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Posts posted by bankei

  1. I listened to a news report which suggest the elephant sanctuary was making 40million baht profit per year. they charge something like 2000b entry for foreigners and had plenty of people there throwing water over the elephants - which might have been an additional fee.

    The sanctuary also receives large amounts of donations to 'help' the elephants.

    It cost about 14mil baht to set up.


    It was all in Thai so not sure if this is correct to not.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Here is an update. A few days after I last posted above I did a another test and it came back negative so I jumped on a plane and flew into thailand. Did one day quarantine and tested negative and have been released into society without any issues.


    So basically I tested positive about a week after being told I no longer had to isolate and that I was no longer infectious and then managed to test negative about 10 days later. All up probably 3 weeks after first being diagnosed with covid I was testing negative.


    Thanks for all the replies.

    • Like 1
  3. On 12/30/2019 at 2:42 PM, rockyysdt said:

    After you get over the initial hump (initial costs) what are the ongoing costs assuming you remain ordained for the long haul (aiming for awakening)?


    nil - you will actually make money with the standard way of doing things.

  4. I am an Australian citizen wanting to go to Thailand long term. I think I will be able to get into thailand if I can exit Australia, but getting out will be a problem as they require some sort of evidence that you will not likely to be returning for at least 3 months. Now the tourist visa is 60 days this won't qualify - from what I have been told.


    Has anyone left australia recently?



    • Sad 2

  5. This happened to quite a few Tibetan masters who were jailed when the Chinese invaded and foresaw only jail and torture with no chance to teach again in that lifetime..

    My teacher L.P.Jaran who is an Arahant has always stated the practice of Vipassana CAN enable one to see one's time of death, see the cause of one's karma, as well as giving the wisdom to help with many of life's problems.

    I seriously doubt that L P Jaran is an arahat.


  6. As a former Buddhist and a former monk in Thailand I agree. There are widespread abuses and corruption in temples, including the so called forest temples. In my local wat for instance they recently purchased a brand new 4WD car for the abbot to drive around in. Of course the abbot needed it to get around to meetings etc and of course he couldn't drive himself so he needs a driver which is another expense. The car cost 1,500,000B. Just across the road there are poor people who live in shacks and doing it tough.

    It is also extremely common for monies to be skimmed off donations by the lay management committee people and probably monks.

    I therefore urge people not to give to monks or temples at all. Monks don't need money anyway.


  7. As an exmonk i give the following advice

    - wear whatever you want

    - give whatever you want. It is common to give money in an envelop. about 100B to 500B. One Thai person gave me 1000B at my ordination.

    Monks are not supposed to handle gold and silver, but 99% of thai monks do. It is a minor rule.

    I agree, avoid the yellow buckets. Temples have storerooms full of these things as with toothpast, soap etc. Some even sell them back to the shops.


    • Like 2
  8. 7. Zen rejects conventional Buddhism

    Despite Zen’s own claim that it “does not rely on words and letters” (buli wenzi), most Zen monks have engaged in extensive study of Buddhist scriptures and primers of Zen before beginning their training in the meditation hall.

    Another good one!

    Zen has more literature than all the other schools combined!!!

    Zen monks also have cheat books for koans!


  9. 6. The Buddha was human and Buddhism has no place for the worship of gods

    "Buddhism is famous in the West as an “atheistic religion,” in the sense that, unlike the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, it does not recognize a single creator deity. However, one should not assume from this that Buddhism has no gods. It has not one, but many."

    Try telling that to the millions of Buddhists to who the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas are gods with the power to grant wishes.Thais actually prey to the Buddha to get rich, pass exams and wins wars!


  10. 5. Buddhism is a philosophy and not a religion

    Separating philosophy from religion does not work well in the case of Buddhism. Trying to tease apart these two strands of the dispensation would have seemed a futile endeavor to most Buddhists over the long history of the tradition. We in the West need to get over this false dichotomy, which has no significance in speaking about Buddhism or other Asian religions.

    If this were the case there would be no temples, no priests or monks, no statues..


  11. These Spirit-trees pre-date Buddhism, officially this kind of worship is frowned upon by the Monks but in reality it is an intrinsic part of Thai culture. Avoid doing anything that like what you described.

    Yes it pre-dates Buddhism, but it is not frowned upon by monks - actually some may be opposed to it, but not the majority.

  12. Tree cults have been a part of Buddhism since Shakyamuni sat under the fig tree for 9 nights before his enlightenment. The tree was a Fig tree - Ficus Religiousa. Since then the tree has been propagated and grown all over the Buddhist World. The tree at Bodhgaya is supposed to be a direct decendent of this tree or a tree planted by Asoka in 300BC. There are lots of references to trees in the Pali Suttas too 0 flowerig out of season and there was something that happened when the Buddha died too - can't remember what now.

    However in the Thai situation it is the local spirits that are probably at work. Spirits inhabit the land and love to live in trees. This is why Thai houses have little spirit shrines as the building of a house destroys the homes of spirits

  13. Some amazinly stupid replies above, I wonder if some of the posters have even been to Thailand.

    Thai families can spend 100,000s of baht without a farang being involved. It can be done for very little, or even free but this is not common as it is an important event which serves social functions for the family and community - maybe similar to weddings in the west.

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