment.

  13. Today I played a round on the Plutalung Navy Golf Course, near Sattahip, which took me almost 5 hours. Some flights in front of us was a flight with 6 persons. So we waited on every single whole. Nothing we could do about it. The caddies did not unterstand the words "marshal" or "manager". My caddy was a young navy boy and did not unterstand anything about golf. Did not see and find any ball, could not speak a word of english, and on the green he once even gave me the driver, was more than useless. One caddy told us that were many people every day, and also many koreans. This course is better to avoid in high season.

  14. If you like to experience a constant hard-selling from one of the dozends of sales-persons, then it is the right place for you. Concerning the jewellery/products; you will not be scamed, the gems are real, and the products are what they are sold for. However, the prices are ways too high, so not recommendable for a value purchase.

  15. Pu Pen Restaurant is outstanding- Jomtien Beach Rd., near the Na Jomtien elbow.


    For me, Pupen is to avoid. Last time I eat there, the food was not good. One day later, I got serious problems with my stomach. - the squid they served was not fresh.

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